Tag Archives: Term 4

Final Day 2017 – So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye


  • Bid a fond farewell for now.
  • Tell Mister M how he did, and help him improve future classes.
  • Look forward to the future.

Student-Friendly Objectives:

  • I can say “Happy Trails” until we meet again.
  • I can remember what Mister M taught me, and use it to troubleshoot, fix and protect computer systems and networks.


Google Classroom

Topics Discussed:

  • Networking and Operating Systems
  • Summer Vacation


Hello, and congratulations! You successfully made it to the end of Networking and Operating Systems 1-2H! I hope this was a fun and productive class for you, and that you learned a few things that will help you in your future endeavors.

If you could take a moment to let me know how I did, and how I can improve for future classes, I have attached a brief questionnaire on the Google Classroom page. It’s not for a grade, but your feedback will help me out a lot, and I’d appreciate it if you took a moment to fill it out with your honest opinions.

Now that we’re done, above all else:

  1. Use your powers for good, not evil. Remember the lessons of Spider-Man: “With great power, comes great responsibility.” You now have skills and abilities far beyond those of your average computer user. Use them to protect and defend, never attack.
  2. Keep using your skills! Take more computer classes and keep learning as much as you can about PC, Mac and networking technology. The more you use your knowledge, the less likely it will slip from your memory. The more you know, the more effective and valuable you are, and as more devices connect to the global network, Technical Support and Network Security especially will remain rapidly growing and highly lucrative fields for decades to come.
  3. Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life. If you love working with computers and technology, then pursue it. If computers are just your hobby, don’t make it a job – it’ll just suck the joy out of your hobby. If you truly love working with computer hardware and software and networking technology, and you love solving problems with technology, then by all means pursue a career in the Computer Science field. As long as you love what you’re doing, every day you’ll look forward to going to work and the financial rewards will follow.

It has been my great pleasure to accompany you on your journey into Networking and Operating Systems this year. I hope that you enjoyed this class, and continue to use your newfound powers to solve the problems that are related to and created by technology, and to protect your own and others’ computer systems from the constantly emerging and evolving range of threats – both online and offline.

Posted: May 24th, 2017



Students will demonstrate their understanding of hardware, software and networking principles through a comprehensive summative quiz.

Student Friendly Objective:

I can demonstrate what I know about computer hardware, software and networking principles by completing the final exam.


Topics Discussed:

  • Information Technology
  • The Internet & The World Wide Web
  • Software
  • Hardware – The CPU & Storage
  • Hardware – Input & Output
  • Communications, Networks & Cyberthreats

  1. Click the https://connect.mheducation.com link, log in and look for the “KANKETSUHEN!!! FINAL BOSS BATTLE EXAM 2017!” test.
  2. The exam consists of 100 multiple choice questions.
  3. Before starting the quiz, please put away all notes, study guides and other materials.
  4. Please close all other documents and webpages and do not open any new tabs or windows until after you have submitted the exam.
  5. Please remain silent until everyone has completed the exam.
  6. You have fifty-five (55) minutes to complete the test. Be sure to submit your test answers before the end of the class period today, and be forewarned that the test will auto-submit itself at 12:00 noon, so work quickly!
  7. Congratulations on completing Networking and Operating Systems 1-2H! Thanks for all your hard work this semester.
    • Graduating seniors: Congratulations, and good luck in your future pursuits! I hope the skills and knowledge you have acquired in this class serve you well.
    • Returning Students: See you next year! I know with a certainty the skills and knowledge you have acquired in this class will help you with your continued Computer Science studies.
Assigned: May 19th, 2017
Due Date: May 19th, 2017

Spring 2017 – Final Project – Presentation


  • I can organize my collected project data and artifacts, and present my findings before the class.

Required Files:



  • Use this week to organize your collected project data (both quantitative and qualitative) and artifacts (pictures, videos, working models) and produce a five minute presentation to be delivered on Thursday or Friday of this week.
  • Use the provided PowerPoint Template with the requirements and basic format  to build your slideshow presentation.
  • Your presentation should include the following information:
    • Your driving question
    • A description of the experimental procedure that you followed to answer your driving question.
    • A graphical representation of the data that you collected in your experiments.
    • A description of your findings and results, and how they helped (or failed) to answer your driving question.
    • A demonstration of the results of your experimentation, in the form of one of the three pre-determined products:
      • Option 1 – 100 points: A demonstration of the working model of your project, along with a written description of the steps you followed to complete the model, your experimentation procedure and the results of your experiment that lead to the answer to your guiding question you reached.
        • A video of the working model of your project in action will be acceptable for this option.
      • Option 2 – 85 points: A PowerPoint presentation that discusses all the elements of your experiment and details the steps you followed to complete the project, your experimentation procedure, and the results of your experiment that lead to the answer you reached.
      • Option 3 – 70 points: A poster that discusses all of the elements of your experiment, and details the steps you followed to complete the project, your experimentation procedure and the results of your experiment that lead to the answer you determined for your guiding question.
  • Remember that these products need to include both the written and visual elements to receive full credit.
  • This presentation represents a major portion of the overall project grade, and cannot be made up next week due to review and preparation for final exams. Please use your time wisely and plan to deliver your presentation on either Thursday or Friday of this week.

