Category Archives: Networking and Operating Systems

Networking and Operating Systems Assignments and Information

Introduction to Online Coursework 2017


Students will explore how computing and the Internet affects their lives. Students will explore smartphones, the Internet, the World Wide Web and other aspects of the electronic world.

Students will also learn how Information Technology can benefit them, and what the different varieties of computers are. Students will discover how a computer works, and what goes into a personal computer, including hardware and software. Students will then explore the directions that computer and communications development are heading in the near future.


Topics Discussed:

  • Information Technology
  • Mobile Devices
  • Email
  • The Internet
  • Cyberspace
  • Tech Smarts
  • Computer Varieties
  • Basic Computer Operations
  • Computer Development
  • Communications Development
  1. Download NetOpRegistrationDetails2017 and follow the instructions to Register for the Online Coursework.
  2. Access the Using Information Technology eBook and read Chapter 1 titled: “Introduction to Information Technology: The Future Now”.
  3. Complete the Chapter 1 LearnSmart Practice assignment, due Monday of next week.
Assigned: August 14th, 2017
Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 21st, 2017 Accounts and Google Classroom 2017


  • Successfully log into Google Account.
  • Create a Google Doc.
  • Connect to the Google Classroom for your class period.
  • Turn in your Google Doc using Google Classroom.

Student-Friendly Objective:

  • I can log into my Google Account and turn in an assignment using Google Classroom.

Google Apps for Carl Hayden:

Topics Discussed:

  • Google Drive
  • Google Classroom


  • Open a Safari browser and visit the Google website.
  • Click the blue Sign In button in the upper right corner.
  • Sign in with the account provided to you in your Computer Fundamentals or Computer Science class. If you do not remember your username or password from this account, or if you never took Computer Fundamentals or Computer Science, please see Mister Marmolejo to get your account information.
  • Once you are logged in, click on the “waffle” icon in the upper right corner and choose “Drive” from the list of Google Apps to access Google Drive. Here you will have access to the most useful Google Apps: Document, Presentation, Spreadsheet, Form and Drawing.
  • Click on the blue New button on the left hand side, and create a new Google Doc.
  • In this document, write a couple of sentences to tell me about the most interesting thing you’ve learned during our past two weeks together. It can be anything you learned in this class: how to use the Mac, how to configure your desktop, something about me or another member of the class, etc.
  • When you are finished, click the words “Untitled Document” in the upper left corner, and give this document a proper name.
  • Open a new Window or Tab in Safari and navigate to
  • You should be able to join the Classroom using the code provided in class. If you did not receive the code, please see Mr. Marmolejo.
  • Look over the introduction post and the current assignment. This is where you will turn in the Google Doc you just created.
  • Attach the Google Doc to today’s assignment and submit it using Google Classroom by tomorrow.
  • If you have any questions, my email address is

Assigned: August 14th, 2017
Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 15th, 2017

Usage Policy Quiz/ Account Setup 2017-18


  • Check for understanding of the Computer Lab and Internet Usage Policy.
  • Create student login accounts.

Student-Friendly Objectives:

  • I can demonstrate my understanding of the Computer Lab and Internet Usage Policy for the Center for Computer Studies, and earn my student account, which will allow me to log on to the network.


Lab Use Policy Presentation

Lab Use Policy Quiz

Topics Discussed:
  • Proper use of school and network resources
  • Software Copying
  • Copyright
  • Software Privacy and Vandalism
  • Care of Equipment
  • Food and Drink Policy
  • Internet Usage Guidelines
  • Consequences of Policy Violation


  1. Today we’re going to take a quiz that will check to see if you were paying attention to the Lab Use Policy Presentation we reviewed yesterday.
  2. The good news: If you pass the quiz, I’ll give you access to your Computer Studies student account. This student account only works in the Center for Computer Studies labs, and you’re going to need it to proceed any further in this class.
  3. The bad news: If you don’t pass the quiz, you have to retake it until you do. Don’t worry, it’s not rocket science – I’m sure you’ll get it right on the first try. Don’t forget, you can always review the Lab Use Policy Presentation if you’re stuck.
  4. As soon as you pass the quiz, I’ll walk you through the process of logging in to the computer for the first time, and I’ll walk you through changing your password so your account is secure.
  5. Don’t forget your Plans for Success are due today! Make sure you get those turned in to me before you leave class.
  6. On Monday, we’ll begin our introduction to the Macintosh operating system, so make sure you finish the quiz and get logged in today so you’re ready for next week’s lessons.

Assigned: August 11th, 2017
Due Date: August 11th, 2017

Class Policies and Procedures 2017-18


  • Understand the class policies and procedures.
  • Recognize the importance of class policies to the successful achievement of learning goals.

Student-Friendly Objectives:

  • I can understand and agree to abide by the class policies to help ensure the classroom is a safe and fun place for everyone.



