Tag Archives: Linux

CYBER.ORG 4.1.1 & 4.1.3 – Shell and Script Environments and Network Reconnaissance and Discovery

Objective: Given a scenario, the student will use the appropriate
tool to assess organizational security.


  • See PowerPoint presentation: 4.1.1 – Network Reconnaissance and Discovery Tools and 4.1.3 – Shell and Script Environments


  1. Download and read the 4.1.3. – Shell and Script Environments presentation to learn about the different interfaces available within Linux.
  2. Next, download and read the 4.1.1 – Network Reconnaissance and Discovery Tools presentation to get details about the many network discovery tools available within Kali Linux. This lesson includes a sampling of the most basic command line tools used in cybersecurity. This is not an exhaustive list, only a starting point.
  3. We will be using the information in these presentations in a series of labs that will be issued next week.

Assigned: September 28th, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 30th, 2022

CYBER.ORG – Lab – Fun With Linux

Objective: Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security with an overview of computer networking fundamentals.


  • See PowerPoint presentation: Lab – Fun With Linux


  1. Begin reading the Lab – Fun With Linux presentation to have a little fun while practicing with commands in the Linux operating system.

Assigned: September 26th, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 27th, 2022

Test Your Might! – Linux Quiz – Fall 2022


  • I can demonstrate my understanding of Linux fundamentals through a summative quiz.


Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com
Linux Journey: https://linuxjourney.com

Topics Discussed:

  • Linux Labs 101 – 104


  1. Connect to our Google Classroom and navigate to today’s assignment post titled: CYBER.ORG – Linux Quiz – Fall 2022.
  2. The quiz contains 40 questions, half short-response and half multiple-choice. For the short-response questions, please type the correct answer into the space provided. For the multiple-choice questions, please select the best answer from the options provided.
  3. This is an open-resource quiz, and you may use the Linux 101 – 104 slideshows presented in class, as well as the https://linuxjourney.com website as your resources.
  4. Submit your test answers before the end of the class period today. The test is due at the end of the class period, so please manage your time wisely.

Assigned: September 20th, 2022
Due Date: September 20th, 2022

CYBER.ORG – Lab – Linux 104 (Linux Shortcuts and Scripting)

Objective: Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security with an overview of computer networking fundamentals.


  • See PowerPoint presentation: Lab – Linux 104


  1. Begin reading the Lab – Linux 104 presentation to study the fundamentals of the Linux operating system.

Assigned: September 16th, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 20th, 2022

CYBER.ORG – Lab – Linux 103 (Advanced Linux Commands)

Objective: Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security with an overview of advanced Linux commands.


  • See PowerPoint presentation: Lab – Linux 103


  1. Begin reading the Lab – Linux 103 presentation to study advanced commands within the Linux operating system.

Assigned: September 14th, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 16th, 2022

CYBER.ORG – Lab – Linux 102

Objective: Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security with an overview of computer networking fundamentals.


  • See PowerPoint presentation: Lab – Linux 102


  1. Begin reading the Lab – Linux 102 presentation to study the fundamentals of the Linux operating system.

Assigned: September 13th, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 14th, 2022



Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security with an overview of Linux fundamentals and advanced commands.


  • See PowerPoint presentations: Lab – Linux 101


  1. Read the Lab – Linux 101 to review fundamental Linux commands within the Linux operating system.
  2. Use the Terminal app in your Kali Linux installation to follow along with the presentations, and practice or test the commands as you read about them.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the commands presented in preparation for the Linux quiz coming up on Tuesday the 20th.

Assigned: September 12th, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 13th, 2022

Lab – Kali Linux in VirtualBox VM Installation


Students will install and configure a specialized desktop operating system in a VirtualBox VM environment.


Topics Discussed:

  • Software
  • System Software
  • Operating Systems
  • Linux
  • Kali Linux
  • Specialized OS
  • VirtualBox VM
  • Virtual Machine


  1. This week we will be working in the classroom with a specialized Operating System installation. We will be using a Virtual Machine software called VirtualBox to installing a specialized OS (Kali Linux) in a virtual environment that we will use in the second half of our course.
  2. I will walk you through downloading the required files in class today. If you did not receive the files or if you were not in attendance today, you will need to see me and I will show you where to download the files directly.
  3. I will instruct you in-class on Tuesday how to install VirtualBox VM in OSX, and how to load the VirtualBox extension pack and the preconfigured Kali Linux package.
  4. We will walk through the configuration and testing of Kali on Thursday, and I will explain some of the unique and powerful features of this specialized flavor of the Linux operating system.
  5. Kali Linux will be required for the remainder of the class, and you must complete your VirtualBox VM Kali Linux installation in class by Friday, September 9th to receive credit for this Lab Activity.

Assigned: September 6th, 2022
Due Date: September 9th, 2022



Students will continue preparing for proficiency in cyber security by completing a tutorial on the VIM Text Editor application within the Linux Command Line Interface.


Topics Discussed:

  • Linux
  • GUI
  • CLI
  • Shell
  • bash
  • Prompt
  • Input/Output
  • VIM text editor


  1. Visit Webminal.org, and log in using the account that you created last week.
  2. By now you should have completed lessons 1 through 5, and should have a basic understanding of how to navigate, create and manipulate files and directories, and manipulate system processes within the Linux CLI.
  3. This week, we are going to further investigate the manipulation of text files within the Linux CLI by using the first of two very popular text editors built into Linux: VIM
  4. Log into Webminal.org and type “vimtutor” at the command prompt.
  5. Complete the VIM Tutorial. There are seven lessons in the tutorial, and upon completion, you should have a basic understanding of how to create, edit and save files, as well as get additional help in VIM.
  6. You should be able to complete the seven lessons by the end of this week. Pace yourself accordingly.
  7. To demonstrate final completion of the seven lessons: show me your completed “~/.vimrc” configuration file (and/or upload a copy to the related Google Classroom assignment post).

Assigned: August 29th, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 2nd, 2022



Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security and information security techniques, technologies and methodologies.


Topics Discussed:

  • Linux
  • GUI
  • CLI
  • Shell
  • bash
  • Prompt
  • Input/Output


  1. Visit Webminal.org, and create an account using your haydenmagnet.org email address.
  2. Continue exploring the Linux command line, using the command descriptions and tutorials available on the Webminal site.

Assigned: August 24th, 2022
Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 26th, 2021