Objective: Given a scenario, the student will analyze potential
indicators to determine the type of attack.
- See PowerPoint presentations: Lab – Keylogger Application.pptx
- Read and complete the lab activity in the Lab – Keylogger Application.pptx document.
- This lab is similar to the Intro to Keyloggers lab we did last week, but it uses a different, non-Java based application to harvest keystrokes.
- To do this, you will need to activate a backdoor session. Follow the steps at the end of the Powerpoint document to quickly establish a backdoor session on the vulnerable Windows 7 machine, then proceed with the steps to locate and shut down the active backdoor session using the available tools within Windows.
- To confirm completion the lab activity, activate the keylogger, then visit https://netop.mistermarmolejo.com in the Vulnerable Windows 7 environment while the keylogger is active. Upload a screenshot of the Meterpreter session showing the captured keystrokes of your visit to the Netop website to today’s Google Classroom post.
- Please do your best to complete this Lab by the end of the class period today.
Assigned: April 10th, 2023
Teacher Pacing Due Date: April 11th, 2023