Tag Archives: Networking and Operating Systems

IT Fundamentals, Section 6.2 – Networking Basics – TestOut


This section introduces you to computer networking devices and gives you practice setting up wired network connections. After finishing this section, you should be able to:

  • Define some advantages of computer networking.
  • Explain the difference between a local area network (LAN) and a wide area network (WAN).
  • Describe common network topologies, including bus, ring, star, and mesh.
  • Explain the role of clients and servers on a network.
  • Describe standard devices and interfaces used in wired networking.
  • Describe standard devices and interfaces used in wireless networking.
  • Describe different network storage options.
  • Select and install a network interface card.
  • Use an appropriate network cable to connect a computer to the local network.
  • Use Network & Internet settings in Windows to confirm that a workstation is connected to the local network and the internet.


Key Terms:

  • Network Interface
  • Network Cable
  • Wall Jack
  • Local Area Network (LAN)
  • Wide Area Network (WAN)
  • Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
  • Internet Service Providers (ISP)
  • Bus Topology
  • Ring Topology
  • Star Topology
  • Mesh Topology
  • Physical Address
  • Logical Address
  • Default Address Class
  • Internet Protocol (IP)
  • Modem
  • Router
  • Switch
  • Access Point
  • Firewall
  • Home Router
  • Registered Jack 11 (RJ-11) Interface
  • Registered Jack 45 (RJ-45) Interface
  • Bluetooth
  • Radio Frequency ID
  • (RFID)
  • Near Field Communications (NFC)
  • File Server
  • Mail Server
  • Web Server
  • Database Server
  • Gaming Server
  • Client
  • Server
  • Client-Server Model
  • SOHO

Topics Discussed:

  • What hardware components are needed for a wired network? A wireless network?
  • What roles do servers play on a network?
  • What is the difference between a LAN and a WAN?


  1. Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
  2. Study 6.2: Networking Basics and complete the 6.2.11 Lab/Activity and the 10 question Exam to complete the Section.

Assigned: April 10th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: April 11th, 2024

AZ CS Standard: Computing Systems – HS.CS.T.1

IT Fundamentals, Section 5.9: Internet Technology Careers – TestOut


This section describes common careers in internet technology. After finishing this section, you should be able to:

  • Describe common careers in designing and configuring internet technologies, including web design, social media marketing, and internet service support.
  • Identify skills and educational requirements for internet technology careers.


Key Terms:

  • Web Designer
  • Social Media Marketer
  • Internet Service Technician

Topics Discussed:

  • How does the work of internet technology professionals affect my daily life?
  • How can I prepare for a career in internet technology?


  1. Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
  2. Study 5.9: Internet Technology Careers, and complete the 5 question Exam to complete the Section.

Assigned: April 8th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: April 9th, 2024

AZ CS Standard: Computing Systems – HS.CS.T.1

IT Fundamentals, Section 5.8 Online Research – TestOut


This section introduces you to the online research resources. After finishing this section, you should be able to:

  • Use a search engine to find and evaluate web content.
    • Use Advanced Search forms.
    • Use search operators to refine searches.
  • Identify reliable academic sources online.
  • Distinguish between primary, secondary, and tertiary sources.
  • Explain how to avoid plagiarism when using online sources.


Key Terms:

  • Academic Source
  • Consumer-level Source
  • Primary Source
  • Secondary Source
  • Tertiary Source
  • Citation Style
  • Plagiarism

Topics Discussed:

  • Why is it important to verify that information found online is reliable?
  • What are the key differences between scholarly and consumer-level resources?
  • When is it appropriate to use primary, secondary, and tertiary sources of information?


  1. Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
  2. Study 5.8 – Online Research, and complete the 10 question Exam to complete the Section.

