Tag Archives: Term 1

CYBER.ORG – Lab – Linux 102

Objective: Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security with an overview of computer networking fundamentals.


  • See PowerPoint presentation: Lab – Linux 102


  1. Begin reading the Lab – Linux 102 presentation to study the fundamentals of the Linux operating system.

Assigned: September 13th, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 14th, 2022



Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security with an overview of Linux fundamentals and advanced commands.


  • See PowerPoint presentations: Lab – Linux 101


  1. Read the Lab – Linux 101 to review fundamental Linux commands within the Linux operating system.
  2. Use the Terminal app in your Kali Linux installation to follow along with the presentations, and practice or test the commands as you read about them.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the commands presented in preparation for the Linux quiz coming up on Tuesday the 20th.

Assigned: September 12th, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 13th, 2022

Lab – Kali Linux in VirtualBox VM Installation


Students will install and configure a specialized desktop operating system in a VirtualBox VM environment.


Topics Discussed:

  • Software
  • System Software
  • Operating Systems
  • Linux
  • Kali Linux
  • Specialized OS
  • VirtualBox VM
  • Virtual Machine


  1. This week we will be working in the classroom with a specialized Operating System installation. We will be using a Virtual Machine software called VirtualBox to installing a specialized OS (Kali Linux) in a virtual environment that we will use in the second half of our course.
  2. I will walk you through downloading the required files in class today. If you did not receive the files or if you were not in attendance today, you will need to see me and I will show you where to download the files directly.
  3. I will instruct you in-class on Tuesday how to install VirtualBox VM in OSX, and how to load the VirtualBox extension pack and the preconfigured Kali Linux package.
  4. We will walk through the configuration and testing of Kali on Thursday, and I will explain some of the unique and powerful features of this specialized flavor of the Linux operating system.
  5. Kali Linux will be required for the remainder of the class, and you must complete your VirtualBox VM Kali Linux installation in class by Friday, September 9th to receive credit for this Lab Activity.

Assigned: September 6th, 2022
Due Date: September 9th, 2022



Students will continue preparing for proficiency in cyber security by completing a tutorial on the VIM Text Editor application within the Linux Command Line Interface.


Topics Discussed:

  • Linux
  • GUI
  • CLI
  • Shell
  • bash
  • Prompt
  • Input/Output
  • VIM text editor


  1. Visit Webminal.org, and log in using the account that you created last week.
  2. By now you should have completed lessons 1 through 5, and should have a basic understanding of how to navigate, create and manipulate files and directories, and manipulate system processes within the Linux CLI.
  3. This week, we are going to further investigate the manipulation of text files within the Linux CLI by using the first of two very popular text editors built into Linux: VIM
  4. Log into Webminal.org and type “vimtutor” at the command prompt.
  5. Complete the VIM Tutorial. There are seven lessons in the tutorial, and upon completion, you should have a basic understanding of how to create, edit and save files, as well as get additional help in VIM.
  6. You should be able to complete the seven lessons by the end of this week. Pace yourself accordingly.
  7. To demonstrate final completion of the seven lessons: show me your completed “~/.vimrc” configuration file (and/or upload a copy to the related Google Classroom assignment post).

Assigned: August 29th, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 2nd, 2022



Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security and information security techniques, technologies and methodologies.


Topics Discussed:

  • Linux
  • GUI
  • CLI
  • Shell
  • bash
  • Prompt
  • Input/Output


  1. Visit Webminal.org, and create an account using your haydenmagnet.org email address.
  2. Continue exploring the Linux command line, using the command descriptions and tutorials available on the Webminal site.

Assigned: August 24th, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 26th, 2021


Objective:  Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security and information security techniques, technologies and methodologies.


