Chap. 10: Building Systems & Applications


Students will identify and explain key concepts of Software Development, Programming and Programming Languages.

Topics Discussed:

  • Systems Development
  • Software Project Development Lifecycle
  • Programming
  • Five-Step Programming Process
  • Programming Languages
  • Five Generations of Programming Languages
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Visual Programming
  • Markup & Scripting Languages

  1. Visit and read Chapter 10 on Building Systems and Applications. For those of you with programming experience, much of this will be review, but bear in mind that this chapter deals with theoretical software development as it pertains to the business environment, so there will be some terms and procedures that will be completely new to you. In this regard, I urge you to keep an open mind.
  2. Complete the Chapter 10 LearnSmart Practice assignment, due Friday of this week. The Practice assignment consists of 80 questions. Don’t forget to check your score afterwards, and if you got less than 80 percent, try, try again.
Assigned: January 26th, 2016
Due Date: January 29th, 2016

Chap. 8: Big Data, Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence – Practice


Students will identify and explain the concepts of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, and the databases and information systems that support them.

Topics Discussed:

  • File Management
  • Databases
  • Data Mining
  • Big Data
  • Information Systems
  • Artificial Intelligence

  1. Visit and read Chapter 8 on Big Data, Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence. Even for those of you with a lot of computer experience, there’s most likely a good deal of stuff in here that you’re not familiar with, so be sure to at least give it a once-over.
  2. Complete the Chapter 8 LearnSmart Practice assignment, due Friday of this week. The Practice assignment consists of 60 questions. Don’t forget to check your score afterwards, and if you got less than 80 percent, try, try again.
Assigned: January 4th, 2016
Due Date: January 8th, 2016

Fall 2015 – BOSS BATTLE – NetOp1 Semester Exam


Students will demonstrate their understanding of hardware and software basics through a summative quiz.


Topics Discussed:

  • Information Technology
  • The Internet & The World Wide Web
  • Software
  • Hardware – The CPU & Storage
  • Hardware – Input & Output
  • Communications, Networks and Cyberthreats
  • Personal Technology

  1. Click the link, log in and look for the Boss Battle – Midterm Exam Fall 2015 test.
  2. The exam consists of 100 multiple choice questions.
  3. Before starting the quiz, please put away all notes, study guides and other materials other than your five 3×5″ notecards.
  4. Please close all other documents and webpages and do not open any new tabs or windows until after you have submitted the quiz.
  5. Please remain silent until everyone has completed the quiz.
  6. You have one hour to complete the test. Be sure to submit your test answers before the end of the class period today.
  7. Congratulations on completing the first half of Networking and Operating Systems! I’ll see you in 2016 with more networking, more hands-on activities and a more in-depth look into the ways connected computers enrich and enhance our lives!

Have the Merriest of Christmases, the Happiest of New Years’, the Happiest of Hanukkahs, the most Peaceful of Kwanzaas – whatever you may celebrate, make it awesome!

Assigned: December 17th, 2015
Due Date: December 17th, 2015

Hayden’s Hour of Code 2015


Students will participate in the Hour of Code Day coding activity and complete an hour of basic computer programming.

Student-Friendly Learning Target:

I can complete an hour of computer code.

Topics Discussed:

  • Computer Science
  • Computer Programming
  • Hour of Code Day


The Center for Computer Studies at Carl Hayden High School is proud to participate in the annual Hour of Code activity. The Hour of Code is a global movement that promotes participation in Computer Science by showing that anybody can learn the basics of computer programming.

To begin your Hour of Code, check out the Hayden’s Hour of Code post on the Hayden Hub website:

The “All Ages” activities might be a little too easy for your skill level, but if you absolutely must do the Minecraft tutorial, or Code with Anna and Elsa, then by all means, do so.

Those seeking a little more challenge should scroll down to the “Partner tutorials in other programming languages”  option. The “CodeCombat” and “Build an iPhone game in your browser” tutorials are particularly recommended.

When you’re finished, you’ll be able to print a certificate showing you did an Hour of Code. Turn in the certificate to me by the end of the class period, and make sure to click the “I did an hour of code activity form” link at the bottom of the Hayden Hub page to let us know that you participated in the Hour of Code activities.

Thanks for participating in the Hour of Code Day!

Assigned: December 11th, 2015
Due: December 11th, 2015

Chap. 7: Personal Technology – Practice


Students will identify and explain how personal devices like digital cameras, high-tech radio, digital television, and video game systems enrich our lives.


