Tag Archives: Term 4

IT Fundamentals, Section 5.4: Cloud Computing – TestOut


This section introduces you to the concept of Cloud Computing, how it works, and its uses in our personal and business activities. After finishing this section, you should be able to:

  • Define and describe the uses of cloud computing.
  • Copy files from the local Windows file system to OneDrive.
  • Explain the relationship between cloud computing and Software as a Service (SaaS).
  • Discuss the features of cloud computing business solutions, including Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and Amazon Web Services.


Key Terms:

  • Cloud Computing
  • Cloud Storage
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Software Subscription
  • Cloud Hosting
  • Microsoft OneDrive

Topics Discussed:

  • What do we really mean when we talk about “the cloud”?
  • What cloud services do I already use?
  • How can cloud computing help businesses?


  1. Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
  2. Study 5.4: Cloud Computing, and complete the 5.4.8 Lab/Activity, and the 10 question Exam to complete the Section.

Assigned: March 25th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: March 27th, 2024

AZ CS Standard: Computing Systems – HS.CS.T.1

IT Fundamentals, Section 5.3: Web Browsers – TestOut


This section introduces you to web browsers and gives you practice using search engines, navigating web pages, and configuring basic browser settings. After finishing this section, you should be able to:

  • Use a web browser to access the world wide web.
  • Identify each of the component parts of a URL.
  • Use browser features such as private browsing, bookmarks, and downloading files.
  • Describe key browser and website features, including plug-ins, client-side scripting, certificates, caching, and proxy settings.
  • Configure browser privacy and security features such as pop-up blockers, location tracking, and cookies.
  • Clear a browser’s cache.
  • Troubleshoot common browser problems.
  • Configure proxy server settings on a computer to control internet access.


Key Terms:

  • Web Browser
  • Web Search
  • Cookie
  • Browser Extension
  • Client-Side Scripting
  • Certificate
  • Caching
  • Proxy Server
  • Pop-up Blocker
  • IP Address

Topics Discussed:

  • What is the relationship between a browser and the world wide web?
  • How can understanding the structure of URLs help me browse more effectively?
  • How can I troubleshoot web browser problems?


  1. Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
  2. Study 5.3: Web Browsers, and complete the Lab/Activities 5.3.8, 5.3.10 and 5.3.13, and the 10 question Exam to complete the Section.

Assigned: March 21st, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: March 22nd, 2024

AZ CS Standard: Computing Systems – HS.CS.T.1

IT Fundamentals, Section 5.2: The World Wide Web – TestOut


This section discusses the world wide web, its essential components and its impact on our lives. After finishing this section, you should be able to:

  • Define the internet and the world wide web.
  • Describe the essential components of the web, including websites, URLs, hyperlinks, web browsers, and search engines.
  • Identify and describe technologies that use the internet, including the web, email, instant messaging, VoIP, and the Internet of Things.
  • Compare and contrast desktop applications with web applications.
  • Describe the role of online collaboration tools such as blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, and podcasts.


Key Terms:

  • The Internet
  • The Web
  • Internet Service Providers (ISP)
  • IP Address
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
  • Universal Resource Locator (URL)
  • Domain Name System (DNS)
  • Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP-IP)
  • Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
  • Intranet
  • Voice over IP (VoIP)
  • Wi-Fi
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Web Application
  • Blog
  • Wiki
  • RSS
  • Podcast

Topics Discussed:

  • How are the internet and the world wide web similar? How are they different?
  • What internet technologies other than the web do I use?
  • How have the internet and the web impacted my life?


  1. Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
  2. Study 5.2: The World Wide Web, and complete the 10 question Exam to complete the Section.

Assigned: March 18th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: March 20th, 2024

AZ CS Standard: Impacts of Computing – HS.IC.C.1


Objective: Demonstrate proficiency in Cybersecurity Principles through completion of a final comprehensive assessment.


  • All CYBER.ORG Lessons, Case Studies and Labs presented in class
  • https://apps.cyber.org/ CYBER.ORG Cyber Range virtual environment


  • Complete the CYBER.ORG – Networking and Cybersecurity 1-2H Final Exam Spring 2023 assessment provided in today’s Google Classroom assignment post by the end of the class period today.
  • This is an open-resource exam, and you may use any and all CYBER.ORG Lesson slideshows, Case Studies and Labs presented in class, as well as the https://apps.cyber.org/ Kali Linux virtual environment as your resources. You may not use any printed materials.
  • You may not use other students as resources. Please remain silent until the end of the testing session.
  • The exam contains one hundred multiple-choice questions. Please carefully read all instructions and select the best answer from the available choices for each question.
  • You have forty-five minutes to complete the test. You must submit your test answers before the end of the class period at 2:01pm.
  • Good luck, and do your best!

Posted: May 19th, 2023



  • I can demonstrate my understanding of CyberSecurity Principles through a summative exam.


Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/

Topics Discussed:

  • Linux
  • CyberSecurity Law
  • Security Basics
  • Actors and Vulnerabilities
  • Malware and Attacks


  1. Click the Google Classroom link and log in with your Haydenmagnet.org email address.
  2. You will find a Class Announcement titled “Networking and Cyberecurity 1-2H Final Exam Study Guide“. Attached, you will find a copy of the Final Exam that you may use to review.
  3. The Final Exam will take place on Friday, May 19th.
  4. This will be an “open resource” exam, meaning you will be able to use any materials accessible on your computer. This includes any websites, past assignments, completed projects, installed applications, or notes you may have taken.
  5. You may not, however, collaborate with your classmates; You will be asked to please remain silent until everyone has completed the exam.
  6. The exam contains one hundred multiple-choice questions. Please carefully read all instructions and select the best answer from the available choices for each question.
  7. Be advised that you will only have forty-five minutes to complete the test, so looking up each answer individually would be inadvisable. You must submit your test answers before the end of the class period at 2:01pm.
  8. Study, be prepared, and do your best on Friday’s Final Exam!

Posted: May 16th, 2023

CYBER.ORG – 1.3.5 – Buffer Overflows and Race Conditions & Lab – Buffer Overflow

Objective: Given a scenario, the student will analyze potential
indicators to determine the type of attack.


  • See PowerPoint presentations: 1.3.5 – Buffer Overflows and Race Conditions.pptx, and Lab – Buffer Overflow.pptx


  1. Begin by reading the 1.3.5 – Buffer Overflows and Race Conditions.pptx presentation.
  2. Read and complete the lab activity in the Lab – Buffer Overflow.pptx document.
  3. To confirm completion the lab activity, upload two screenshots: One demonstrating the meterpreter session in Kali sending the keyboard commands to the compromised Windows system, and a second screenshot demonstrating the “we have taken over your system” message in Wordpad in the compromised Windows environment with today’s date to today’s Google Classroom post.
  4. Please do your best to complete this Lab by the end of the class period on Friday.
  5. The Final Exam is currently being generated. Details on the topics and domains covered by the comprehensive final will be provided on Monday, to allow time for review and preparation for the Final Exam, which will be delivered on Friday, May 19th.

Assigned: May 10th, 2023
Teacher Pacing Due Date: May 12th, 2023

CYBER.ORG – 1.3.9 – API and Resource Exhaustion Attacks & Lab – RAT Removal

Objective: Given a scenario, the student will analyze potential
indicators to determine the type of attack.


  • See PowerPoint presentations: 1.3.9 – API and Resource Exhaustion Attacks.pptx, and Lab – RAT Removal.pptx


  1. Begin by reading the 1.3.9 – API and Resource Exhaustion Attacks.pptx presentation.
  2. Read and complete the lab activity in the Lab – RAT Removal.pptx document.
  3. To confirm completion the lab activity, upload two screenshots: one “before” that shows the location of the RATs on the Windows hard drive, and one “after” showing all the RAT’s folders and scripts successfully deleted to today’s Google Classroom post.
  4. Please do your best to complete this Lab by the end of the class period on Tuesday.

Assigned: May 8th, 2023
Teacher Pacing Due Date: May 9th, 2023

CYBER.ORG – 1.2.10 – Rootkits & Lab – RAT/Bot

Objective: Given a scenario, the student will analyze potential
indicators to determine the type of attack.


  • See PowerPoint presentations: 1.2.10 – Rootkits.pptx, and Lab – RAT/Bot.pptx


  1. Begin by reading the 1.2.10 – Rootkits.pptx presentation.
  2. Read and complete the lab activity in the Lab – RAT/Bot.pptx document.
  3. To confirm completion the lab activity, upload a screenshot with today’s date from within the Kali machine demonstrating the active RAT connection and the open meterpreter session to today’s Google Classroom post.
  4. Please do your best to complete this Lab by the end of the class period on Wednesday.

Assigned: May 2nd, 2023
Teacher Pacing Due Date: May 3rd, 2023

CYBER.ORG – 1.2.6 – Bots and Botnets & Case Study – Botnet

Objective: Given a scenario, the student will analyze potential
indicators to determine the type of attack.


  • See PowerPoint presentation: 1.2.6 – Bots and Botnets.pptx
  • See PDF Document: Case Study – Botnet


  1. Begin reading the 1.2.6 – Bots and Botnets.pptx presentation.
  2. Read the Case Study – Botnet.pdf document and be prepared to answer the questions at the end.
  3. Answer the questions on the provided Google Form in today’s Google Classroom assignment post to receive credit by end of day on Tuesday.

Assigned: April 24th, 2023
Teacher Pacing Due Date: April 25th, 2023

CYBER.ORG – 1.3.1 – Privilege Escalation & Lab – Privilege Escalation

Objective: Given a scenario, the student will analyze potential
indicators associated with application attacks.


  • See PowerPoint presentations: 1.3.1 – Privilege Escalation.pptx, and Lab – Privilege Escalation.pptx


  1. Begin by reading the 1.3.1 – Privilege Escalation.pptx presentation.
  2. Read and complete the lab activity in the Lab – Privilege Escalation.pptx document.
  3. To confirm completion the lab activity, upload a screenshot of the Meterpreter session with the escalated privileges that demonstrates that you have Administrator-level access to today’s Google Classroom post.
  4. Please do your best to complete this Lab by the end of the class period on Wednesday.

Assigned: April 12th, 2023
Teacher Pacing Due Date: April 12th, 2023