Tag Archives: Networking and Operating Systems

CYBER.ORG – Lab – Fun With Linux

Objective: Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security with an overview of computer networking fundamentals.

Topics Discussed:

APT Repository
redirection (with “|” pipe)
CTRL + C (break)
tar archive


  • PowerPoint presentation: Lab – Fun With Linux
  • PDF document: Linux Commands Cheat Sheet.pdf


  1. Begin reading the Lab – Fun With Linux presentation to have a little fun while practicing with commands in the Linux operating system.
  2. This lab will introduce you to the APT Repository, an open source collection of apps, games and utilities that can be downloaded and used in Linux for free.
  3. Notice that the games and utilities that you will encounter in today’s lab use many of the commands and techniques that we have been studying over the past week!
  4. To complete today’s Lab activity, upload a screenshot of your ASCII aquarium to today’s Google Classroom assignment post!
  5. Bonus: On today’s assignment post, you will find the promised Linux Commands Cheat Sheet! Download it, and use it in good health.

Assigned: September 4th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 5th, 2024



Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security with an overview of Linux fundamentals and advanced commands.

Topics Discussed:



  • See PowerPoint presentations: Lab – Linux 102


  1. Read the Lab – Linux 102 to review advanced Linux commands within the Linux operating system.
  2. Use the Terminal app in your Kali Linux virtual environment in the CYBER.ORG Cyber Range to follow along with the presentation, and practice or test the commands as you read about them.
  3. The Lab – Linux 102 presentation will introduce advanced options and flags, searching for text strings using find and grep, changing file ownership and permissions, and gaining “super user” privileges with the sudo command, among other topics.
  4. We will work on this Lab today and tomorrow, and will conclude with a final Linux activity on Wednesday that will be due on Friday.
  5. As proof of completion of the Linux 102 Lab, upload a screenshot of the custom log commands you created on the syslog (On Your Own) slide, as verified by displaying the last 10 lines of the syslog (demonstrated in the presentation).

Assigned: August 29th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 30th, 2024



  • I can understand and agree to abide by the Computer Lab and Internet Usage Policy for the Center for Computer Studies measured by the returned signature page bearing my and my parents’ or guardian’s signatures, so that the classroom and network remains a safe and secure place for us to work, learn and play.


Lab Use Policy Presentation

Topics Discussed:

  • Proper use of school and network resources
  • Software Copying
  • Copyright
  • Software Privacy and Vandalism
  • Care of Equipment
  • Food and Drink Policy
  • Internet Usage Guidelines
  • Consequences of Policy Violation


  1. By now, you’ve been using computers in school long enough that you should have a pretty good handle on what is an acceptable use of computer equipment and the Internet, and what isn’t acceptable. Today’s presentation will eliminate any doubt or confusion as to what is and isn’t acceptable here in the lab.
  2. Watch the Usage Policy Presentation along with me, and feel free to ask any questions you may have on the policy.
  3. This policy is also outlined on the Plan for Success that you will receive soon. More details to follow.
  4. The policies make sure that this room remains a clean and functional place for everyone to live and learn in. We can’t get much accomplished in here unless everyone can agree to abide by them. If you can live with that, then we can move on to learning the good stuff.

Posted: August 8th, 2024



  • I can agree to abide by the class policies by reviewing the established policies and procedures to help ensure the classroom is a safe and fun place for everyone.



Topics Discussed:

  • Classroom Policies and Procedures
  • Computer Acceptable Use Policy


  1. Welcome back! Today we’re going to go over the class rules, or as I like to call them, the Policies and Procedures.
  2. Society’s based on policies and procedures. Without ’em, we’re no better than poo-flinging monkeys in the jungle. Humans agree to abide by laws so we can all get along and get things accomplished with a minimum of screaming, head-bashing and poo-flinging.
  3. The policies and procedures are pretty straightforward, and they’re all posted in the front of the room where you can see them at all times. They’re all really based on one simple thing: respect.
    1. I’m going to show you respect at all times in the classroom, and all I ask is that you return the favor.
    2. I also ask that you treat everyone else with respect, so that they can do the same for you.
    3. The chairs have wheels for a reason: if you need to scoot over to collaborate with a partner, that’s great. Don’t use them to scoot all over the room, and don’t get up and wander aimlessly. Move with purpose.
    4. Have respect for other people who are trying to get work done, and don’t bother them. Don’t steal anybody’s work (or stuff, for that matter).
    5. Treat my stuff and the school’s stuff with respect, so that it can stay in good shape for you and for everyone else. Let me know right away if anything is marked, damaged or missing so I can address it immediately.
    6. We’re going to have a lot of opportunities to critique the work of others in this class. Keep it respectful, positive and constructive, please. Don’t feel bad if someone else critiques your work, it’s only going to help you improve and get stronger.
    7. I’ve got a lot of cool stuff to teach you in this class. Please don’t make it any harder for me than it already is by disrupting my class, or making it harder for the people around you to pay attention.
    8. I promise not to come to your room and mess it up; can you do me the same courtesy? I’d appreciate it.
    9. Don’t leave the room without my permission. I need to know where you are at all times. If you need to leave the room, please sign out on the digital sign-out sheet provided.
    10. Read your Student Handbook! We all (you and me both) are required to abide by its policies, so it’s important to know exactly what those policies are so you don’t violate them unintentionally (Or intentionally!).
  4. Do any of the class policies seem strange? Like something you shouldn’t have to be asked not to do? Guess what: the reason that policy’s in place is because some knucklehead decided to be a creep and had to be told to stop. Please: Don’t be that guy.
  5. If you can agree to abide by these policies and procedures, then we can all get along. If there’s anything you feel like you can’t agree to here, let me know and we can talk it over.