Spring 2017 – Final Project – Checkpoint 6 – Conclusion


  • I can finish my experimental model, conduct my final experimental procedures and complete my project by the specified deadline.

Required Files:



  • Use this week to finish work on your projects. Remember your guiding question and use the Scientific Method to guide your experimental procedure. Form your hypothesis, test with an experiment, analyze your data and draw conclusions to help answer your guiding question.
  • This is the final week when you will have time to work on your project, so use the remaining time wisely to conclude your experimentation before Friday’s final deadline.
  • The final checkpoint, Checkpoint 6,  will occur on Friday, April 28th. At that time, each team will be expected to submit a final written log of their week’s activities as  evidence of progress to receive credit for Checkpoint 6.
  • Next week each team will be required to present the results of their project. Presentations will take place on Thursday and Friday of next week, so use the time to begin developing your presentation. Use the provided PowerPoint Template with the requirements and basic format  to build your slideshow presentation.

Spring 2017 – Final Project – Checkpoint 5 – Final Testing Phase


  • I can continue building my experimental model and proceed with my experimental procedures to complete my project by the specified deadline.



  • Continue working on your experiments. Focus on your guiding question and use the Scientific Method to guide your experimental procedure. Form your hypothesis, test with an experiment, analyze your data and draw conclusions to help answer your guiding question.
  • Based on last week’s build experience, continue to assess how much time you need to complete your project, and determine whether or not this project can be accomplished within the remaining four weeks (again taking into account this week’s odd Tuesday schedule). Adjust your Team Work Plan  and project scope accordingly.
  • Plan on completing your experimental procedures this week so you can use next week to gather and analyze data to draw your conclusions in preparation for the final presentation of results on May 4th and 5th.
  • Checkpoint 5 will occur on Friday, April 21st. At that time, each team will once again be expected to submit a written log to the current Google Classroom assignment post detailing their weekly activities as evidence of progress to receive credit for Checkpoint 5.

Spring 2017 – Final Project – Checkpoint 4 – Build & Testing Phase


  • I can continue building my experimental model and initiate my experimental procedures to complete my project by the specified deadline.



  • Continue working to build your finished product.
  • Begin procedures to conduct your experiment. Remember your guiding question and use the Scientific Method to guide your experimental procedure. Form your hypothesis, test with an experiment, analyze your data and draw conclusions to help answer your guiding question.
  • As you progress, open a Google Doc and keep a written log of your project progress. You will turn this log in at the end of the week as evidence of the progress you have made throughout the week.
  • Based on last week’s build experience, continue to assess how much time you need to complete your project, and determine whether or not this project can be accomplished within the remaining three weeks. Adjust your Team Work Plan  and project scope accordingly.
  • Checkpoint 4 will occur on Friday, April 14th. At that time, I will speak to each team, looking for evidence that sufficient progress is being made towards completion of the project within the time frame specified in the Team Project Work Plan. All teams will once again be expected to provide evidence of progress in the form of a written activity log submitted to this week’s Google Classroom Assignment Post in the form of a Google Doc to receive credit for Checkpoint 4.

Spring 2017 – Final Project Checkpoint 3 – Build Phase


  • I can collect materials and begin building my experimental model to complete my project by the specified deadline.


  • Begin working to build your finished product.
  • Collect and begin to assemble your materials into a working product.
  • If your project does not have a physical component, begin procedures to conduct your experiment.
  • Based on this week’s build experience, continue to assess how much time you need to complete your project, and determine whether or not this project can be accomplished within the remaining four weeks (taking into account this week’s odd schedule). Adjust your timelines and project scope accordingly.
  • Checkpoint 3 will occur on Friday, April 7th. At that time, I will speak to each team, looking for evidence that sufficient progress is being made towards completion of the project within the time frame specified in the Team Project Work Plan submitted last week. All teams will be expected to provide evidence of this progress to receive credit for Checkpoint 3.

Spring 2017 – Checkpoint 2 – Final Project Planning and Research Phase


  • I can conduct research to determine what materials, procedures and time resources I need to complete my project by the specified deadline.

Required Files:

Team Work Plan 2017


  • Begin working to determine what materials you need to complete your project’s finished product.
  • Determine what you need to do to assemble said materials into a working model.
  • If your project does not have a physical component, determine what procedures you need to follow to conduct your experiment.
  • Estimate how much time you need to complete your project, and determine whether or not this project can be accomplished within the remaining five weeks (taking into account this week’s odd schedule and the March 31st holiday). Adjust your timelines and project scope accordingly.
  • If you have not already, please complete a Team Work Plan and submit it by Thursday, March 30th to complete Checkpoint 2.

Spring 2017 – Final Project

Final Project

Over the next six weeks, you are tasked with developing a project that will address some aspect of Computer Science. The project must include an experimental element and a written description that combine to answer a guiding question.