Assigned: April 5th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: April 8th, 2024

AZ CS Standard: Computing Systems – HS.CS.T.1

IT Fundamentals, Section 5.7 – The Internet of Things – TestOut


This section introduces you to the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT). After finishing this section, you should be able to:

  • Define the Internet of Things.
  • Identify some of the most common devices that make up the Internet of Things.
  • Use a home security app to install and configure smart devices such as cameras, light switches, locks, thermostats, and outlets.
  • Describe the features of digital assistants such as Siri, Cortana, and Google Assistant.


Key Terms:

  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Digital Assistant

Topics Discussed:

  • If digital assistants are free to use, why do companies spend millions of dollars to develop and support them?
  • Are there any IoT devices that I might find helpful?


  1. Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
  2. Study 5.7 – The Internet of Things, and complete the 5.7.5 Lab/Activity and the 10 question Exam to complete the Section.

Assigned: April 4th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: April 5th, 2024

AZ CS Standard: Computing Systems – HS.CS.T.1

IT Fundamentals, Section 5.6 – Internet Communcations Technologies – TestOut


This section introduces you to internet-based communications. After finishing this section, you should be able to:

  • Describe the differences between downloading, live streaming, and on-demand streaming.
  • Distinguish between synchronous and asynchronous communication.
  • Describe safeguards to follow when using email.
  • Display proper email etiquette by using Reply, Reply All, Cc, and Bcc appropriately.
  • Explain the differences between texting, messaging, and online chat.
  • Explain the communication technology that allows Voice over IP calls.


Key Terms:

  • Voice over IP (VoIP)
  • Synchronous Technology
  • Asynchronous Technology
  • Netiquette
  • Texting
  • Messaging
  • Online Chat
  • Streaming
  • Live Streaming
  • On-Demand Streaming
  • Buffering
  • Downloading

Topics Discussed:

  • When is it best to answer an email with Reply All? When is it better to use Reply?
  • How is VoIP similar to traditional telephone services? How is it different?
  • What are the advantages of streaming vs downloading? What are the disadvantages?


  1. Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
  2. Study 5.6 – Internet Communcations Technologies, and complete the 5.6.5 Lab/Activity and the 10 question Exam to complete the Section.

Assigned: April 3rd, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: April 4th, 2024

AZ CS Standard: Computing Systems – HS.CS.T.1

IT Fundamentals, Section 5.5: Social Media – TestOut


This section introduces you to social media and its uses. After finishing this section, you should be able to:

  • Identify common web applications, including Webmail, Google Docs, Facebook, and YouTube.
  • Define social media and describe its uses.
  • Compare and contrast the uses of common social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
  • Recognize the risks and responsibilities of using social media.
  • Explain why it is important to manage and protect your online identity.
  • Create an effective social media profile.
  • Describe the basics of social media marketing and crowdsourcing.


Key Terms:

  • Social Media Platform
  • Crowdsourcing
  • Social Media Marketing

Topics Discussed:

  • How has social media helped society? How has it hurt society?
  • How can I better use social media to reach my personal goals?
  • Why is it important to cultivate a healthy online identity?


  1. Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
  2. Study 5.5: Social Media, and complete the 10 question Exam to complete the Section.

Assigned: March 27th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: March 28th, 2024

AZ CS Standard: Computing Systems – HS.CS.T.1

IT Fundamentals, Section 5.4: Cloud Computing – TestOut


This section introduces you to the concept of Cloud Computing, how it works, and its uses in our personal and business activities. After finishing this section, you should be able to:

  • Define and describe the uses of cloud computing.
  • Copy files from the local Windows file system to OneDrive.
  • Explain the relationship between cloud computing and Software as a Service (SaaS).
  • Discuss the features of cloud computing business solutions, including Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and Amazon Web Services.


Key Terms:

  • Cloud Computing
  • Cloud Storage
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Software Subscription
  • Cloud Hosting
  • Microsoft OneDrive

Topics Discussed:

  • What do we really mean when we talk about “the cloud”?
  • What cloud services do I already use?
  • How can cloud computing help businesses?


  1. Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
  2. Study 5.4: Cloud Computing, and complete the 5.4.8 Lab/Activity, and the 10 question Exam to complete the Section.

