Tag Archives: Final Exam


Objective: Demonstrate proficiency in IT Fundamentals through completion of a final comprehensive assessment.



  • Complete the TestOut IT Fundamentals Pro assessment provided in the TestOut Labsim Courseware by the end of the class period today.
  • This exam tests your foundational knowledge and ability to perform real-world tasks using operating systems, common PC hardware and software, basic networking, databases, programming, security and information systems.
  • Please put away all electronic devices, notes and other resources. Do not open any browser windows or tabs besides the TestOut Labsim Courseware. Please remain silent until the end of the testing session.
  • The exam contains up to 75 multiple-choice questions. Please carefully read all instructions and select the best answer from the available choices for each question.
  • You have fifty minutes to complete the test. You must submit your test answers before the end of the class period at 2:05pm.
  • Good luck, and do your best!

Posted: May 17th, 2024


Objective: Demonstrate proficiency in Cybersecurity Principles through completion of a final comprehensive assessment.


  • All CYBER.ORG Lessons, Case Studies and Labs presented in class
  • https://apps.cyber.org/ CYBER.ORG Cyber Range virtual environment


  • Complete the CYBER.ORG – Networking and Cybersecurity 1-2H Final Exam Spring 2023 assessment provided in today’s Google Classroom assignment post by the end of the class period today.
  • This is an open-resource exam, and you may use any and all CYBER.ORG Lesson slideshows, Case Studies and Labs presented in class, as well as the https://apps.cyber.org/ Kali Linux virtual environment as your resources. You may not use any printed materials.
  • You may not use other students as resources. Please remain silent until the end of the testing session.
  • The exam contains one hundred multiple-choice questions. Please carefully read all instructions and select the best answer from the available choices for each question.
  • You have forty-five minutes to complete the test. You must submit your test answers before the end of the class period at 2:01pm.
  • Good luck, and do your best!

Posted: May 19th, 2023



  • I can demonstrate my understanding of CyberSecurity Principles through a summative exam.


Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/

Topics Discussed:

  • Linux
  • CyberSecurity Law
  • Security Basics
  • Actors and Vulnerabilities
  • Malware and Attacks


  1. Click the Google Classroom link and log in with your Haydenmagnet.org email address.
  2. You will find a Class Announcement titled “Networking and Cyberecurity 1-2H Final Exam Study Guide“. Attached, you will find a copy of the Final Exam that you may use to review.
  3. The Final Exam will take place on Friday, May 19th.
  4. This will be an “open resource” exam, meaning you will be able to use any materials accessible on your computer. This includes any websites, past assignments, completed projects, installed applications, or notes you may have taken.
  5. You may not, however, collaborate with your classmates; You will be asked to please remain silent until everyone has completed the exam.
  6. The exam contains one hundred multiple-choice questions. Please carefully read all instructions and select the best answer from the available choices for each question.
  7. Be advised that you will only have forty-five minutes to complete the test, so looking up each answer individually would be inadvisable. You must submit your test answers before the end of the class period at 2:01pm.
  8. Study, be prepared, and do your best on Friday’s Final Exam!

Posted: May 16th, 2023


Objective: Demonstrate proficiency in Cybersecurity Principles through completion of a final comprehensive assessment.


  • All CYBER.ORG Lesson slideshows, Case Studies and Labs presented in class
  • https://apps.cyber.org Kali Linux virtual environment


  • Complete the CYBER.ORG – Networking and Cybersecurity 1H Midterm Exam Fall 2022 assessment provided in today’s Google Classroom assignment post by the end of the class period today.
  • This is an “open resource” exam, meaning you will be able to use any materials accessible on your computer. This includes any websites, past assignments, completed projects, installed applications, or notes you may have taken.
  • You may not, however, collaborate with your classmates; Please remain silent until everyone has completed the quiz.
  • The exam contains fifty multiple-choice questions. Please carefully read all instructions and select the best answer from the available choices for each question.
  • You have seventy-five minutes to complete the test. Be sure to submit your test answers before the end of the class period.
  • While it is advised to check your answers before submitting your exam, please bear in mind that the testing session will end at 12:10pm, so you must use your time wisely.

Assigned: December 21st, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: December 21st, 2022



  • I can demonstrate my understanding of CyberSecurity Principles through a summative exam.


Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/

Topics Discussed:

  • Linux
  • CyberSecurity Law
  • Security Basics
  • Actors and Vulnerabilities


  1. Click the Google Classroom link and log in with your Haydenmagnet.org email address.
  2. You will find a Class Announcement titled “NETWORKING AND CYBERSECURITY 1: SEMESTER 1 FINAL EXAM FALL 2022 REVIEW“. Attached, you will find a copy of the Final Exam that you may use to review for tomorrow’s test.
  3. This is an “open resource” exam, meaning you will be able to use any materials accessible on your computer. This includes any websites, past assignments, completed projects, installed applications, or notes you may have taken.
  4. You may not, however, collaborate with your classmates; Please remain silent until everyone has completed the quiz.
  5. The exam contains fifty multiple-choice questions. Please carefully read all instructions and select the best answer from the available choices for each question.
  6. You have seventy-five minutes to complete the test. Be sure to submit your test answers before the end of the class period.

Posted: December 19th, 2022



Demonstrate proficiency in Cybersecurity Principles through completion of a final comprehensive assessment.



