Tag Archives: Term 2

NetOp1 Semester Exam 2019


Students will demonstrate their understanding of hardware and software basics by completing a summative quiz so that they can assess and measure the progress that they have made.


Topics Discussed:

  • Introduction to Computers
  • Networking
  • Databases and Programming


  1. Click the Testout Courseware link, log in and look for the “NetOp 1H Final Exam 2019” test.
  2. The exam consists of 132 multiple choice questions.
  3. Before starting the quiz, please put away all notes, study guides and other materials.
  4. Please close all other documents and webpages and do not open any new tabs or windows until after you have submitted the quiz.
  5. Please remain silent until everyone has completed the quiz.
  6. You have seventy-seven minutes to complete the test. Be sure to submit your test answers before the end of the class period today, and be forewarned that the test will auto-submit itself at the end of the class period, so work quickly!
  7. Congratulations on completing the first half of Networking and Operating Systems! I’ll see you in 2019 with TestOut Section 4, and a completely new set of projects focused on the fundamentals of networking and cybersecurity!

Have the Merriest of Christmases, the Happiest of New Years’, the Happiest of Hanukkahs, the most Peaceful of Kwanzaas, or just a restful two week break – whatever you may celebrate, enjoy it to the fullest!

Assigned: December 18th, 2019
Due Date: December 18th, 2019

Section 3.4 – Programming Terms and Concepts – TestOut


This section introduces you to basic programming concepts and careers. After finishing this section, you should be able to:

  • Compare and contrast fundamental data types used in computer programming.
  • Describe the purpose of programming constructs such as variables, arrays, and functions.
  • Explain the advantages of Object-Oriented Programming.
  • Describe several careers in computer science.


Key Terms:

  • Data Type An attribute attached to a value that tells the compiler or interpreter how the data should be used.
  • Identifier A user-defined name of a program element, such as a variable or constant.
  • Container A program element, such as an array or vector, that hold a set of values.
  • Function A computer routine or snippet of code that can be reused in a computer program.
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) A programming paradigm based on the concept of objects which can contain both data and programming code.
  • Encapsulation An OOP concept that describes how data and methods are bundled together within one unit or class.
  • Application Developer A person who creates applications for computers and mobile devices.
  • Web Developer A person who creates websites and other technologies that are delivered through the Internet.
  • QA Engineer A person who makes sure the quality of the finished application meets the standards of the company.
  • Database Programmer A person who writes code to design, create, implement, and maintain databases.

Topics Discussed:

  • How do programming languages store and manipulate different types of data?
  • What is object-oriented programming?
  • What careers are available in computer programming?


  1. Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
  2. Study Section 3.4: Programming Terms and Concepts, and achieve a score of 80% or higher on the 15 question Exam to complete the Section.

Assigned: December 13th, 2019
Teacher Pacing Due Date: December 16th, 2019

Section 3.3 – Introduction to Programming – TestOut


This section introduces you to computer programming languages and logic. After finishing this section, you should be able to:

  • Explain what computer programming is and why it is useful.
  • Describe the difference between developing computer programs and using software packages.
  • Compare and contrast different programming language categories.
  • Describe the purpose of programming logic, including branching and looping.
  • Analyze and understand pseudocode and programming logic flowcharts.
  • Identify and understand the purposes of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in a web browser.


Key Terms:

  • Assembly Language A human-readable, low-level computer language that is a symbolic representation of binary machine language.
  • Compiled Language A computer programming language, such as C and C++, that uses a software tool called a compiler to translate the code into binary machine language.
  • Interpreted Language A computer programming language, such as Python, JavaScript, and Ruby, that requires a program called an interpreter to execute the instructions written in the source code each time the application is run.
  • Runtime Engine A special interpreter that translates bytecode into computer specific machine language. Bytecode is a platform independent, low-level language that is compiled from source code.
  • Flowchart A visual representation of the logic in a program.
  • Branching The logic in a program that tells the computer to execute a different part of the program rather than executing statements one-by-one, in order.
  • Looping The login in a program that tells the computer to repeatedly execute a sequence of instructions until a condition is reached.
  • Algorithm Specific, step-by-step procedures that illustrate how a problem will be solved.
  • Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) A markup language interpreted by web browsers.
  • Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) A file associated with a web page that describes how HTML elements are to be displayed.
  • JavaScript A programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within a web browser.