Topics Discussed:

  • Linux
  • GUI
  • CLI
  • Shell
  • bash
  • Prompt
  • Input/Output


  1. Load  the Linux Journey website, and navigate to the Command Line instruction module.
  2. Let’s walk through the Command Line online instruction module together, investigating a number of important commands used to navigate and perform actions within the Linux shell.
  3. Visit JSLinux to see a fully-featured Linux shell running a JavaScript-based emulator. This also provides us a very useful platform for practicing CLI commands.
  4. Input the commands described in the module, and observe their output:
    1. echo
    2. pwd
    3. cd
    4. ls
    5. touch
    6. file
    7. cat
    8. less
    9. history
    10. cp
    11. mv
    12. mkdir
    13. rm
    14. find
    15. help
    16. man
    17. whatis
    18. alias
    19. exit
  5. Once you’ve got the hang of these basics, we’ll explore more complex commands in tomorrow’s module. Be prepared to use these commands in a brief Check for Understanding quiz next week.

Assigned: August 23rd, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 24th, 2022



Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security and information security techniques, technologies and methodologies by learning the basics of the Linux operating system.


Topics Discussed:

  • Curriculum Overview
  • Cyber Security
  • Linux
  • Linux History
  • GNU
  • GPL
  • Linux Distributions
  • Linux Kernel
  • Package Management
  • Rolling Release
  • Branches
  • Advantages/Disadvantages of Linux


  1. The first step on our journey to Cybersecurity proficiency is to gain proficiency in the Linux operating system. A large portion of the systems that run the Internet run on a variant of Linux, and therefore learning how to effectively use the Linux command line will be a necessary step towards gaining this proficiency.
  2. We will begin by visiting the Linux Journey website, and we will walk through the online instruction modules together, learning about the history of Linux, and working our way through a few of the various distributions of Linux, noting the unique features of each and exploring the advantages and disadvantages presented by each flavor of Linux.
  3. Once you have completed the today’s activity, the rest of the time is yours. Use it wisely, and enjoy a peaceful denouement (Look it up!) to the 2nd week of school!
  4. Don’t forget there’s an I-Day on Monday! Keep an eye on your Microsoft Teams around 10am for Monday’s asynchronous activity, and complete it to make sure you get marked as “present” for the day!
  5. Have a great weekend, and I’ll see you all in-person on Tuesday, when we will begin working with the Command Line Interface in Linux, and investigate a few important commands.

Assigned: August 19th, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 19th, 2022



I can log into my Haydenmagnet.org Google Account with the login information provided to me and turn in an assignment using Google Classroom, so that I can successfully hand in assignments throughout the school year.

Google Apps for Carl Hayden: https://www.haydenmagnet.org

Topics Discussed:

  • Haydenmagnet.org
  • Google Drive
  • Google Classroom


  • Open a Chrome browser and visit the Google website.
  • Click the blue Sign In button in the upper right corner.
  • Sign in with the Haydenmagnet.org account provided to you in your Computer Fundamentals or other Computer Science class. If you do not remember your username or password from this account, or if you never took Computer Fundamentals or Computer Science, please see Mister Marmolejo to get your account information.
  • Once you are logged in, click on the “waffle” icon in the upper right corner and choose “Drive” from the list of Google Apps to access Google Drive. Here you will have access to the most useful Google Apps: Document, Presentation, Spreadsheet, Form and Drawing.
  • Click on the blue New button on the left hand side, and create a new Google Doc.
  • In this document, write a couple of sentences to tell me about the most interesting thing you’ve learned during our past week together. It can be anything you learned in this class: something about the room, about the class itself, about me or another member of the class, etc.
  • When you are finished, click the words “Untitled Document” in the upper left corner, and give this document a proper name.
  • Open a new Window or Tab in Chrome and navigate to https://classroom.google.com.
  • You should be able to join the Classroom using the code provided in class. If you did not receive the code, please see Mr. Marmolejo.
  • Look over the introduction post and the current assignment. This is where you will turn in the Google Doc you just created.
  • Attach the Google Doc to today’s assignment and submit it using Google Classroom by tomorrow.
  • If you have any questions, my email address is mi.marmolejo@haydenmagnet.org.

Assigned: August 16th, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 16th, 2022



  • I can agree to abide by the class policies by reviewing the established policies and procedures to help ensure the classroom is a safe and fun place for everyone.



