Category Archives: Networking and Operating Systems

Networking and Operating Systems Assignments and Information

National Cyber League Resources: Cryptography Links


Cryptii  A very cool and very fast “modular” decryption tool that lets you run a string of text through several encryption/decryption methods of your choice.

The Black Chamber  A great collection of interactive tools that explain and allow you to decrypt a variety of common (and some uncommon) encoding schemes.

Decode Ingress – A list of tools that can help you with decoding  passcodes, originally provided for use with the AR game Ingress. Tools for text manipulating, basic conversions like text to ASCII, HEX to Base64. Tools to decipher Morse code.  Good Image exif info grabbers, and image editing tools for Steganography puzzles (messages hidden in digital images). A range of great info and tools about various ciphers, and their implementations.

Tools for Noobs: Online Decryption Tool – Decrypts a string using various algorithms (e.g. Blowfish, DES, TripleDES, Enigma).

Rumkin Deciphering Tools – This is a page dedicated to simple text manipulation tools, which all can be replicated with just paper and pencil. An amazing resource for deciphering methods, including many that we will definitely encounter in NCL puzzles (Atbash, Railfence and Vigenere). Encryption and Decryption – At you can hash (encrypt) any string into 66 different hash types. As you probably know – decryption of any hash is impossible, but they offer reverse decryption via our database (~1000M records, and counting). Encoding/Decoding Tools This tool helps you to quickly run some text through various different encoding/decoding functions available in PHP. Great for a lot of different decoding possibilities rapidly Encryption/Decryption Tool – A nice, clean tool for decrypting codes that you know the key for, or encrypting codes with your own original key.

SQLite Viewer for Chrome – Chrome plugin for viewing SQLite databases in your browser. Allows opening and editing of SQLite databases without requiring admin access to install.

National Cyber League Week 2: The Preseason Game


Students will use their accumulated knowledge and training to compete in the NCL Preseason Game.


Topics Discussed:

  • Cyber Security
  • National Cyber League
  • NCL Spring Season
  • Preseason


The First Game: Preseason Play
The Preseason is a week-long mandatory game. You must participate in the Preseason in order to receive an NCL Scouting Report. The Preseason gameplay starts at 1:00 p.m. ET on Monday, April 1st and ends at 9:00 p.m. ET on Sunday, April 8th.

There are lots of preparatory materials available. Also, be sure to read about the Bracketing system, which the Preseason game determines, as well as the Ethical Behavior/Rules of Conduct.

  1. If you complete the Preseason game, continue your training in the Gym to prepare for the Regular Season competition on Friday, April 12th.
  2. Remember that Thursday, April 4th and Friday, April 5th are a split schedule due to AIMS Science testing. You will not be here on Thursday, but you will have two solid hours to complete NCL challenges on Friday, so please use your time wisely.
  3. If you do not finish the competition during class time, please continue to advance through the challenges over the weekend. Do not forget that you can log into the NCL Stadium from any device with an Internet connection, but you may need tools available on a Windows or Linux workstation to solve some of the challenges. It is recommended that you continue with the competition over the weekend and get as far as you can to achieve the best result in your final Scouting Report.

The Big Game: Regular Season Individual Game
The Regular Season Individual Game is a three-day mandatory game. You must participate in the Regular Season in order to receive an NCL Scouting Report. The Regular Season Game starts at 10:00 am MST on Friday, April 12th and ends at 6:00 p.m. MST on Sunday, April 14th.

Please mark your calendars, and plan and prepare accordingly as the Preseason and Individual Game will form the bulk of your grade for this final term.

Support Team:

For those who are not competing in the NCL challenges, a daily challenge will be posted on my Google Classroom page. These will usually come in the form of short quizzes or short answer response posts. Visit the page and complete the daily challenge to receive your participation points for the class!

Assigned: April 1st, 2019
Teacher Pacing Due Date: April 8th, 2019

National Cyber League Resources: Hacksplaining


Students will begin preparing for competition in the National Cyber League by familiarizing themselves with known vulnerabilities faced by software developers.