Topics Discussed:

  • Why must computer programs be precise in giving instructions to the computer?
  • What products and services that I use were created by programmers?
  • How do popular programming languages help programmers create software for multiple platforms?


  1. Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
  2. Study Section 3.3: Introduction to Programming, and achieve a score of 80% or higher on the 14 question Exam to complete the Section.

Assigned: December 11th, 2019
Teacher Pacing Due Date: December 12th, 2019

Section 3.1 – Databases – TestOut


This section introduces you to databases and gives you practice using a relational database management system. After finishing this section, you should be able to:

  • Describe the purposes of a relational database.
  • Define basic relational database terminology, including fields, records, primary keys, foreign keys, and one-to-many relationships.
  • Describe the basic functions of a non-relational database.
  • Describe the purpose of a database management system.
  • Use Microsoft Access to explore database objects and create table relationships.


Key Terms:

  • Database A structured set of data held in a computer, usually in a way that that is accessible in multiple ways.
  • Relational Database A database that is structured to recognize relationships between items of information.
  • Table A container in a relational database that is comprised of fields (columns) and records (rows).
  • Field A single attribute of each record in a table.
  • Record A single instance of an object stored in a database table.
  • Primary Key A field in a table that uniquely identifies a row.
  • Foreign Key A field in a second table that matches the primary key in another table.
  • Query A method of asking questions about the data stored in a database.
  • Form A graphical interface that allows users to query a database by filling in information on the form.
  • Report An easy-to-read listing of the results of a query.
  • Structured Query Language (SQL) A computer language used by most relational databases for creating queries.
  • Structured Data Data that can be divided into discrete categories.
  • Unstructured Data Data that doesn’t follow a clear pattern.
  • Semi-Structured Data Data that has some discrete categories but also other information that doesn’t follow a clear pattern.
  • Database Management System (DBMS) Software that allows users to define, manipulate, retrieve, and manage data stored in a database. Examples are Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, MySQL, and Microsoft Access.

Topics Discussed:

  • What databases do you interact with in your everyday life?
  • What are the advantages to storing data in a relational database? Are there disadvantages?
  • What is the purpose of a database management system?


  1. Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
  2. Study Section 3.1: Databases, and achieve a score of 80% or higher on the 14 question Exam to complete the Section.

Assigned: December 4th, 2019
Teacher Pacing Due Date: December 6th, 2019

DIY Directional Antennas 2019 – Final Reflection


I can complete the DIY Directional Antenna Project by reflecting on and evaluating what I learned throughout the course of the activity by completing an online reflection form.


DIY Antennas Project Final Reflection Form:

Google Classroom

Topics Discussed:

Wireless Networking
802.11 Wi-Fi spec
Directional Antennas
Waveguide Antenna
Yagi Antenna
Helical Antenna


Today, we will complete our directional antenna project. Our goal was to sustain a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi signal over a minimum distance of 100 yards (300 ft or ~92m) with a minimum signal strength of -67 dBm. Many of the Pringles can yagi antenna designs struggled with this task, but one came out on top with a very respectable -66 dBm signal and 34% sustained signal quality over a distance of 100 yards. Please congratulate Erwin N. and Brandon A. for their outstanding Pringles can yagi antenna assembly that conquered all other designs. They will be enjoying pizza and wings for lunch today as the rest of the class completes this final reflection assignment.

The link for the reflection assignment can be found here. Please follow the instructions on the form, and answer each question group with a paragraph comprised of at least three complete sentences. Pay attention to your spelling, punctuation and grammar as you compose your paragraphs. This assignment is to be written in a professional tone in an academic voice, and it will be graded based on the criteria described on the form. Each team member must submit their own form, but can work together on the wording of the individual submissions. You are encouraged to type your answers in a separate Google Doc to ensure your answers are saved, then transfer your answers to the Google Form for submission. This assignment is effectively your final project assessment which represents the major portion of your project grade, and should be addressed accordingly.

Good luck, and thank you for all your hard work on this project. Do your best on your reflection and then it’s back to the TestOut LabSim software to finish up our last few chapters before Winter Break!

Posted: December 3rd, 2019
Due Date: December 3rd, 2019

Section 2.4 Lab – DIY Directional Antennas Project 2019: Build Phase and Testing


I can demonstrate my understanding of computer networks, network operating systems and wireless networking by assembling a directional antenna with the intent of establishing and sustaining a 2.4 GHz wireless signal at a distance of greater than 100 yards.


