Summarize the basics of cryptographic concepts.
- See PDF Document: Case Study – Steganography.pdf
- Begin reading the Case Study – Steganography.pdf document and be prepared to answer the questions at the end.
- Answer the Case Study questions in the Google Form provided in today’s Assignment Post in our Google Classroom.
- Please do your best to complete this Case Study by the end of the day today, Friday, December 2nd.
Assigned: December 2nd, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: December 2nd, 2022
Objective: Compare and contrast basic cryptography concepts.
- See PowerPoint presentation: Lab – Steganography
- Begin reading and complete the lab in the Lab – Steganography.pptx presentation.
- Turn in the resulting “image4.jpg” file with a message of your choice hidden in the image using the steghide app. Upload this image to today’s Google Classroom assignment post.
- Please include the message/password along with your image so Mister can test it!
Assigned: November 30th, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: December 2nd, 2022
Summarize the basics of cryptographic concepts.
- See PDF Document: Case Study – Steganography.pdf
- Begin reading the Case Study – Steganography.pdf document and be prepared to answer the questions at the end.
- Answer the Case Study questions in the Google Form provided in today’s Assignment Post in our Google Classroom.
- Please do your best to complete this Case Study by the end of the day today, Thursday, November 13th.
- Check your Synergy to ensure that you have received credit for all assignments that you have turned in before tomorrow’s three-week grade report.
Assigned: November 13th, 2021
Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 13th, 2021
Objective: Compare and contrast basic cryptography concepts.
- See PowerPoint presentation: Lab – Steganography
- Begin reading and complete the lab in the Lab – Steganography.pptx presentation.
- Turn in the resulting “image4.jpg” file with a message of your choice hidden in the image using the steghide app. Upload this image to today’s Google Classroom assignment post.
- Please include the message/password along with your image so Mister can test it! We will use these images in Thursday’s class session. (So keep your messages classy!)
- On Thursday, we will read the Case Study – Steganography document and be prepared to answer the questions at the end.
- A Google Form will be provided to answer the Case Study questions Thursday afternoon. This will be the last assignment of this three-week grading period.
Assigned: November 16th, 2021
Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 18th, 2021
Objective: Compare and contrast basic cryptography concepts.
- See PowerPoint presentation: 6.1.4 – Steganography
- Begin reading the 6.1.4 – Steganography.pptx presentation.
- Complete the lab in the Lab – Steganography.pptx presentation.
- Turn in the resulting “image4.jpg” file with a message of your choice hidden in the image using the steghide app. Upload this image to today’s Google Classroom assignment post. We will use these images in tomorrow’s class session. (So keep your messages classy!)
- During tomorrow’s Late Start class session, we will read the Case Study – Steganography document and be prepared to answer the questions at the end.
- A Google Form will be provided to answer the Case Study questions tomorrow morning.
Assigned: March 23rd, 2021
Teacher Pacing Due Date: March 24th, 2021
Steganography is a method of hiding data within an ordinary-looking image or video in order to avoid detection. Files and messages can be embedded into other files in various ways, and then extracted by its recipient. Steganography can be combined with encryption as an extra step for hiding or protecting data.
What is Steganography?– An article introducing Steganography from Wired magazine.
Digital Invisible Ink Toolkit – A simple Java-based steganography tool that can hide a message inside a 24-bit color image so that knowing how it was embedded, or performing statistical analysis, does not make it any easier to find the concealed information.
Imagemagick – A powerful image creation software that can be used to convert images to and from a variety of formats, including text-based pixel plots. Pre-built into Kali Linux.
It's dangerous to go alone!