Assigned: March 25th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: March 27th, 2024

AZ CS Standard: Computing Systems – HS.CS.T.1

IT Fundamentals, Section 5.3: Web Browsers – TestOut


This section introduces you to web browsers and gives you practice using search engines, navigating web pages, and configuring basic browser settings. After finishing this section, you should be able to:

  • Use a web browser to access the world wide web.
  • Identify each of the component parts of a URL.
  • Use browser features such as private browsing, bookmarks, and downloading files.
  • Describe key browser and website features, including plug-ins, client-side scripting, certificates, caching, and proxy settings.
  • Configure browser privacy and security features such as pop-up blockers, location tracking, and cookies.
  • Clear a browser’s cache.
  • Troubleshoot common browser problems.
  • Configure proxy server settings on a computer to control internet access.


Key Terms:

  • Web Browser
  • Web Search
  • Cookie
  • Browser Extension
  • Client-Side Scripting
  • Certificate
  • Caching
  • Proxy Server
  • Pop-up Blocker
  • IP Address

Topics Discussed:

  • What is the relationship between a browser and the world wide web?
  • How can understanding the structure of URLs help me browse more effectively?
  • How can I troubleshoot web browser problems?


  1. Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
  2. Study 5.3: Web Browsers, and complete the Lab/Activities 5.3.8, 5.3.10 and 5.3.13, and the 10 question Exam to complete the Section.

Assigned: March 21st, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: March 22nd, 2024

AZ CS Standard: Computing Systems – HS.CS.T.1

IT Fundamentals, Section 5.2: The World Wide Web – TestOut


This section discusses the world wide web, its essential components and its impact on our lives. After finishing this section, you should be able to:

  • Define the internet and the world wide web.
  • Describe the essential components of the web, including websites, URLs, hyperlinks, web browsers, and search engines.
  • Identify and describe technologies that use the internet, including the web, email, instant messaging, VoIP, and the Internet of Things.
  • Compare and contrast desktop applications with web applications.
  • Describe the role of online collaboration tools such as blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, and podcasts.


Key Terms:

  • The Internet
  • The Web
  • Internet Service Providers (ISP)
  • IP Address
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
  • Universal Resource Locator (URL)
  • Domain Name System (DNS)
  • Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP-IP)
  • Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
  • Intranet
  • Voice over IP (VoIP)
  • Wi-Fi
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Web Application
  • Blog
  • Wiki
  • RSS
  • Podcast

Topics Discussed:

  • How are the internet and the world wide web similar? How are they different?
  • What internet technologies other than the web do I use?
  • How have the internet and the web impacted my life?


  1. Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
  2. Study 5.2: The World Wide Web, and complete the 10 question Exam to complete the Section.

Assigned: March 18th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: March 20th, 2024

AZ CS Standard: Impacts of Computing – HS.IC.C.1

ITF Certification Practice Exam – 3rd Quarter, Spring 2024 – TestOut


This section is a comprehensive practice exam covering Chapters 1-4 of the CompTIA ITF Certification Exam preparatory curriculum.

This practice exam:

  • Has 70 questions and 5 labs
  • Is randomly generated
  • Has no time limit, but should be completed before the end of the 76-minute class period today.
  • Has a percentage score at the end of the session
  • Recommends a 80% passing score.



  1. Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
  2. Take the 75 question NetCyber IT Fundamentals 3rd Quarter Spring 2024 practice test. Your goal is to achieve a score of 80% or higher on the practice test.
  3. Please put away all study materials, and do not access any windows or tabs other than the TestOut testing tab in the Chrome browser window.
  4. After you finish, you may review your score in the exam report.
  5. This comprehensive practice test covers all four of the CompTIA Exam Objective Chapters that we have studied over the past nine weeks. It will be used to determine your current level of proficiency and preparedness to take the full ITF Certification Exam. We will review the results when we return from Spring Break recess.
  6. Good luck, and have a safe and restful Spring Break!

Assigned: March 8th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: March 8th, 2024