Category Archives: Networking and Operating Systems

Networking and Operating Systems Assignments and Information

Chap. 6 – Communications, Networks and Cyberthreats – LearnSmart


The first half of this chapter describes networks and wired and wireless media. Students consider how analog and digital data differ and how a modem translates signals from one to the other. We also cover the benefits of networks and their types, components, and variations.

Students will then discuss the various types of wired communications media. We conclude with a discussion of wireless communications media, both long distance and short distance.

In the second half of this chapter, we consider cyberthreats, security, and privacy issues. We describe four types of cyberintruders: trolls, spies, hackers, and thieves. We discuss cyberattacks and malware threats to computers and networks. We end by considering issues of privacy and identity theft.


Topics Discussed:

  • Analog Data
  • Digital Data
  • Modem
  • Networks
  • Wired Media
  • Wireless Media
  • Cyberthreats, Security, & Privacy Issues
  • Cyberattacks
  • Malware
  • Privacy & Identity Theft


  1. Complete the Chapter LearnSmart module, due Friday, January 13th. This Practice assignment consists of 120 questions.
  2. When you are finished with this LearnSmart assignment, you may review the chapter in preparation for the quiz.
Assigned: January 9th, 2017
Teacher Pacing Due Date: January 13th, 2017

BOSS BATTLE! NetOp1 Semester Exam 2016


Students will demonstrate their understanding of hardware and software basics through a summative quiz.


Topics Discussed:

  • Information Technology
  • The Internet & The World Wide Web
  • Software
  • Hardware – The CPU & Storage
  • Hardware – Input & Output

  1. Click the link, log in and look for the “Boss Battle! Semester Exam Fall 2016” test.
  2. The exam consists of 100 multiple choice questions.
  3. Before starting the quiz, please put away all notes, study guides and other materials other than your five 3×5″ notecards.
  4. Please close all other documents and webpages and do not open any new tabs or windows until after you have submitted the quiz.
  5. Please remain silent until everyone has completed the quiz.
  6. You have seventy-five minutes to complete the test. Be sure to submit your test answers before the end of the class period today, and be forewarned that the test will auto-submit itself at 9:15am, so work quickly!
  7. Congratulations on completing the first half of Networking and Operating Systems! I’ll see you in 2017 with more networking, more hands-on activities and a more in-depth look into the ways connected computers enrich and enhance our lives!

Have the Merriest of Christmases, the Happiest of New Years’, the Happiest of Hanukkahs, the most Peaceful of Kwanzaas – whatever you may celebrate, enjoy it to the fullest!

Assigned: December 21st, 2016
Due Date: December 21st, 2016

Chap. 5 Lab – Hardware: Printers and Hardcopy Output


  • Students will be able to identify different printing methods and printer hardware in current use.

Student-Friendly Objective:

  • I can tell the difference between different types of printers, and what they’re used for.
Deconstructed: Inkjet Printers

Deconstructed: Laser Printers
NetOp Printer Study Guide
Please access the class textbook at


Topics Discussed:
  • Chapter 5


  1. Review Chapter 5 in the class text.
  2. Watch the Deconstructed videos to see the inner workings of an inkjet printer and a laser printer.
  3. We will be in the lab starting tomorrow to conduct a hands-on disassembly of a laser printer. Remember: Attendance at lab demonstrations is required to receive lab credit.
  4. Download the NetOp Printer Study Guide to direct your observation and study. This completed study guide is due by Friday, December 16th.

Assigned: December 12th, 2016
Teacher Pacing Due Date: December 16th, 2016



  • I can demonstrate my understanding of Chapter 5 through a summative quiz.


McGraw-Hill Connect:

Topics Discussed:

  • Chapter 5: Hardware: Input & Output


  1. Click the link to connect to the online testing website. Log in with your credentials that we set up in the second week of class.
  2. Navigate to the “Test Your Might – Chap. 5 Quiz”.
  3. The quiz is 78 questions, all multiple choice.
  4. Please put away all notes, study guides and other materials before starting the quiz.
  5. Please close all other documents and webpages and do not open any new tabs or windows until after you have submitted the quiz.
  6. Please remain silent until everyone has completed the quiz.
  7. Submit your test answers before the end of the class period today.
  8. When you have completed your quiz,  you may begin reading Chapter 6 on in the online textbook.

Assigned: December 9th, 2016
Due Date: December 9th, 2016

Chap. 4 Lab – Ports and Connectors Scavenger Hunt


  • I can demonstrate my understanding of modern and legacy ports and connectors by producing a document identifying each port visually.


