
Out Sick – December 4th, 2017

Good morning! Sorry I couldn’t be there with you today, but I’m feeling a little under the weather.

Today you should continue working on your Ports and Connectors Scavenger Hunt. Remember that all the ports and connectors can be found either in the bins at the front of the room, or on devices scattered throughout my classroom. Hunt high and low (mostly low – some of them are on the floor or under desks!) Collect all your pictures, label them correctly, and upload them all to the most recent Assignment Post in our Google Classroom.

No one has turned in a winning entry for the lunchtime prize contest yet! A couple of people turned in their documents on Friday, but many of their answers were incorrect. Don’t forget the difference between a connector and a port, and use Google Image Search to confirm that what you took a picture of is the correct port or connector before handing your list in. Only the first to get them all correct will win!

I’ll be with you tomorrow for our last McGraw-Hill chapter of the year, and then we start preparing for the mid-year Final Exam.

Thanks for all your hard work, and I’ll see you tomorrow.


Out Sick – September 12th, 2016

Good morning! Sorry I couldn’t be there with you today. I had stomach problems all night, so it’s bland foods, water and rest for me today.

The sub should be able to take you into the middle room so you can finish up your CPU installs. If you have already successfully completed your reassembly and tested your PC and confirmed that it boots, help your neighbors out with getting theirs reassembled and tested.

And of course, don’t forget the wisdom of TechSteve:

On Tuesday, I’ll check your work, and we’ll start cleaning up the middle room work area so Ms. Jones doesn’t strangle me. On Wednesday, we’ll post our inventories to the Google Classroom page. Make sure you have your inventory information ready to enter into a Google Doc or Google Sheet by then. Until then, work hard, be nice to the sub, and don’t let your dreams be memes.

See you tomorrow,


Out Sick – August 30th, 2016

Good morning! Sorry I couldn’t be there with you today. The cold I picked up this weekend got the best of me. I’m hoping a little rest will help me get over it.

Now just because I’m not there with you today doesn’t mean this is a day for you to chill and watch meme videos on YouTube. I actually have another video I’d like for you to watch:

TechSteve here is going to show you how to disassemble, clean and reassemble the model of computer that we’re going to be working with this week. Watch how he does it, because you’ll be doing the same when I get back (although for Ford’s sake, don’t put your fingers in the Thermal Paste like he does – I don’t know why he does that).

On Wednesday, we’ll pick out a machine in the Lab for you to test, field strip, clean and reassemble. Make sure you watch the video before then, and keep the meme videos to a minimum.

See you tomorrow,
