Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security with an overview of Linux fundamentals and advanced commands.
See PowerPoint presentations: Lab – Linux 101
Read the Lab – Linux 101 to review fundamental Linux commands within the Linux operating system.
Use the Terminal app in your Kali Linux virtual environment in the CYBER.ORG Cyber Range to follow along with the presentations, and practice or test the commands as you read about them.
Begin reading the Lab – Linux 101 presentation to study the fundamentals of the Linux operating system. I will show you how to do some of the steps (Watch) and we will do some of the steps together (Together). Then, you will need to follow the steps listed on each “On Your Own” slide, being careful not to skip any steps.
To demonstrate completion of this assignment, upload two screenshots: The first of the Terminal window from slide 24 that shows the results of the rm -rf command, and the second of the Terminal window displaying the results of the -v option when used with both of the directory commands introduced on slide 36 of the Lab presentation.
Assigned: August 20th, 2024 Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 21st, 2024
Objective: Demonstrate prior knowledge in Cybersecurity Principles through completion of a pre-test assessment.
Complete the CYBER.ORG – Networking and Cybersecurity 1H Pre-Test assessment provided in today’s Google Classroom assignment postby the end of the class period today.
Assigned: August 19th, 2024 Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 19th, 2024
The student will explain the use and purpose of network services.
See PowerPoint presentation: 1.6.2 – Lab – DNS and nslookup.pptx
Use the CYBER.ORG Cyber Range Kali Linux installation to access the nslookup utility, and use it to complete the 1.6.2 – Lab – DNS and nslookup.pptxLab activity.
Complete the Lab by answering the questions in the CYBER.ORG: Networking Fundamentals – 1.6.2 – Lab – DNS and nslookup Google form posted on the Google Classroom in class today.
Refer to the 1.6.2 – DNS.pptx presentation if you need to review DNS information.
Please do your best to complete this Lab activity by the end of the day today.
Assigned: November 3rd, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 3rd, 2023
Objective: Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security with an overview of computer networking fundamentals.
Topics Discussed:
APT Repository apt-cache apt-get redirection (with “|” pipe) CTRL + C (break) options/flags cat nano tar archive chmod perl
PowerPoint presentation: Lab – Fun With Linux
PDF document: Linux Commands Cheat Sheet.pdf
Begin reading the Lab – Fun With Linux presentation to have a little fun while practicing with commands in the Linux operating system.
This lab will introduce you to the APT Repository, an open source collection of apps, games and utilities that can be downloaded and used in Linux for free.
Notice that the games and utilities that you will encounter in today’s lab use many of the commands and techniques that we have been studying over the past week!
To complete today’s Lab activity, upload a screenshot of your ASCII aquarium to today’s Google Classroom assignment post!
Assigned: August 30th, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 1st, 2023
Read the Lab – Linux 102 to review advanced Linux commands within the Linux operating system.
Use the Terminal app in your Kali Linux virtual environment in the CYBER.ORG Cyber Range to follow along with the presentation, and practice or test the commands as you read about them.
The Lab – Linux 102 presentation will introduce advanced options and flags, searching for text strings using find and grep, changing file ownership and permissions, and gaining “super user” privileges with the sudo command, among other topics.
We will work on this Lab today and tomorrow, and will conclude with a final Linux activity on Wednesday that will be due on Friday.
As proof of completion of the Linux 102 Lab, upload a screenshot of the custom log commands you created on the syslog (On Your Own) slide, as verified by displaying the last 10 lines of the syslog (demonstrated in the presentation).
Assigned: August 28th, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 29th, 2023
Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security with an overview of Linux fundamentals and advanced commands.
See PowerPoint presentations: Lab – Linux 101
Read the Lab – Linux 101 to review fundamental Linux commands within the Linux operating system.
Use the Terminal app in your Kali Linux virtual environment in the CYBER.ORG Cyber Range to follow along with the presentations, and practice or test the commands as you read about them.
Begin reading the Lab – Linux 101 presentation to study the fundamentals of the Linux operating system. I will show you how to do some of the steps (Watch) and we will do some of the steps together (Together). Then, you will need to follow the steps listed on each “On Your Own” slide, being careful not to skip any steps.
To demonstrate completion of this assignment, upload two screenshots: The first of the Terminal window from slide 24 that shows the results of the rm -rf command, and the second of the Terminal window displaying the results of the -v option when used with both of the directory commands introduced on slide 36 of the Lab presentation.
Assigned: August 22nd, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 25th, 2023
Objective: Given a scenario, the student will analyze potential indicators associated with application attacks.
See PowerPoint presentations: 1.3.7 – Replay Attacks and Pass the Hash.pptx, and Lab – Pass the Hash.pptx
Begin by reading the 1.3.7 – Replay Attacks and Pass the Hash.pptx presentation.
Read and complete the lab activity in the Lab – Pass the Hash.pptx document.
To confirm completion the lab activity, upload a screenshot with today’s date showing the results of the getuid and sysinfo commands demonstrating that you have Administrator-level access in the Windows 7 environment to today’s Google Classroom post.
Please do your best to complete this Lab by the end of the class period on Wednesday.
Assigned: April 18th, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: April 19th, 2023
Given a scenario, use the appropriate tool to assess organizational security.
See PowerPoint presentations: 4.1.5 Forensic Tools.pptx, Lab – Autopsy.pptx
Begin reading the 4.1.5 Forensic Tools.pptx presentation. This lesson will introduce you to several digital forensics tools including the Autopsy app, a powerful tool for hard drive data analysis.
Next, read and follow the instructions in the Lab – Autopsy.pptx Lab presentations.
When you have completed the lab and found the images, take a screenshot of the View Notes screen showing the notes you left following the image downloads that you completed, and post this screenshot to today’s Assignment form posted in the Google Classroom.
This lab is self paced, but do your best to complete it by the end of the day on Friday, October 28th.
Assigned: October 26th, 2022 Teacher Pacing Due Date: October 28th, 2022
Given a scenario, use the appropriate tool to assess organizational security.
See PowerPoint presentations: 4.1.4 Packet Capture and Replay Tools.pptx, Lab – Wireshark.pptx, Lab – TCPDump.pptx
Begin reading the 4.1.4 Packet Capture and Replay Tools.pptx presentation. This lesson will introduce you to three powerful tools for network traffic capture and analysis.
Next, read and follow the instructions in both of the Lab presentations. We will have time to work on these labs in tomorrow’s class meeting.
When you have completed both the labs, answer the questions and upload the required capture.txt file into the Assignment form posted in the Google Classroom.
These labs are self paced, but do your best to complete them by the end of the day on Wednesday, October 5th.
Assigned: October 3rd, 2022 Teacher Pacing Due Date: October 5th, 2022