 Guiding Question:

You must formulate a driving question that will guide the development of your final product. This should not be a question you already know the answer to, although you should form a hypothesis that will guide your testing. Nor should it be a question that has an answer that can be looked up on Google. Your driving question should be a computer science-related question that can be answered through experimentation and proven with empirical data. Possible driving questions include (but are not limited to):

  • How difficult is it to write a computer program that can guess a password?
  • How can one design a video game that teaches someone how to do something?
  • How can one learn more about app design by creating a new app or making improvements to an old one?
  • How does a computer work, and how are all the parts connected together to create a working electronic device?
  • Do extreme temperatures (both hot and cold) affect how well a computer performs given tasks?

You will need to submit your guiding question to Mr. Marmolejo, and receive approval before the end of the week. Upload a Google Doc with your Guiding Question to today’s Google Classroom post by end of day on Friday, March 24th.


At the end of the project, you will need to have a way to demonstrate the results of your experimentation. There are 3 products to choose from, each with varying levels of difficulty. The harder the product is to create, the more points it is worth.

Option 1 – 100 points: Create a working model of your project using your own materials, or materials that are available in the Center for Computer Studies, along with a written report detailing the steps you followed to complete the project, your experimentation procedure and the results of your experiment that lead to the answer you determined for your guiding question.

Option 2 – 85 points: Create a PowerPoint presentation that discusses all the elements of your experiment and details the steps you followed to complete the project, your experimentation procedure and the results of your experiment that lead to the answer you determined for your guiding question.

Option 3 – 70 points: Create a poster that discusses all the elements of your experiment and details the steps you followed to complete the project, your experimentation procedure and the results of your experiment that lead to the answer you determined for your guiding question.

Remember, these products need to include both the visual and written elements to receive full credit.

You will have checkpoints along the way and will get feedback from Mister Marmolejo throughout the course of the project.

Do’s and Don’ts:

Do be sure to pick a project that you are interested in, and that will continue to hold your interest for the next six weeks.

Do your research in class, and your experiments if possible.

Do yourself a favor and write up a plan for the next six weeks.

Do use your class time wisely: to conduct research, to build your project or to write up the results.

Don’t pick a project that will take one day to finish and expect to chill for the next five and a half weeks.

Don’t build a project for its own sake – make sure you develop a guiding question and an experimental procedure that the project can address.

Don’t sit at your desk and watch YouTube videos, unless they are directly related to your project.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew: make sure your project is something that you can finish within six weeks.

Don’t assume that six weeks is all the time in the world. As you discovered in the Directional Antennas project, the next six weeks will go much faster than you think – plan and manage your time accordingly.

Week 1 – Checkpoint

As soon as possible, you should upload a Google Doc  to today’s Google Classroom post that contains the following details:

  • Your Name (if you are teaming up with someone, include both team members’ names)
  • Your guiding question
  • If you are teaming up with someone, you must submit a Team Agreement as well (edit the PDF document in Acrobat and upload a digital copy to the Google Classroom assignment post).

Team Agreement 2017

I will review your guiding question and return your document to you with my approval, or with suggestions for revision. If your question is approved, you may proceed to the planning phase of the project. If your question needs revisions, submit the revisions for my approval as soon as possible.

Your guiding question must be approved by the end of the day on Friday, March 24th, 2017 for you to receive credit for the first checkpoint.

Published on Monday, March 20th, 2017

Due Date: Friday, March 24th, 2017

Spring 2016 – Final Project – Presentation


  • I can organize my collected project data and artifacts, and present my findings before the class.



  • Complete and turn in last week’s Activity Log by end of day today (Monday, May 2nd).
  • Use this week to organize your collected project data (both quantitative and qualitative) and artifacts (pictures, videos, working models) and produce a five minute presentation to be delivered on Thursday or Friday of this week.
  • Your presentation should include the following information:
    • Your driving question
    • A description of the experimental procedure that you followed to answer your driving question.
    • A graphical representation of the data that you collected in your experiments.
    • A description of your findings and results, and how they helped (or failed) to answer your driving question.
    • A demonstration of the results of your experimentation, in the form of one of the three pre-determined products:
      • Option 1 – 100 points: A demonstration of the working model of your project, along with a written description of the steps you followed to complete the model, your experimentation procedure and the results of your experiment that lead to the answer to your guiding question you reached.
        • A video of the working model of your project in action will be acceptable for this option.
      • Option 2 – 85 points: A PowerPoint presentation that discusses all the elements of your experiment and details the steps you followed to complete the project, your experimentation procedure, and the results of your experiment that lead to the answer you reached.
      • Option 3 – 70 points: A poster that discusses all of the elements of your experiment, and details the steps you followed to complete the project, your experimentation procedure and the results of your experiment that lead to the answer you determined for your guiding question.
  • Remember that these products need to include both the written and visual elements to receive full credit.
  • This presentation represents a major portion of the overall project grade, and cannot be made up next week due to review and preparation for final exams. Please use your time wisely and plan to deliver your presentation on either Thursday or Friday of this week.