Topics Discussed:

  • Cyber Security
  • NIST
  • National Vulnerability Database
  • CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) Database


  1. Visit the Hacksplaining website and create a login using your email account.
  2. Hacksplaining offers hands-on interactive simulations of hacks that exploit known vulnerabilities in many widely used applications and programming languages.
  3. Each module contains three parts: Exercise, Prevention and Quiz. Complete the exercise to see how the hack is performed. Review the prevention information to learn more about the exploited vulnerability and effective methods of protection. Complete the quiz to confirm your understanding and complete the module.
  4. Take a screenshot of your passing quiz grade for each module to provide verification that you have completed the module. Save all these screenshots in a folder, as you will need to submit them in a Google Doc to receive credit for this project.
  5. There are twenty-five modules in total. You have this week and next week to complete all the modules.
  6. Submit a Google Doc containing screenshots of your passing grades for all 25 module quizzes to today’s Google Classroom assignment post by end of day on Friday, March 29th.

Assigned: March 19th, 2019
Teacher Pacing Due Date: March 29th, 2019

National Cyber League Week 1: Gym Training


Students will begin preparing for competition in the National Cyber League by familiarizing themselves with the competition rules and procedures through training in the NCL Gym.


Topics Discussed:

  • Cyber Security
  • National Cyber League
  • NCL Spring Season
  • Preseason
  • Regular Season
  • Postseason


  1. The NCL Gym will be open next week. The NCL Gym provides practice challenges to help prepare players for Preseason, Regular Season and Postseason. We will begin practicing in the NCL Gym when our accounts become available.
  2. While practicing in the NCL Gym, access the solutions guide to receive step-by-step instructions to help you understand the more difficult challenges.
  3. Log into the Gym
  4. Read the FAQ – you need to know the NCL lingo
  5. Mark your calendars with the following important NCL Preseason and Regular season dates:
    1. 3/28 – 5/24: Gym Training
    2. 4/1 – 4/8: Mandatory Preseason Game
    3. 4/12 – 4/14: Regular Season Individual Game
    4. 4/26 – 4/28: Postseason Team Game

The First Game: Preseason Play
The Preseason is a week-long mandatory game. You must participate in the Preseason in order to receive an NCL Scouting Report. The Preseason gameplay starts at 1:00 p.m. ET on April 1st and ends at 9:00 p.m. ET on April 8th.

There are lots of preparatory materials available. Also, be sure to read about the Bracketing system, which the Preseason game determines, as well as the Ethical Behavior/Rules of Conduct.

Assigned: March 18th, 2019
Teacher Pacing Due Date: March 19th, 2019

Cyber Security Boot Camp – Wireshark Packet Analysis Activity


Students will continue preparing for proficiency in cyber security with an introduction to the basics of packet analysis in the Wireshark application.


Topics Discussed:

  • Kali Linux
  • Wireshark
  • Packet Analysis
  • Wireshark Configuration


  1. Capture packets on your eth0 interface for a period of five minutes. Visit to get some http traffic going during the packet capture.
  2. Save the packet capture as a .pcapng file with today’s date, and upload it to today’s assignment post on Google Classroom to complete the activity by end of day tomorrow.
  3. If you are not sure how to begin a packet capture on the eth0 interface, review Professor Messer’s Wireless Packet Analysis video and read’s How to Use Wireshark: A Complete Tutorial.
  4. If your Kali Linux Virtualbox installation is still not working, see Mister Marmolejo for assistance.

Assigned: March 7th, 2019
Teacher Pacing Due Date: March 8th, 2019

Cyber Security Boot Camp – Wireshark Packet Analysis 2


Students will continue preparing for proficiency in cyber security with an introduction to the basics of packet analysis in the Wireshark application.


Topics Discussed:

  • Kali Linux
  • Wireshark
  • Packet Analysis
  • Wireshark Configuration


  1. Continue working with Wireshark. This powerful packet collection and analysis tool is free to download and is pre-installed in the Kali Linux distribution.
  2. Watch Professor Messer’s Using Protocol Analyzers video to get a more in-depth introduction to the features of Wireshark.
  3. Review the good Professor’s Wireless Packet Analysis video and read’s How to Use Wireshark: A Complete Tutorial to get a better idea of how the Wireshark interface works, and a few tips on how you can configure the Wireshark GUI to meet your specific needs and preferences.
  4. Note: Our Virtualbox installs of Kali use emulated network interfaces, which means that our wireless interface will not work like the one Professor Messer demonstrates in his video.
  5. Wireshark will, however, be able to analyze the packets being sent over the emulated hard-line network interface. Try running a packet capture on your en0 network interface and see what you can see! Run a packet capture, then visit a few websites, then filter the port 80 traffic to get an idea of what kind of information can be gathered by an analysis of the packets. We will discuss the results tomorrow.

