This section is a comprehensive practice exam covering all six of the objective domains related to the CompTIA ITF Certification Exam.
This practice exam:
- Has 75 questions
- Is randomly generated
- Has no time limit
- Has a percentage score at the end of the session
- Recommends a 95% passing score.
- TestOut Courseware: https://testout.com
- Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
- Take the 75 question A.4 practice test. Your goal is to achieve a score of 95% or higher on the practice test.
- After you finish, you may review your score in the exam report.
- This comprehensive practice test covers all six of the CompTIA Exam Objective Domains. It will be used to determine your current level of proficiency and preparedness to take the full ITF Certification Exam. We will review the results tomorrow.
Assigned: February 18th, 2020
Teacher Pacing Due Date: February 19th, 2020