Read the 1.6.1 – DHCP.pptx, 1.6.2 – DNS.pptx & 1.6.3 – NTP.pptx presentations. These lessons will introduce you to what a DHCP server is and how it helps devices when they connect to a network, what DNS is and what the different types of records are within a domain, and what NTP is and why is it so important.
Assigned: November 1st, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 1st, 2023
The student will explain common ports and protocols, their application, and encrypted alternatives.
See PowerPoint presentation: 1.5.1 – Common Ports.pptx
Begin reading the 1.5.2 – Protocols.pptx presentation. This lesson will introduce you to some common protocols and how they differ.
Next, we will conduct the 1.5.2 – Activity – Protocolsactivity in class today. Prepare for chaos as we discover in real time how Protocols work to transmit messages across a network!
Assigned: October 31st, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 1st, 2023
The student will explain common ports and protocols, their application, and encrypted alternatives.
See PowerPoint presentation: 1.5.1 – Common Ports.pptx
Begin reading the 1.5.1 – Common Ports.pptx presentation. This lesson will introduce you to some common port numbers and what protocols are attached to them.
Next, complete the 1.5.1 Activity Common Ports Crossword Fillable Formactivity posted in the Google Classroom, and hand it in by end of day on Tuesday, October 31st.
Note to everyone present on Friday: I have corrected the error in the Crossword Fillable Form, and it should now work properly! Please download the 1.5.1. Activity Common Ports Crossword Fillable Form, and open it in Adobe Acrobat. You should be able to type a letter in each square and press the TAB key to jump to the next square to complete the crossword puzzle digitally. Save your work, and turn the completed crossword puzzle in by tomorrow!
Assigned: October 27th, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: October 31st, 2023
Given a scenario, the student will configure a subnet and use appropriate IP addressing schemes.
See PowerPoint presentation: 1.4.2 – IPv4 and IPv6.pptx
Begin reading the 1.4.2 – IPv4 and IPv6.pptx presentation. This lesson will introduce you to the the differences between the IPv4 and IPv6 network addressing protocols.
Next, complete the 1.4.2 – Activity – IPv4 and IPv6 Venn Diagramactivity posted in the Google Classroom, and hand it in by end of day today.
Assigned: October 25th, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: October 25th, 2023
Given a scenario, the student will configure a subnet and use appropriate IP addressing schemes
See PowerPoint presentation: 1.4.1 – Public vs. Private Networks.pptx
Begin reading the 1.4.1 – Public vs. Private Networks.pptx presentation. This lesson will introduce you to public and private networks and how they differ from each other.
Next, complete the 1.4.1 – Activity – Public vs. Private Networks Questions Fillable Form.pdf activity posted in the Google Classroom, by the end of the day today.
Assigned: October 24th, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: October 25th, 2023
The student will be able to summarize the types of cables and connectors and explain which is the appropriate type for a solution.
See PowerPoint presentation: 1.3.4 – Cable Management.pptx
Begin reading the 1.3.4 – Cable Management.pptx presentation. This lesson will introduce you to the different connectors for network cables and how they differ.
Next, complete the 1.3.4 – Activity – Cable Management activity posted in the Google Classroom, by the end of the day today.
Assigned: October 16th, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: October 16th, 2023
The student will be able to summarize the types of cables and connectors and explain which is the appropriate type for a solution.
See PowerPoint presentation: 1.3.3 – Connector Types.pptx
Begin reading the 1.3.3 – Activity – Connector Types.pptx presentation. This lesson will introduce you to the different connectors for network cables and how they differ.
Next, complete the 1.3.3 – Activity – Connector Typesactivity posted in the Google Classroom, and hand it in by end of day today.
Assigned: October 3rd, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: October 4th, 2023
Begin reading the 1.3.1 – Copper Cables.pptx presentation on the Google Classroom. This lesson will introduce you to different types of copper cables and their standard characteristics.
Next, visit the How to Make a Network Cable: link at for instructions on how to build a Cat5e cable to the EIA/TIA 568A or 568B spec. Read through the instructions completely before proceeding. Pay particular notice to the difference between a “passthrough” cable and a “crossover” cable.
Visit the rolling cart to pick up your tools and materials. You will need a arm’s length of Cat5e cable, two RJ-45 cable ends, and a crimper tool.
Follow the instructions to build your passthrough patch cable.
Once you have your passthrough cable built, test it using the provided cable tester. If your cable test is successful, you may proceed to build a “crossover” cable for extra credit.
Use clear tape and a marker to label your cables with your name and what type of cable it is (passthrough or crossover), and place it in the wire basket on the front table in the room.
Once they are graded, you are free to take your Cat5e cable home for your own use. Cables left behind will be deployed within the department.
Assigned: September 27th, 2023 Due Date: September 29th, 2023
Compare and contrast the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model layers and encapsulation concepts.
See PowerPoint presentation: 1.2.1 – Network Topologies.pptx
Begin reading the 1.2.1 – Network Topologies.pptx presentation. This lesson will introduce you to the characteristics of network topologies and network types..
Next, complete the 1.2.1 – Activity – Network Topologies with String activity in class today. Mister will provide the materials and explanation.
Finally, complete the CYBER.ORG – Network Topologies Discussion Questions form posted in the Google Classroom. You may turn this in as a group, just make sure all your group members’ names are listed in the Names: line of the form.
Assigned: September 22nd, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 22nd, 2023