Topics Discussed:

  • Classroom policies and procedures
  • Computer Acceptable Use Policy


  1. Welcome back! Today we’re going to go over the class rules, or as I like to call them, the policies and procedures.
  2. Society’s based on policies and procedures. Without ’em, we’re no better than poo-flinging monkeys in the jungle. Humans agree to abide by laws so we can all get along and get things accomplished with a minimum of screaming, head-bashing and poo-flinging.
  3. The policies and procedures are pretty straightforward, and they’re all posted in the front of the room where you can see them at all times. They’re all really based on one simple thing: respect.
    1. I’m going to show you respect at all times in the classroom, and all I ask is that you return the favor.
    2. I also ask that you treat everyone else with respect, so that they can do the same for you.
    3. The chairs have wheels for a reason: if you need to scoot over to collaborate with a partner, that’s great. Don’t use them to scoot all over the room, and don’t get up and wander aimlessly. Move with purpose.
    4. Have respect for other people who are trying to get work done, and don’t bother them. Don’t steal anybody’s work (or stuff, for that matter).
    5. Treat my stuff and the school’s stuff with respect, so that it can stay in good shape for you and for everyone else. Let me know right away if anything is marked, damaged or missing so I can address it immediately.
    6. We’re going to have a lot of opportunities to critique the work of others in this class. Keep it respectful, positive and constructive, please. Don’t feel bad if someone else critiques your work, it’s only going to help you improve and get stronger.
    7. I’ve got a lot of cool stuff to teach you in this class. Please don’t make it any harder for me than it already is by disrupting my class, or making it harder for the people around you to pay attention.
    8. I promise not to come to your room and mess it up; can you do me the same courtesy? I’d appreciate it.
    9. Don’t leave the room without my permission. I need to know where you are at all times. If you need to leave the room, please sign out on the digital sign-out sheet provided.
    10. Read your Student Handbook! We all (you and me both) are required to abide by its policies, so it’s important to know exactly what those policies are so you don’t violate them unintentionally (Or intentionally!).
  4. Do any of the class policies seem strange? Like something you shouldn’t have to be asked not to do? Guess what: the reason that policy’s in place is because some knucklehead decided to be a creep and had to be told to stop. Please: Don’t be that guy.
  5. If you can agree to abide by these policies and procedures, then we can all get along. If there’s anything you feel like you can’t agree to here, let me know and we can talk it over.

Posted: August 10th, 2022

Plans for Success 2022-23


  • I can read and understand the class Plan for Success, and take it home to share with my parents/guardians and prove that my parents and I understand and agree to its contents by returning it with my and their signatures so that we can all understand our rights and responsibilities as learners.


Networking and Cybersecurity 1-2 H Plan For Success 2022-23

Topics Discussed:

  • Networking and Cybersecurity 1-2 H Plan for Success


  1. Hey, you’re back! It’s good to see you again. Today, we’re going to take care of some official business called the Plan for Success.
  2. When you get to the college or university level, every class you’re going to take has something called a syllabus. It’s basically a legal document that defines what you can expect from the professor, and what they expect from you. It’s a pretty important thing! The Plan for Success is essentially the same thing for this class.
  3. Why is it so important? Well, since it’s a legally binding document, if a professor violates the terms of the published syllabus in a way that a student feels negatively affects them, that student can take the professor to court. Side note: please don’t take me to court. If you see a problem with the Plan for Success, just let me know and I’ll fix it.
  4. I’m going to point out the important parts of the Plan for Success for you later, but it’s your responsibility to read it in full and make sure you understand it, because everything we do from here on out is going to be governed by this document. If you have any questions about the document, make sure you take time to ask me so I can explain anything you don’t understand.
  5. Once you’ve read it and fully understand it, sign it at the bottom to signify your understanding and agreement to follow the plan.
  6. Put it someplace safe, and take it home with you. Show it to your folks tonight, and tell them what we talked about today. Make sure they understand what you’re getting into, and have them sign it to confirm that they understand the details. Bring it back to me by the end of the week (August 12th, 2022).

Assigned: August 9th, 2022
Due Date: August 12th, 2022