Topics Discussed:

  • Digital Cameras
  • High-Tech Radio
  • Digital Television
  • Video Game Systems

  1. Visit and read Chapter 7 on Personal Technology. There’s actually some interesting stuff in there about digital cameras and personal digital entertainment options, so be sure to at least give it a once-over.
  2. Complete the Chapter 7 LearnSmart Practice assignment, due Friday of this week. The Practice assignment consists of 61 questions. Don’t forget to check your score afterwards, and if you got less than 80 percent, try, try again!
  3. I know you were really looking forward to doing your presentations today. You can thank whoever gave me this cold for buying you an extra day to prepare yourself. In this regard, make extra sure you’re ready to present them tomorrow.
Assigned: November 30th, 2015
Due Date: December 4th, 2015

Chap. 5 – Hardware: Input and Output – Sharpening the Saw


Students will identify and explain properties of and trends within PC input, including keyboards, pointing devices, data entry devices, and future input technologies, and PC output, including display screens, printers, multimedia, and future output technologies. Students will also explore health and ergonomic issues related to computer use.


Topics Discussed:

  • Keyboards
  • Pointing Devices
  • Source Data-Entry Devices
  • The Future of Input
  • Softcopy Output: Display Screens
  • Hardcopy Output: Printers
  • Mixed Output – Sound, Voice & Video
  • The Future of Output
  • Quality of Life: Health & Ergonomics


  1. Complete the Chapter 5 “Sharpening the Saw” Practice quiz, due Friday of this week. The Practice assignment consists of 48 questions.
  2. I know Question 9 has duplicate responses, and marks one of them as wrong if you choose the other. It will be thrown out of the question bank when we take the quiz on Friday.
  3. Don’t forget to check your score afterwards, and if you got less than 80 percent, try, try again!
Assigned: October 26th, 2015
Due Date: October 30th, 2015

Chap. 5 – Hardware: Input and Output – Practice


Students will identify and explain properties of and trends within PC input, including keyboards, pointing devices, data entry devices, and future input technologies, and PC output, including display screens, printers, multimedia, and future output technologies. Students will also explore health and ergonomic issues related to computer use.


Topics Discussed:

  • Keyboards
  • Pointing Devices
  • Source Data-Entry Devices
  • The Future of Input
  • Softcopy Output: Display Screens
  • Hardcopy Output: Printers
  • Mixed Output – Sound, Voice & Video
  • The Future of Output
  • Quality of Life: Health & Ergonomics


  1. Visit and read Chapter 5 on Hardware: Input and Output.
  2. Seriously, read it! There’s good stuff in there!
  3. Complete the Chapter 5 LearnSmart Practice assignment, due Friday of this week. The Practice assignment consists of 60 questions. Don’t forget to check your score afterwards, and if you got less than 80 percent, try, try again!
Assigned: October 12th, 2015
Due Date: October 16th, 2015

Chap. 4 – Hardware: The CPU and Storage – Practice

Objective: Students will identify and explain properties of PC hardware, including CPUs, Motherboards, Expansion Ports and Connectors and Storage devices.

Topics Discussed:

  • The System Unit
  • Motherboards
  • CPUs
  • Memory
  • Power Supplies
  • Ports and Connectors
  • Secondary Storage

  1. Visit and read Chapter 4 on Hardware, CPU and Storage
  2. Complete the Chapter 4 LearnSmart Practice assignment, due Monday of next week.
Assigned: September 17th, 2015
Due Date: September 21st, 2015

Chap. 1 – Introduction to Information Technology – Practice


Students will explore how computing and the Internet affects their lives. Students will explore smartphones, the Internet, the World Wide Web and other aspects of the electronic world.

Students will also learn how Information Technology can benefit them, and what the different varieties of computers are. Students will discover how a computer works, and what goes into a personal computer, including hardware and software. Students will then explore the directions that computer and communications development are heading in the near future.


Topics Discussed:

  • Information Technology
  • Mobile Devices
  • Email
  • The Internet
  • Cyberspace
  • Tech Smarts
  • Computer Varieties
  • Basic Computer Operations
  • Computer Development
  • Communications Development

  1. Visit and read Chapter 1 titled “Introduction to Information Technology: The Future Now”.
  2. Complete the Chapter 1 LearnSmart Practice assignment, due Friday of next week.
Assigned: August 12th, 2015
Due Date: August 17th, 2015

Spring 2015 – Chap 20 – Wireless Networking Project


  • I can demonstrate my understanding of computer networks, network operating systems and wireless networking by assembling a functional directional antenna.



Topics Discussed:

  • Chapter 20: Wireless Networking



  1. Turn in your Project Team Contract and Project Team Work Plan (available on StudentsTempFiles server) if you have not already.
  2. Proceed with the first identified steps in your Project Team Work Plan.
  3. You may work in either Room 225 or Room 212, but you will need to notify the instructor if you need access to Room 212.
  4. All tools and equipment are located in Room 212, but the Wireless Network Cards are located in the cabinet above the printer in Room 225.
  5. Please use this time to make progress on your project. We have time provided to complete the project, but no time to waste. It is very likely that your first antenna design may not be your final design, and you will need time to test and make adjustments to your design.

Posted: May 6th, 2015
Due Date: May 14th, 2015


It's dangerous to go alone!