Topics Discussed:

  • System Unit
  • Expansion Cards
  • Ports


  1. Today, we will be working on a Ports and Connectors Scavenger Hunt activity, where you will be tasked with identifying 26 different expansion ports and connectors common to PC workstations.
  2. Using the list below, and the Internet for research, you will hunt all around my room to find each of the 26 ports on the hardware devices placed all around my room
  3. Use your cell phone, the iSight camera on your iMac, or ask for a digital camera to take pictures of each port. You must provide original photos of each port (No borrowing from the Internet!).
  4. Produce a document (Word, Google Doc, InDesign, PowerPoint, etc.) and place your pictures in the document. Use text labels to identify each of the 26 ports.
  5. Submit your completed Ports and Connectors Scavenger Hunt document with all the required pictures to the Google Classroom assignment labeled “Chap. 4 Lab – Ports and Connectors Scavenger Hunt” by Wednesday, November 23rd.
  6. The first to successfully provide the document containing all 26 ports accurately pictured and labeled will win a free lunch (entree and drink), ordered in from the restaurant of their choice when we return from Thanksgiving break!
  7. Good luck, and happy hunting!

Ports and Connectors Scavenger Hunt List:

Legacy Multifunction Ports

D-Sub Ports:

25-pin serial port (male)
9-pin serial port (male)
25-pin parallel port (female)
36-pin IEEE 1284B Centronics connector (male)

Standard Single-Function Ports

PS/2 6-pin mini-DIN keyboard port (purple)
PS/2 6-pin mini-DIN mouse port (green)

Video Ports

15-pin D-Sub VGA port (female)
DVI port (female)
RGB Component ports (female)
Composite Video port (female)
Mini DisplayPort port (female)

Audio Ports

1/8-inch mini-audio port (female)
S/PDIF coaxial audio port (female)

Multimedia Ports

RG-6 coaxial port (female)
S-Video port (female)
Composite Audio port (female)

MIDI/Joystick Ports

DB-15 Joystick/Game port

Modem Ports

RJ-11 modem port (female)

Network Interface Ports

RJ-45 network port (female)
BNC Port (female)

Modern Multifunction Ports

USB A port(female)
USB B port(female)
USB mini port(female)
Firewire 400 IEEE 1394a port (female)
Firewire 800 IEEE 1394b port (female)
SCSI Ultra 320 port (female)

Assigned: November 22nd, 2016
Due Date: November 23rd, 2016

Chap. 4 – Hardware: The CPU and Storage – LearnSmart


Students will be able to describe how a computer operates in processing data. We will discuss transistors and microchips, show how data is represented electronically in the computer, explore the inside of the system unit—including the power supply, the motherboard, and microprocessors—and outline the operations of the central processing unit and the machine cycle. We will then discuss the different kinds of main memory and conclude this unit by showing how expansion cards, bus lines, and ports give a computer more versatility.

Students will also be able to describe the various devices used to store data before and after it is processed—hard disks, optical disks (CD, DVD, Blu-ray), flash and solid-state memory, smart cards, and cloud-based (online) storage.


Topics Discussed:

  • Microchips
  • Transistors
  • Integrated circuits
  • Chips
  • Microprocessors
  • Machine language
  • System Unit
  • Power Supply
  • Motherboard
  • Central Processing Unit
  • The Machine Cycle
  • Memory
  • RAM
  • ROM
  • CMOS
  • Flash Memory
  • Expansion Cards
  • Bus Lines
  • Ports
  • Secondary Storage
  • Hard disks
  • Optical disks
  • Smart cards
  • Cloud storage


  1. Complete the Chapter LearnSmart module, due Thursday, November 10th. This Practice assignment consists of 138 questions.
  2. When you are finished with this LearnSmart assignment, you may work on any assignments that are past due.
Assigned: November 7th, 2016
Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 10th, 2016

Chap. 2 Lab – Network Disassembly and Reassembly


  • I can demonstrate my understanding of Networking fundamentals by disassembling, organizing and reassembling a local area network in accordance with OSHA regulations and best practices.


Topics Discussed:

  • Chapter 2: The Internet and World Wide Web
  • Networking Fundamentals
  • Local Area Network
  • Network Topologies
  • Hubs vs Switches
  • TCP/IP – Transport Connect Protocol/Internet Protocol
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  • Cable Management


  1. This week, we will be working in one of the Computer Studies labs, where we will disassemble, organize and reassemble a local area network to function in a working classroom.
  2. Observe the lab that we are working in. Section 1910.22(b)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act states: “Aisles and passageways shall be kept clear and in good repairs, with no obstruction across or in aisles that could create a hazard.” Do you see any conditions in the lab that might violate this standard?
  3. Each student should select a portion of the classroom and begin disconnecting all network and power cables from the individual workstations, taking care to keep the cables organized and close to the workstations, as they will be used to reassemble the network once the workstations are moved.
  4.  All cables should be removed from the floor and metal cable channels and set aside for later use.
  5. Refer to the in-class discussion on Network Topologies – which would be the best physical topology for the proposed class configuration, given the networking equipment we have on hand?
  6. Once the classroom desks and workstations have been moved, reassemble the network according to the instructor’s directions. Take care to bundle network and power cables and to ensure that they do not protrude from the desks and present a snag hazard, or cross walkways and present a tripping hazard.
  7. Are the networking devices we are using hubs or switches? How can you tell the difference? Can you tell just by looking at the device?
  8. What type of cable are we using? Why are we using this type of cable? Why are we even using cable instead of connecting the workstations to the Wi-Fi network? What are the benefits of wired networking over wireless?
  9. As the network takes shape, can you see why the topology selected was the best to suit the classroom conditions?
  10. Participation points will be awarded for participating in the lab teardown/rebuild. You must be in attendance and participate each day of the lab to receive credit, so don’t miss class and don’t miss out on some easy lab points!