Assigned: March 6th, 2019
Teacher Pacing Due Date: March 7th, 2019

Cyber Warfare Boot Camp – Period 7 – Wireshark Packet Analysis


Students will continue preparing for proficiency in cyber security with an introduction to the basics of packet analysis in the Wireshark application.


Topics Discussed:

  • Kali Linux
  • Wireshark
  • Packet Analysis
  • Wireshark Configuration


  1. Today we will start working with Wireshark – a powerful packet collection and analysis tool that is free to download and pre-installed in the Kali Linux distribution.
  2. Watch Professor Messer’s Wireless Packet Analysis video and read’s How to Use Wireshark: A Complete Tutorial to get a basic idea of how the Wireshark interface works, and a few tips on how you can configure the Wireshark GUI to meet your specific needs and preferences.
  3. We will be using this and other videos to gain a familiarity with the Wireshark environment, and look at the methods and construction of network packets, so we can begin to develop “the eye” for packet formation and transmission anomalies.

Assigned: March 5th, 2019
Teacher Pacing Due Date: March 6th, 2019

Period 5 – Cyber Security Boot Camp – Router Configuration Quiz


Students will continue preparing for proficiency in cyber security by demonstrating their understanding of Router configuration basics with a brief quiz.


Topics Discussed:

  • Network Basics
  • OSI Model
  • TCP/IP Model
  • Network Addressing
  • Network Configuration
  • Network Interfaces
  • Network Manager
  • route Command
  • dhclient Command
  • ARP
  • Routers


  1. Complete the 10 question quiz on the Google Classroom page.
  2. Use the completed dual-router network set up in the front of the room as your reference point. You may access any settings on the routers, but please do not change any settings.
  3. For extra credit, tell me what the two key elements were that allowed the network to meet the required parameters:
    • Dual Routers, both serving routing functions.
    • Two subnets, each serving 24 hosts.
    • Router 2 receives Internet from Router 1
  4. Complete the quiz by end of day today, and good luck!

Assigned: March 5th, 2019
Teacher Pacing Due Date: March 5th, 2019

Cyber Security Boot Camp – Week 6, Lab 1 – Period 5 Dual Router Challenge


Students will continue preparing for proficiency in cyber security and networking fundamentals with a hands-on networking configuration exercise.


Topics Discussed:

  • Network Basics
  • OSI Model
  • TCP/IP Model
  • Network Addressing
  • Routing
  • Switching
  • Flooding
  • Routing Table
  • Routing Protocols


  1. Today, 5th hour NetOp will take their turn in using the concepts discussed in the last couple of weeks by configuring our own routers. The class will be divided into two teams, each of which will be assigned a router, a 24-port switch, and a workstation, and a communal collection of network and power cabling.
  2. Both teams will be tasked with configuring their router to form two interconnected subnetworks, each supporting 24 hosts. Team 1’s network will be supplied Internet access from the school’s gateway. Team 2’s subnetwork will be required to receive Internet access from its connection with Team 1’s router.
  3. Each team will have to work together to correctly configure its router, but both teams will have to work together to form the links between the two networks.
  4. Use all the materials we have studied and the links I have provided above to set up and configure the network to the required specifications by end of day on Friday, February 22nd!
  5. All team members will be expected to participate, and pay close attention to the router configuration, as there will be a quiz on the details of the finished router configuration next week (i.e. Network Name, First Useable IP, Last Useable IP, Subnet Mask and Broadcast Address).

Assigned: February 21st, 2019
Teacher Pacing Due Date: February 25th, 2019

Cyber Security Boot Camp – Week 6: Router Configuration Quiz


Students will continue preparing for proficiency in cyber security by demonstrating their understanding of Router configuration basics with a brief quiz.


Topics Discussed:

  • Network Basics
  • OSI Model
  • TCP/IP Model
  • Network Addressing
  • Network Configuration
  • Network Interfaces
  • Network Manager
  • route Command
  • dhclient Command
  • ARP
  • Routers


  1. Complete the 10 question quiz on the Google Classroom page.
  2. Use the completed dual-router network set up in the front of the room as your reference point. You may access any settings on the routers, but please do not change any settings.
  3. For extra credit, tell me what’s wrong with the network configuration, and how it failed to meet the required parameters:
    • Dual Routers, both serving routing functions.
    • Two subnets, each serving 24 hosts.
    • Router 2 receives Internet from Router 1
  4. Complete the quiz by end of day today, and good luck!

Assigned: February 19th, 2019
Teacher Pacing Due Date: February 19th, 2019