Do It Yourself Wireless Antenna (Pringles Can Yagi): https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-make-a-wifi-antenna-out-of-a-pringles-can-nb/

How to Build a Tin Can Waveguide WiFi Antenna: https://www.turnpoint.net/wireless/cantennahowto.html

DIY Bi-Quad Directional Wi-Fi Antenna:  https://lifehacker.com/5964111/diy-wi-fi-antenna-cheaply-extends-your-wireless-network

$10 Wi-Fi 16dBi Super Antenna: https://www.instructables.com/id/10–WIFI-16dBi-Super-Antenna-Pictorial/

Topics Discussed:

Wireless Networking
802.11 Wi-Fi spec
Directional Antennas
Waveguide Antenna
Yagi Antenna
Flickenger design Antenna


Today, we will continue the build phase of our directional antenna project. Remember that the goal is to sustain a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi signal over a minimum distance of 100 yards (300 ft or ~92m).

All tools and equipment are on the metal cart in the front of Room 225. The transmitter testing cart is in the front of Room 225, and the username and password is on a piece of tape on the side of the cart. Use the velcro strap to secure your can to the tripod and use the tripod handles to angle your can to point at the upright antennas on the target router located on the receiver cart. The receiver cart (with the target router) is in the back of the room, and the username and password is located on a stickynote on the PC case.

Please use this time to make progress on your project. On Friday, November 21st, I will set up the testing carts on both ends of the hallway outside my room in the 200 building so we can test all completed antennas to allow those with working products to see the results and modify their designs if necessary. You should have a finished antenna prepared to test at that time so you can tweak the design if necessary before the final test on the week of the 25th!

We will conduct final tests on Tuesday, November 25th. To be considered a success (and receive credit for the project), your antenna design must be able to sustain at least a -67 dBm wireless signal over a 100 yard distance (the length of the football field).

Reminder: The team (or individual) that produces the antenna that can reliably sustain the highest quality signal (as measured by Signal Quality percentage and Signal as measured in decibels) over the longest distance will receive a personal pizza and wings party, to be held on Wednesday, November 26th while everyone else writes a four paragraph personal reflection describing their participation in this project.

Good luck, and remember: Your antenna doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be better than everyone else’s.

Posted: November 21st, 2019
Due Date: November 26th, 2019

Section 2.4 Lab – DIY Directional Antennas Project 2019


  • I can demonstrate my understanding of computer networks, network operating systems and wireless networking by assembling a directional antenna with the intent of establishing and sustaining a 2.4 GHz wireless signal at a distance of greater than 100 yards.


Do It Yourself Wireless Antenna (Pringles Can Yagi): https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-make-a-wifi-antenna-out-of-a-pringles-can-nb/

How to Build a Tin Can Waveguide WiFi Antenna: https://www.turnpoint.net/wireless/cantennahowto.html

DIY Bi-Quad Directional Wi-Fi Antenna:  https://lifehacker.com/5964111/diy-wi-fi-antenna-cheaply-extends-your-wireless-network

$10 Wi-Fi 16dBi Super Antenna: https://www.instructables.com/id/10–WIFI-16dBi-Super-Antenna-Pictorial/

Topics Discussed:

  • Wireless Networking
  • 802.11 Wi-Fi spec
  • Directional Antennas
  • Waveguide Antenna
  • Yagi Antenna
  • Flickenger design Antenna


Today, we are going to begin a focused short-term project that is to be completed before the Thanksgiving Break. The goal is simple: design and build a directional antenna that will sustain a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi signal over a minimum distance of 100 yards (300 ft or ~92m).

The stretch goal is a little more complex: design and build a directional antenna that will extend that 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi signal as far as possible.

