Haydenmagnet.org Accounts and Google Classroom 2016


  • Successfully log into Haydenmagnet.org Google Account.
  • Create a Google Doc.
  • Connect to the Google Classroom for your class period.
  • Turn in your Google Doc using Google Classroom.

Student-Friendly Objective:

  • I can log into my Haydenmagnet.org Google Account and turn in an assignment using Google Classroom.

Google Apps for Carl Hayden: https://www.haydenmagnet.org

Topics Discussed:

  • Haydenmagnet.org
  • Google Drive
  • Google Classroom


  • Open a Safari browser and visit the Google website.
  • Click the red Sign In button in the upper right corner.
  • Sign in with the Haydenmagnet.org account provided to you in your Computer Fundamentals or Computer Science class. If you do not remember your username or password from this account, or if you never took Computer Fundamentals or Computer Science, please see Mister Marmolejo to get your account fixed.
  • Once you are logged in, click on the Drive link at the top of the page to access Google Drive. Here you will have access to the most useful Google Apps: Document, Presentation, Spreadsheet, Form and Drawing.
  • Click on the red Create button on the left hand side, and create a new Document.
  • In this document, write a couple of sentences to tell me about the most interesting thing you’ve learned during our past two weeks together. It can be anything you learned in this class: how to use the Mac, how to configure your desktop, something about me or another member of the class, etc.
  • When you are finished, click the words “Untitled Document” in the upper left corner, and give this document a proper name.
  • Open a new Window or Tab in Safari and navigate to https://classroom.google.com.
  • You should be able to join the Classroom using the code provided in class. If you did not receive the code, please see Mr. Marmolejo.
  • Look over the introduction post and the current assignment. This is where you will turn in the Google Doc you just created.
  • Attach the Google Doc to today’s assignment and submit it using Google Classroom by tomorrow.
  • If you have any questions, my email address is mi.marmolejo@haydenmagnet.org.

Assigned: August 16th, 2016
Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 17th, 2016