Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
Take the 75 question NetCyber IT Fundamentals 3rd Quarter Spring 2024 practice test. Your goal is to achieve a score of 80% or higher on the practice test.
Please put away all study materials, and do not access any windows or tabs other than the TestOut testing tab in the Chrome browser window.
After you finish, you may review your score in the exam report.
This comprehensive practice test covers all four of the CompTIA Exam Objective Chapters that we have studied over the past nine weeks. It will be used to determine your current level of proficiency and preparedness to take the full ITF Certification Exam. We will review the results when we return from Spring Break recess.
Good luck, and have a safe and restful Spring Break!
Assigned: March 8th, 2024 Teacher Pacing Due Date: March 8th, 2024
Complete the CYBER.ORG – Networking and Operating Systems 1-2H Final Exam Spring 2021 assessment provided in today’s Google Classroom assignment postby the end of the class period today.
This is an open-resource exam, and you may use any and all CYBER.ORG Lesson slideshows, Case Studies and Labs presented in class, as well as the Kali Linux virtual environment as your resources.
You may not, however, use other students as resources – In-person students should remain silent until the end of the testing session.
Assigned: May 14th, 2021 Teacher Pacing Due Date: May 14th, 2021
Connect to our Google Classroom and navigate to today’s assignment post titled: CYBER.ORG – Social Engineering Quiz – Spring 2021.
The quiz is 20 questions, all multiple choice. Please select the best answer from the options provided.
This is an open-resource quiz, and you may use the Social Engineering Unit Lessons 1.2.1 – 1.2.7 slideshows presented in class, as well as the Kali Linux virtual environment as your resources.
Submit your test answers before the end of the class period today. The testing window will close at the end of the class period, so please manage your time wisely.
Connect to our Google Classroom and navigate to today’s assignment post titled: CYBER.ORG – Cryptography Quiz – Spring 2012.
The quiz is 20 questions, all multiple choice. Please select the best answer from the options provided.
This is an open-resource quiz, and you may use the Cryptography Unit Lessons 6.1.1 – 6.2.6 slideshows presented in class, as well as the Kali Linux virtual environment as your resources.
Submit your test answers before the end of the class period today. The testing window will close at the end of the class period, so please manage your time wisely.
Assigned: April 2nd, 2021 Due Date: April 2nd, 2021
Connect to our Google Classroom and navigate to today’s assignment post titled: CYBER.ORG – Linux Quiz – Spring 2021.
The quiz is 13 questions, all multiple choice. Please select the best answer from the options provided.
This is an open-resource quiz, and you may use the Linux 101 – 104 slideshows presented in class, as well as the Kali Linux virtual environment as your resources.
Submit your test answers before the end of the class period today. The test will autosubmit at the end of the class period, so please manage your time wisely.
Assigned: February 12th, 2021 Due Date: February 12th, 2021
Review the Appendix C – Federal Laws.pptx presentation to refresh your memory on the relevant domestic and international laws discussed in class yesterday.
The class will conclude with a brief Check for Understanding quiz to confirm your understanding of the laws and regulations that pertain to the cyber security profession.
Assigned: January 21st, 2021 Teacher Pacing Due Date: January 21st, 2021
Topics Discussed: Networking and Operating Systems
Click the Google Classroom link to connect to the online testing website.
Navigate to the Google Classroom and click on today’s Assignment Post.
Click on the “NetOp PreTest Spring 2021” exam.
The quiz is 100 questions, all multiple choice, and reflects all the material presented in the chapters we cover in the first half of the class.
Please put away all notes, study guides and other materials before starting the quiz.
Please close all other documents and webpages and do not open any new tabs or windows until after you have submitted the quiz.
Please remain silent until everyone has completed the exam.
Remember, this is a pre-test, so do your best to answer all the questions, but don’t worry if you don’t have all the answers. That’s what you’re here to learn.
Submit your test answers before the end of the class period today.
The exam session will conclude at the end of the class period, so use your time wisely.
When you have completed your exam, the rest of the time is yours, please use it wisely.