  1. Use the links I have provided to learn about do-it-yourself directional antenna designs. There are many designs to choose from, so do your research and select the design that you think will be most effective in extending and sustaining the Wi-Fi signal over the longest range.
  2. You may work with a partner, or choose to go it alone. If you choose to work with a partner, you will need to pick up and complete both a Project Team Contract and a Project Team Work Plan (available in the Student Pickup Folder in the Marmolejo NetOp 1-2 subfolder on the StudentsTempFiles network share).
  3. Even if you are working by yourself, use the Project Team Work Plan to identify and prepare for the steps of this project (i.e. research, acquisition of materials, installation, configuration, building, testing, modification and upgrades). Submit a completed Project Team Work Plan to the instructor as soon as it is completed.
  4. Proceed with the first identified steps in your Project Team Work Plan. Do your best to follow the plan, but don’t be afraid to amend or alter the plan as the need arises.
  5. You may work in Room 225, but you will need to notify the instructor if you need access the tools in Room 212.
  6. All tools and equipment are located in Room 212. Testing PCs (sender and recipient) will be provided on rolling carts to allow for testing of antennas.
  7. Please use this time to make progress on your project. We have time provided to complete the project, but no time to waste. It is highly likely that your first antenna design may not be your final design, and you will need time to test and make adjustments to your design to achieve optimal results. Use the time given to build, test, modify and retest to get the best results!
  8. We will conduct initial tests the week of November 18th. To be considered a success (and receive credit for the project), your antenna design must be able to sustain at least a -67 dBm wireless signal over a 100 yard distance (the length of the football field).
  9. Upon completion of initial tests, you will have a week to revise and retest your design before the final testing during the week of November 25th.
  10. The team (or individual) that produces the antenna that can reliably sustain the highest signal strength over the longest distance on the final testing day will receive a personal pizza and wings party, to be held while everyone else writes a four paragraph personal reflection describing their participation in this project.

Good luck, and remember: the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.

Posted: November 12th, 2019
Due Date: November 27th, 2019

Section 2.5 – Application Delivery – TestOut


This section introduces you to application delivery methods, software licensing, and software installation. After finishing this section, you should be able to:

  • Compare and contrast different methods of delivering applications to users.
  • Describe various ways software applications can be designed for greater scalability and maintenance.
  • Compare and contrast different software licensing models.
  • Use various methods to install and use software applications.
  • Install software patches and updates.
  • Configure a Windows system for automatic updates.


Key Terms:

  • Local Installation The traditional method for delivering applications by installing them on individual desktop computer systems.
  • Network Hosting A method of delivering applications by installing them in the local network.
  • Cloud Hosting A method of delivering applications by hosting them in the cloud.
  • Software as a Service (SaaS) A term associated with cloud hosting. SaaS provides users with the applications they need to do their day-to-day work through the cloud.
  • One Tier An application architecture model where programs run as standalone applications on a single computer.
  • Two Tier An application architecture model with two separate tiers (a client and a server) where applications store and retrieve data from a central repository.
  • Three Tier An application architecture model with three separate tiers where an application presents the user interface on a client workstation, data is processed on an application server, and information is retrieved from a database management system on a database server.
  • n-Tier An application architecture model where application developers add as many tiers as they need to create the most efficient services and processes on a network.
  • Platform Compatibility A concern with using enterprise software in a network with multiple computer platforms and operating systems.
  • Proprietary Software Software that isn’t owned but requires the purchase of a license to use the software.
  • Personal License A software license given to home and small business customers that allows them to install the software on a limited number of systems.
  • Enterprise License A software license, often called a volume license or a site license, that allows the customer to install the software without restriction using the same activation code, typically until a maximum cap is reached.
  • Open Source Software Software that can be downloaded, installed, and used without paying a licensing fee. The source code can also be downloaded, modified, and compiled and given to others as long as it is not resold for profit.
  • Software Subscription Sometimes called SaaS or on-demand software, software that requires a monthly or annual fee to use the software and receive regular updates.
  • Windows Update A feature of the Windows operating system that keeps the operating system up to date.

Topics Discussed:

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of hosting applications on the cloud?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of software subscription licenses?
  • Why is it important to keep system and application software up to date?


  1. Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
  2. Study Section 2.5: Application Delivery, and achieve a score of 80% or higher on the 12 question Exam to complete the Section.

Assigned: November 7th, 2019
Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 8th, 2019

Section 2.4 – Networking Standards and Protocols – TestOut


This section introduces you to networking protocols and standards and gives you practice connecting to a secure wireless network. After finishing this section, you should be able to:

  • Describe basic Internet protocols.
  • Compare and contrast wireless network standards.
  • Describe how networking devices transmit data to the right location on a network.
  • Connect to a public WiFi network.
  • Connect to a secure wireless network.
  • Describe various careers in computer networking.