Topics Discussed:
  • Classroom policies and procedures


  1. Welcome back! Today we’re going to go over the class rules, or as I like to call them, the policies and procedures.
  2. Society’s based on policies and procedures. Without ’em, we’re no better than poo-flinging monkeys in the jungle. Humans agree to abide by laws so we can all get along and get things accomplished with a minimum of screaming, head-bashing and poo-flinging.
  3. The policies and procedures are pretty straightforward, and they’re all posted in the front of the room where you can see them at all times. They’re all really based on one simple thing: respect.
  4. I’m going to show you respect at all times in the classroom, and all I ask is that you return the favor.
  5. I also ask that you treat everyone else with respect, so that they can do the same for you.
  6. Treat my stuff and the school’s stuff with respect, so that it can stay in good shape for you and for everyone else.
  7. I’ve got a lot of cool stuff to teach you in this class. Please don’t make it any harder for me than it already is by disrupting my class, or making it harder for the people around you to pay attention.
  8. I promise not to come to your room and mess it up; can you do me the same courtesy? I’d appreciate it.
  9. Do any of the class policies seem strange? Like something you shouldn’t have to be asked not to do? Guess what: the reason that policy’s in place is because some knucklehead decided to be a creep and had to be asked to stop. Please: Don’t be that guy.
  10. If you can agree to abide by these policies and procedures, then we can all get along. If there’s anything you feel like you can’t agree to here, let me know and we can talk it over.

Posted: August 10th, 2017

Usage Policy Presentation 2017-18


  • Review the Computer Lab and Internet Usage Policy.
  • Discuss acceptable use of school and network resources.

Student-Friendly Objectives:

  • I can understand and agree to abide by the Computer Lab and Internet Usage Policy for the Center for Computer Studies.


Lab Use Policy Presentation

Topics Discussed:
  • Proper use of school and network resources
  • Software Copying
  • Copyright
  • Software Privacy and Vandalism
  • Care of Equipment
  • Food and Drink Policy
  • Internet Usage Guidelines
  • Consequences of Policy Violation


  1. By now, you’ve been using computers in school long enough that you should have a pretty good handle on what is an acceptable use of computer equipment and the Internet, and what isn’t acceptable. Today’s presentation will eliminate any doubt or confusion as to what is and isn’t acceptable here in the lab.
  2. Watch the Usage Policy Presentation along with me, and feel free to ask any questions you may have on the policy.
  3. This policy is also outlined on the Plan for Success that you received earlier this week. The signed Plan for Success is due tomorrow! When you sign it, you’re agreeing to follow this policy.
  4. The policies make sure that this room remains a clean and functional place for everyone to live and learn in. We can’t get much accomplished in here unless everyone can agree to abide by them. If you can live with that, then we can move on to learning the good stuff.

Posted: August 9th, 2017

Plans for Success 2017-18


  • Introduce students to the Plan for Success.
  • Distribute Plans for Success for student and parent review.

Student-Friendly Objectives:

  • I can read and understand the class Plan for Success, and I will take it home to share with my parents/guardians and get their signature as proof of their understanding and approval.


Networking and Operating Systems 1-2H Plan For Success 2017-18

Topics Discussed:
  • Networking and Operating Systems 1-2H Plan for Success


  1. Hey, you’re back! It’s good to see you again. Today, we’re going to take care of some official business called the Plan for Success.
  2. When you get to the college or university level, every class you’re going to take has something called a syllabus. It’s basically a legal document that defines what you can expect from the professor, and what they expect from you. It’s a pretty important thing! The Plan for Success is essentially the same thing for this class.
  3. Why is it so important? Well, since it’s a legally binding document, if a professor violates the terms of the published syllabus in a way that a student feels negatively affects them, that student can take the professor to court. Side note: please don’t take me to court. If you see a problem with the Plan for Success, just let me know and I’ll fix it.
  4. I’m going to point out the important parts of the Plan for Success for you today, but it’s your responsibility to read it in full and make sure you understand it, because everything we do from here on out is going to be governed by this document. If you have any questions about the document, make sure you take time to ask me so I can explain anything you don’t understand.
  5. Once you’ve read it and fully understand it, sign it at the bottom to signify your understanding and agreement to follow the plan.
  6. Put it someplace safe, and take it home with you. Show it to your folks tonight, and tell them what we talked about today. Make sure they understand what you’re getting into, and have them sign it to confirm that they understand the details. Bring it back to me by the end of the week (August 11th, 2017).

Assigned: August 8th, 2017
Due Date: August 11th, 2017

First Day 2017 – Getting to Know You


  • Introduce students to the class.
  • Introduce students to the instructor.
  • Introduce students to the classroom.
  • Have students introduce themselves to each other.

Student-Friendly Objectives:

  • I can introduce myself to the instructor and the other students in the classroom.



Topics Discussed:

  • Networking and Operating Systems
  • Room 225
  • Mister Marmolejo
  • Yourself!


Welcome to my classroom website for Networking and Operating Systems 1-2 Honors! This website will be your one-stop shop for all classroom assignments, announcements and materials pertaining to the class.

  1. Take a look around! I’ll explain everything here very soon.
  2. Today we’re going to do one of those “getting to know you” activities. I know, you’re probably going to do something like this in every class today. Don’t worry, I’ll do my best to make it fun.

