Given a scenario, the student will be able to install and configure the appropriate wireless standards and technologies.
See PowerPoint presentation: 2.4.2 – SSID.pptx
Begin reading the 2.4.2 – SSID.pptx presentation. This lesson will introduce you to what an SSID on a network is, and its available settings.
Next, complete the 2.4.2 – Activity – SSID Tracking .pdf activity in class today. Open the 2.4.2 – Activity – SSID TrackingFillable Form posted in today’s Google Classroom Assignment Post to submit your answers to the prompt provided in the activity sheet.
Assigned: November 27th, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 28th, 2023
Given a scenario, the student will be able to locate and configure common Wired and Wireless network configuration settings on a routing device.
Refer to prior PowerPoint presentations on Network Types, Connector Types, Protocols, Networking Devices, Networked Devices and Bandwidth Management for review.
Topics Discussed:
Networking Fundamentals
Local Area Network
TCP/IP – Transport Connect Protocol/Internet Protocol
DHCP – Dynamic Host Connect Protocol
802.11 Wireless
Complete the Lab Activity: Router Configuration Challenge worksheet in class today. Open the Router Configuration Challenge Form posted in today’s Google Classroom Assignment Post for instructions.
Assigned: November 22nd, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 22nd, 2023
Given a scenario, the student will be able to configure and deploy workstations in a local area network configuration using the appropriate networking standards and technologies.
Refer to prior PowerPoint presentations on Network Topologies, Network Types, Connector Types, Cable Management, Protocols, Networking Devices and Networked Devices for review.
Topics Discussed:
The Internet and World Wide Web
Networking Fundamentals
Local Area Network
Network Topologies
Hubs vs Switches
TCP/IP – Transport Connect Protocol/Internet Protocol
Cable Management
This week, we will be working on a lab activity, where we will organize and assemble a local area network to function in a working classroom.
Four laptops three routers, an unmanaged switch and all of the necessary cables and peripherals have been provided. Students should also take note of the collection of network cables, as they will be called upon to select one of an appropriate length when it is time to assemble the network.
Refer to the in-class discussion on Network Hardware and Network Topologies – which would be the best physical topology for the proposed class configuration, given the networking equipment we have on hand?
As a class, decide on the best arrangement for the equipment, given the room’s existing network infrastructure and the technical and physical requirements of our class, as well as OSHA regulations and best practices.
With these requirements in mind, assemble the network according to the instructor’s directions.
Is the networking device you are using a router or a switch? How can you tell the difference? Can you tell just by looking at the device?
What type of cable are we using? Why are we using this type of cable? Why are we even using cable instead of connecting the workstations to the Wi-Fi network? What are the benefits of wired networking over wireless?
As the network takes shape, can you see why the topology selected was the best to suit the classroom conditions?
Participation points will be awarded for participating in the lab rebuild. You must be in attendance and participate each day of the lab to receive credit, so don’t miss class and don’t miss out on some easy lab points!
Assigned: November 20th, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 23rd, 2023
Given a scenario, the student will be able to configure and deploy common Ethernet switching features.
Given a scenario, the student will be able to install and configure the appropriate wireless standards and technologies
See PowerPoint presentations: 2.3.1 – Ethernet Switching Features, 2.3.2 – Ethernet Port Configurations.pptx, & 2.4.1 – WiFi Standards.pptx
Begin reading the 2.3.1 – Ethernet Switching Features, 2.3.2 – Ethernet Port Configurations.pptx, & 2.4.1 – WiFi Standards.pptx presentations. These lessons will introduce you to common Ethernet switching features, the different Ethernet port configurations and how they differ, and the different current WiFi standards, .
Next, complete the 2.4.1 Activity: Wi-Fi Standards worksheet in class today. Open the 2.4.1 Activity: Wi-Fi Standards Fillable Form.pdf posted in today’s Google Classroom Assignment Post for instructions.
Assigned: November 17th, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 17th, 2023
The student will compare and contrast routing technologies and bandwidth management concepts.
See PowerPoint presentation: 2.2.2 – Bandwidth Management.pptx
Begin reading the 2.2.2 – Bandwidth Management.pptx presentation. This lesson will introduce you to bandwidth management and how it helps improve network performance.
Next, complete the 2.2.2 – Activity – Bandwidth Management .pdf activity in class today. Open the 2.2.2 – Activity – Bandwidth Management Fillable Form posted in today’s Google Classroom Assignment Post to submit your answers to the prompt provided in the activity sheet.
Assigned: November 15th, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 15th, 2023
The student will compare and contrast routing technologies and bandwidth management concepts.
See PowerPoint presentation: 2.2.1 – Routing Technologies.pptx
Begin reading the 2.2.1 – Routing Technologies.pptx presentation. This lesson will introduce you to different networking devices and their purposes.
Next, complete the 2.2.1 – Activity – Routing Tables.pdf activity in class today. Open the 2.2.1 – Activity – Routing Tables Fillable Form posted in today’s Google Classroom Assignment Post to submit your answers to the questions provided in the activity sheet.
Assigned: November 14th, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 14th, 2023
The student will compare and contrast various devices, their features, and their appropriate placement on the network.
See PowerPoint presentation: 2.1.2 – Networked Devices.pptx
Begin reading the 2.1.2 – Networked Devices.pptx presentation. This lesson will introduce you to different devices that connect to a network and how they differ.
Next, complete the 2.1.2 – Activity – Networked Devices Flash Cards View the Quizlet link posted in today’s Google Classroom Assignment Post for instructions.
Assigned: November 13th, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 13th, 2023
The student will compare and contrast various devices, their features, and their appropriate placement on the network.
See PowerPoint presentation: 2.1.1 Networking Devices.pptx
Begin reading the 2.1.1 Networking Devices.pptx presentation. This lesson will introduce you to different networking devices and their purposes.
Next, complete the 2.1.1 – Activity – Networking Devices activity in class today. Open the 2.1.1 – Activity – Networking Devices Fillable Form.pdf posted in today’s Google Classroom Assignment Post for instructions.
Assigned: November 8th, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 8th, 2023
Begin reading the 1.8.1 – Cloud Concepts.pptx and 1.8.2 – Cloud Connectivity Options.pptx presentations. These lessons will introduce you to what the “cloud” is, cloud deployment and service models, and different connectivity options for the cloud.
Next, complete the 1.8.2 – Activity – Cloud Scavenger Hunt activity in class today. Open the CYBER.ORG: Networking Fundamentals – 1.8.2 – Activity – Cloud Scavenger Hunt Google Form posted in today’s Google Classroom Assignment Post for instructions.
Assigned: November 6th, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 6th, 2023
The student will explain the use and purpose of network services.
See PowerPoint presentation: 1.6.2 – Lab – DNS and nslookup.pptx
Use the CYBER.ORG Cyber Range Kali Linux installation to access the nslookup utility, and use it to complete the 1.6.2 – Lab – DNS and nslookup.pptxLab activity.
Complete the Lab by answering the questions in the CYBER.ORG: Networking Fundamentals – 1.6.2 – Lab – DNS and nslookup Google form posted on the Google Classroom in class today.
Refer to the 1.6.2 – DNS.pptx presentation if you need to review DNS information.
Please do your best to complete this Lab activity by the end of the day today.
Assigned: November 3rd, 2023 Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 3rd, 2023