Key Terms:

  • Physical Address The unique, burned-into read-only memory address of a network interface. This is also called the media access control address, or MAC address. MAC addresses are burned into the read-only memory of every single network interface, such as wireless network adapters and network interface cards. This makes it virtually impossible to change the device’s MAC address.
  • Logical Address An address assigned by software and, as such, can be changed. It includes two parts, the network address and the host address. The most common types of logical addresses are those assigned by the IP protocol and are called IP addresses.
  • Default Address Class A class designation (A through E) that specifies a default subnet mask value which defines the default network address portion of the IP address.
  • Internet Protocol (IP) The principal communications protocol in the internet protocol suite that is used to route information over the Internet.
  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) An important protocol in the internet protocol suite that enables two hosts to establish a connection and exchange data.
  • User Datagram Protocol (UDP) An important protocol in the internet protocol suite that is generally used when speed in transmission is more important than accuracy since the sending computer doesn’t verify that the packets were correctly received.
  • Domain Name System (DNS) A protocol that helps internet users and network devices discover other devices using a human-readable hostname instead of numeric IP addresses.
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) A protocol that governs the transfer of web content between computers.
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) A protocol that combines HTTP with the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to securely transfer web content between computers.
  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) A protocol used to send email.
  • Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) A protocol used to receive email. With POP3, email is deleted from a server after it is downloaded to a client.
  • Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) A protocol used to receive email. With IMAP, email is saved on a server even after it is downloaded to a client.
  • IEEE 802 Standards A family of standards that deal mostly with how data is transferred between hosts in a local area network (LAN).
  • IEEE 802.11 Standards A family of standards under the 802 standards that deal with how data is transferred between hosts in a wireless network. Popular 802.11 standards are 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n, and 802.11ac.
  • IEEE 802.11 Encryption Protocols Security protocols that govern how data in a wireless network is secured by encryption. Examples of these protocols are Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), and WPA2.
  • Frequency A characteristic of a radio signal that carries digital information in a wireless network. 802.11 standards specify two frequencies, 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.
  • Attenuation A feature of radio waves where the signal becomes weaker as the wave travels further from its point of origin. 802.11 standards require that signals are strong enough to cover a specific distance.
  • Speed A characteristic of 802.11 protocols that require protocols to transfer data at a specific number of bits per second.
  • Network Architect A person that develops and implements an organization’s communication network, including the hardware and software components needed for both physical and wireless connections.
  • Network Administrator A person that maintains and expands a company’s network. They install and configure network media, create and manage user accounts, implement firewalls and other network security, manage an organization’s mail system, configure network printers, and maintain Internet connectivity.
  • Network Technician A person that works closely with network administrators to ensure uninterrupted access to the company network. They troubleshoot problems reported to a company’s IT help desk and assist users in resolving network connection problems, such as replacing defective network cables and modifying Wi-Fi settings.

Topics Discussed:

  • Why is it important that computers on a network use the same protocols?
  • How do computer networks locate specific devices on the network?
  • What career opportunities are available in computer networking?


  1. Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
  2. Study Section 2.4: Networking Basics, and achieve a score of 80% or higher on the 15 question Exam to complete the Section.

Assigned: November 4th, 2019
Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 6th, 2019

Section 2.3 Lab – Ethernet Cat5e Patch Cable Assembly


  • I can demonstrate my understanding of physical networking media by assembling a Cat5e network cable to the Ethernet EIA/TIA 568A and 568B standards.


Topics Discussed:

  • Networking Basics
  • Networking Fundamentals
  • Ethernet
  • 568A & 568B Standards
  • Cat5, 5e & 6
  • Local Area Network
  • Cable Management


  1. This week, we will be working on our Ethernet Cabling exercise, where we will assemble an Ethernet Cat5e cable to the EIA/TIA 568A and 568B standards.
  2. Visit the web links provided above for instructions on how to build a Cat5e cable to the EIA/TIA 568A or 568B spec. Read through the instructions completely before proceeding. Pay particular notice to the difference between a “passthrough” cable and a “crossover” cable.
  3. Visit the rolling cart to pick up your tools and materials. You will need a arm’s length of Cat5e cable, two RJ-45 cable ends (with load bars), and a crimper tool.
  4. Follow the instructions to build your passthrough patch cable.
  5. Once you have your passthrough cable built, test it using the provided cable tester. If your cable test is successful, you may proceed to build a “crossover” cable for extra credit.
  6. Use clear tape and a marker to label your cables with your name and what type of cable it is (passthrough or crossover), and place it in the wire basket on the front table in the room.
  7. Once they are graded, you are free to take your Cat5e cable home for your own use. Cables left behind will be deployed within the department.

Assigned: October 31st, 2019
Due Date: November 1st, 2019