  • The Final Challenge will be an open-form Flag Capture competition held within the Cloud CTF environment within the US Cyber Range website.
  • Log in to the US Cyber Range website and navigate to the Cloud CTF environment. The challenge will open at 1:00pm MST on Monday, May 9th and will continue until 3pm on Thursday, May 12th. Click the Start button to begin the challenge.
  • The Challenge will be open continuously until 3pm on Thursday, May 12th, and can be accessed from any web browser. You may take any opportunity inside and outside of class to complete challenges and earn points up to and until the 3pm close on Thursday.
  • This is an open-resource exam. You may use any resources that you have available to you (including each other!) to solve the challenges.
  • Each challenge has a point total associated with it. Easy challenges are worth lower points, and more difficult challenges are worth more points. Your goal is to achieve a minimum of 625 points before the Challenge closes at 3pm on Thursday, May 12th.
  • The challenges will cover many of the topics that we have covered throughout the class, including Cryptography, Networking, Online Reconnaissance, Linux scripting, and Website hacking.
  • Please bear in mind that 625 points is the minimum score, and as such, will result in a minimal passing grade. The final grades will be issued based on a curve according to the highest score in the class.
  • To sweeten the deal, the highest scoring student at the close of the Challenge will receive the Grand Prize: Lunch ordered in from their choice of restaurants on Friday, May 13th. (The last day for seniors!)
  • This is your opportunity to demonstrate the skills that you have acquired throughout the Networking and Cybersecurity sections of our class, and is a much more accurate demonstration of your skill than any multiple choice test could produce. Use your skills and your time wisely, and do not give up when the challenges become difficult: You have the tools and the talent to succeed. Good luck!

Assigned: May 9th, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: May 12th, 2022


Objective: Demonstrate proficiency in Cybersecurity Principles through completion of a final comprehensive assessment.


  • All CYBER.ORG Lesson slideshows, Case Studies and Labs presented in class
  • https://us.cyberrange.org Kali Linux virtual environment


  • Complete the CYBER.ORG – Networking and Operating Systems 1H Midterm Exam Fall 2021 assessment provided in today’s Google Classroom assignment post by the end of the class period today.
  • This is a closed-resource exam. Please put away all study and reference materials, and please do not open any other tabs besides this one until you have submitted the quiz.
  • Please remain silent throughout the duration of the testing session.
  • While it is advised to check your answers before submitting your exam, please bear in mind that the testing session will end at 12:10pm, so you must use your time wisely..

Assigned: December 14th, 2021
Teacher Pacing Due Date: December 14th, 2021

Networking and Operating Systems 1-2H Final Exam Spring 2021

Objective: Demonstrate proficiency in Cybersecurity Principles through completion of a final comprehensive assessment.


  • All CYBER.ORG Lesson slideshows, Case Studies and Labs presented in class
  • https://us.cyberrange.org Kali Linux virtual environment


  • Complete the CYBER.ORG – Networking and Operating Systems 1-2H Final Exam Spring 2021 assessment provided in today’s Google Classroom assignment post by the end of the class period today.
  • This is an open-resource exam, and you may use any and all CYBER.ORG Lesson slideshows, Case Studies and Labs presented in class, as well as the us.cyberrange.org Kali Linux virtual environment as your resources.
  • You may not, however, use other students as resources – In-person students should remain silent until the end of the testing session.

Assigned: May 14th, 2021
Teacher Pacing Due Date: May 14th, 2021

NetOp1 Semester Exam 2019


Students will demonstrate their understanding of hardware and software basics by completing a summative quiz so that they can assess and measure the progress that they have made.


Topics Discussed:

  • Introduction to Computers
  • Networking
  • Databases and Programming


  1. Click the Testout Courseware link, log in and look for the “NetOp 1H Final Exam 2019” test.
  2. The exam consists of 132 multiple choice questions.
  3. Before starting the quiz, please put away all notes, study guides and other materials.
  4. Please close all other documents and webpages and do not open any new tabs or windows until after you have submitted the quiz.
  5. Please remain silent until everyone has completed the quiz.
  6. You have seventy-seven minutes to complete the test. Be sure to submit your test answers before the end of the class period today, and be forewarned that the test will auto-submit itself at the end of the class period, so work quickly!
  7. Congratulations on completing the first half of Networking and Operating Systems! I’ll see you in 2019 with TestOut Section 4, and a completely new set of projects focused on the fundamentals of networking and cybersecurity!

Have the Merriest of Christmases, the Happiest of New Years’, the Happiest of Hanukkahs, the most Peaceful of Kwanzaas, or just a restful two week break – whatever you may celebrate, enjoy it to the fullest!

Assigned: December 18th, 2019
Due Date: December 18th, 2019



Students will demonstrate their understanding of hardware and software basics through a summative quiz.


Topics Discussed:

  • Information Technology
  • The Internet & The World Wide Web
  • Software
  • Hardware – The CPU & Storage
  • Hardware – Input & Output


  1. Click the https://connect.mheducation.com link, log in and look for the “KANKETSUHEN!!! FINAL BOSS BATTLE EXAM 2019!” test.
  2. The exam consists of 100 multiple choice questions.
  3. Before starting the quiz, please put away all notes, study guides and other materials.
  4. Please close all other documents and webpages and do not open any new tabs or windows until after you have submitted the exam.
  5. Please remain silent until everyone has completed the exam.
  6. You have fifty-five (55) minutes to complete the test. Be sure to submit your test answers before the end of the class period today, and be forewarned that the test will auto-submit itself at the end of the class period, so work quickly!
  7. Congratulations on completing Networking and Operating Systems 1-2H! Thanks for all your hard work this semester.
    • Graduating seniors: Congratulations, and good luck in your future pursuits! I am confident that the skills and knowledge you have acquired in this class serve you well, no matter what academic or career path you pursue.
    • Returning Students: See you on Monday! I know with a certainty the skills and knowledge you have acquired in this class will help you with your continued Computer Science studies, and we will discuss future opportunities on Monday for those of you who are returning to NetOp next year, and those who are continuing with their studies in other classes, like Computer Science Senior Seminar.

Assigned: May 17th, 2019
Due Date: May 17th, 2019