Posted: August 7th, 2024

First Day Fall 2024 – Welcome to Networking and Cybersecurity!


  • I can prepare for success in the class by familiarizing myself with the classroom and introducing myself to the instructor and the other students in the classroom so I can more efficiently and effectively complete class activities and assignments.


Topics Discussed:

  • Networking
  • Cybersecurity
  • Room 225
  • Mister Marmolejo
  • Yourself!


Welcome to my classroom website for Networking and Cybersecurity! Frankly, I’m surprised you’re here – I’m not going to introduce this website to the rest of the class for another couple of days. I guess until then, it’ll be our little secret. This website will be your one-stop shop for all classroom assignments, announcements and materials pertaining to the class.

  1. Take a look around! I’ll explain everything here very soon.
  2. Tomorrow we’re going to do one of those “getting to know you” activities. I know, you’re probably going to do something like this in every class for the next few days. Don’t worry, I’ll do my best to make it fun.
  3. The fact that you even found this site shows you have a remarkably inquisitive and adventurous personality. Those qualities will serve you well here. When you meet me, mention the secret words “Stack Overflow“, and I’ll give you a prize. Don’t tell anyone else! It’s a secret to everybody.

Posted: August 5th, 2024


Objective: Demonstrate proficiency in IT Fundamentals through completion of a final comprehensive assessment.



  • Complete the TestOut IT Fundamentals Pro assessment provided in the TestOut Labsim Courseware by the end of the class period today.
  • This exam tests your foundational knowledge and ability to perform real-world tasks using operating systems, common PC hardware and software, basic networking, databases, programming, security and information systems.
  • Please put away all electronic devices, notes and other resources. Do not open any browser windows or tabs besides the TestOut Labsim Courseware. Please remain silent until the end of the testing session.
  • The exam contains up to 75 multiple-choice questions. Please carefully read all instructions and select the best answer from the available choices for each question.
  • You have fifty minutes to complete the test. You must submit your test answers before the end of the class period at 2:05pm.
  • Good luck, and do your best!

Posted: May 17th, 2024

IT Fundamentals+ Exam Prep – Day 2 –

CompTIA IT Fundamentals FC0-U61 Certification Practice Exam


Today we will continue with preparations for the CompTIA ITF+ Certification Exam by taking a Practice Exam.


Topics Discussed:

  • CompTIA IT Fundamentals FC0-U61 Certification Exam
  • Practice Exam


  1. Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
  2. Take the B.4 – CompTIA IT Fundamentals FC0-U61 Certification Practice Exam

Assigned: May 14th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: May 14th, 2024

AZ CS Standard: Computing Systems – HS.CS.T.1

IT Fundamentals+ Exam Prep – Day 1 – Secure Browser Download & Config


Today we will begin preparations for the CompTIA ITF+ Certification Exam. After finishing this section, you should be able to:

  • Create a test taker account with CompTIA.
  • Download and install the Secure Delivery Browser.
  • Download or receive a hard copy of the Parent/Guardian Consent Form for parental review and approval.


Topics Discussed:

  • Secure Delivery Browser
  • Parent/Guardian Consent Form


  1. Access the Client Proctored Exam – Student Guide posted in the Google Classroom Announcements Stream.
    • We will walk through the steps of the Guide today to prepare for the Monday, May 20th exam.
  2. Download or request a paper copy of the Parent/Guardian Consent Form, which must be returned with your parent/guardian’s signature before you can take the exam.
    • Please return the signed copy by Friday, May 17th.

Assigned: May 13th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: May 14th, 2024

AZ CS Standard: Computing Systems – HS.CS.T.1

IT Fundamentals, Section 9.6: Information System Careers – TestOut


This section describes common careers in information systems. After finishing this section, you should be able to:

  • Describe common careers in information systems, including project manager, systems analyst, and information systems manager.
  • Identify skills and educational requirements for information systems careers.


Key Terms:

  • Project Manager
  • Systems Analyst
  • Information Systems Manager

Topics Discussed:

  • How does the work of information systems professionals affect my daily life?
  • How can I prepare for a career in information systems?


  1. Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
  2. Study 9.6: Information System Careers and complete the 5 question Exam to complete the Section.

Assigned: May 10th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: May 13th, 2024

AZ CS Standard: Computing Systems – HS.CS.T.1