Posted: August 7th, 2017

Final Day 2017 – So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye


  • Bid a fond farewell for now.
  • Tell Mister M how he did, and help him improve future classes.
  • Look forward to the future.

Student-Friendly Objectives:

  • I can say “Happy Trails” until we meet again.
  • I can remember what Mister M taught me, and use it to troubleshoot, fix and protect computer systems and networks.


Google Classroom

Topics Discussed:

  • Networking and Operating Systems
  • Summer Vacation


Hello, and congratulations! You successfully made it to the end of Networking and Operating Systems 1-2H! I hope this was a fun and productive class for you, and that you learned a few things that will help you in your future endeavors.

If you could take a moment to let me know how I did, and how I can improve for future classes, I have attached a brief questionnaire on the Google Classroom page. It’s not for a grade, but your feedback will help me out a lot, and I’d appreciate it if you took a moment to fill it out with your honest opinions.

Now that we’re done, above all else:

  1. Use your powers for good, not evil. Remember the lessons of Spider-Man: “With great power, comes great responsibility.” You now have skills and abilities far beyond those of your average computer user. Use them to protect and defend, never attack.
  2. Keep using your skills! Take more computer classes and keep learning as much as you can about PC, Mac and networking technology. The more you use your knowledge, the less likely it will slip from your memory. The more you know, the more effective and valuable you are, and as more devices connect to the global network, Technical Support and Network Security especially will remain rapidly growing and highly lucrative fields for decades to come.
  3. Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life. If you love working with computers and technology, then pursue it. If computers are just your hobby, don’t make it a job – it’ll just suck the joy out of your hobby. If you truly love working with computer hardware and software and networking technology, and you love solving problems with technology, then by all means pursue a career in the Computer Science field. As long as you love what you’re doing, every day you’ll look forward to going to work and the financial rewards will follow.

It has been my great pleasure to accompany you on your journey into Networking and Operating Systems this year. I hope that you enjoyed this class, and continue to use your newfound powers to solve the problems that are related to and created by technology, and to protect your own and others’ computer systems from the constantly emerging and evolving range of threats – both online and offline.

Posted: May 24th, 2017



Students will demonstrate their understanding of hardware, software and networking principles through a comprehensive summative quiz.

Student Friendly Objective:

I can demonstrate what I know about computer hardware, software and networking principles by completing the final exam.


Topics Discussed:

  • Information Technology
  • The Internet & The World Wide Web
  • Software
  • Hardware – The CPU & Storage
  • Hardware – Input & Output
  • Communications, Networks & Cyberthreats

  1. Click the link, log in and look for the “KANKETSUHEN!!! FINAL BOSS BATTLE EXAM 2017!” test.
  2. The exam consists of 100 multiple choice questions.
  3. Before starting the quiz, please put away all notes, study guides and other materials.
  4. Please close all other documents and webpages and do not open any new tabs or windows until after you have submitted the exam.
  5. Please remain silent until everyone has completed the exam.
  6. You have fifty-five (55) minutes to complete the test. Be sure to submit your test answers before the end of the class period today, and be forewarned that the test will auto-submit itself at 12:00 noon, so work quickly!
  7. Congratulations on completing Networking and Operating Systems 1-2H! Thanks for all your hard work this semester.
    • Graduating seniors: Congratulations, and good luck in your future pursuits! I hope the skills and knowledge you have acquired in this class serve you well.
    • Returning Students: See you next year! I know with a certainty the skills and knowledge you have acquired in this class will help you with your continued Computer Science studies.
Assigned: May 19th, 2017
Due Date: May 19th, 2017

Spring 2017 – Final Project – Presentation


  • I can organize my collected project data and artifacts, and present my findings before the class.

Required Files:



  • Use this week to organize your collected project data (both quantitative and qualitative) and artifacts (pictures, videos, working models) and produce a five minute presentation to be delivered on Thursday or Friday of this week.
  • Use the provided PowerPoint Template with the requirements and basic format  to build your slideshow presentation.
  • Your presentation should include the following information:
    • Your driving question
    • A description of the experimental procedure that you followed to answer your driving question.
    • A graphical representation of the data that you collected in your experiments.
    • A description of your findings and results, and how they helped (or failed) to answer your driving question.
    • A demonstration of the results of your experimentation, in the form of one of the three pre-determined products:
      • Option 1 – 100 points: A demonstration of the working model of your project, along with a written description of the steps you followed to complete the model, your experimentation procedure and the results of your experiment that lead to the answer to your guiding question you reached.
        • A video of the working model of your project in action will be acceptable for this option.
      • Option 2 – 85 points: A PowerPoint presentation that discusses all the elements of your experiment and details the steps you followed to complete the project, your experimentation procedure, and the results of your experiment that lead to the answer you reached.
      • Option 3 – 70 points: A poster that discusses all of the elements of your experiment, and details the steps you followed to complete the project, your experimentation procedure and the results of your experiment that lead to the answer you determined for your guiding question.
  • Remember that these products need to include both the written and visual elements to receive full credit.
  • This presentation represents a major portion of the overall project grade, and cannot be made up next week due to review and preparation for final exams. Please use your time wisely and plan to deliver your presentation on either Thursday or Friday of this week.