Assigned: September 27th, 2016
Due Date: September 30th, 2016

Test Your Might – Chap. 2 – The Internet and World Wide Web Quiz


  • I can demonstrate my understanding of Chapter 2 through a summative quiz.


McGraw-Hill Connect:

Topics Discussed:

  • Chapter 2: The Internet and World Wide Web


  1. Click the link to connect to the online testing website. Log in with your credentials that we set up in the second week of class.
  2. Navigate to the “Test Your Might – Chap. 2 Quiz”.
  3. The quiz is 80 questions, all multiple choice.
  4. Please put away all notes, study guides and other materials before starting the quiz.
  5. Please close all other documents and webpages and do not open any new tabs or windows until after you have submitted the quiz.
  6. Please remain silent until everyone has completed the quiz.
  7. Submit your test answers before the end of the class period today.
  8. When you have completed your quiz,  you may begin reading Chapter 3 on in the online textbook.

Assigned: September 23rd, 2016
Due Date: September 23rd, 2016

Chap. 2 – The Internet and the World Wide Web – Sharpening the Saw


Students will be able to describe the Internet and the World Wide Web, and the difference between the two. We discuss the ways of connecting to the Internet, both narrowband and broadband, and the types of Internet access providers. We cover the basic structure of the Internet and who controls it. We also consider the parts of the World Wide Web—websites, web pages, browsers, URLs, web portals, search tools, and search engines. We probe the mysteries of HTML and hyperlinks.

In the second half of the chapter, we consider the riches of Internet use, and then we look at the risks. Among the riches are email, instant messaging, FTP, newsgroups, and mailing lists. We also have telephone, multimedia, webcasting, blogs, e-commerce, and social networking. Among the risks: snoopers, spam, spoofing, phishing, pharming, cookies, spyware, and malware such as viruses..


Topics Discussed:

  • Internet
  • World Wide Web
  • Narrowband
  • Broadband
  • Internet Access Provider
  • Websites (pages, browser, URLs, web portals, search tools and search engines)
  • HTML
  • Email
  • Instant Messaging
  • FTP
  • Newsgroups
  • Mailing Lists
  • Telephony
  • Multimedia
  • Webcasting
  • Blogs
  • E-Commerce
  • Social Networking
  • Online Privacy
  • Online Threats


  1. Complete the Chapter 2 “Sharpening the Saw” Practice quiz, due Friday of this week. The Practice quiz consists of 65 questions.
  2. Check your score afterwards, and if you got less than 80 percent, try, try again!
  3. Go for 100%! The more you retry, the better prepared you’ll be for the final Chapter 2 quiz on Friday!
Assigned: September 20th, 2016
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 23rd, 2016

Chap. 2 – The Internet and the World Wide Web – LearnSmart


Students will be able to describe the Internet and the World Wide Web, and the difference between the two. We discuss the ways of connecting to the Internet, both narrowband and broadband, and the types of Internet access providers. We cover the basic structure of the Internet and who controls it. We also consider the parts of the World Wide Web—websites, web pages, browsers, URLs, web portals, search tools, and search engines. We probe the mysteries of HTML and hyperlinks.

In the second half of the chapter, we consider the riches of Internet use, and then we look at the risks. Among the riches are email, instant messaging, FTP, newsgroups, and mailing lists. We also have telephone, multimedia, webcasting, blogs, e-commerce, and social networking. Among the risks: snoopers, spam, spoofing, phishing, pharming, cookies, spyware, and malware such as viruses..


Topics Discussed:

  • Internet
  • World Wide Web
  • Narrowband
  • Broadband
  • Internet Access Provider
  • Websites (pages, browser, URLs, web portals, search tools and search engines)
  • HTML
  • Email
  • Instant Messaging
  • FTP
  • Newsgroups
  • Mailing Lists
  • Telephony
  • Multimedia
  • Webcasting
  • Blogs
  • E-Commerce
  • Social Networking
  • Online Privacy
  • Online Threats


  1. Complete the Chapter LearnSmart module, due Monday, Sept. 19th. This Practice assignment consists of 100 questions.
Assigned: September 15th, 2016
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 19th, 2016