Compare and contrast different types of social engineering techniques.
See PowerPoint presentations: 1.1.8 Credential Harvesting.pptx, Lab – Credential Harvesting
Begin reading the 1.1.8 Credential Harvesting.pptx presentation. This lesson will introduce you to social engineering-based attacks designed to acquire login credentials from victims.
Next, begin the Lab – Credential Harvesting.pptx lab.Use the Social Engineering Toolkit to launch a phishing attack.
Play the victim, and upload a screenshot of the successful attack screen with the “GOT A HIT!” message to today’s Google Classroom assignment post to confirm completion of the lab.
Assigned: November 30th, 2021 Teacher Pacing Due Date: December 2nd, 2021
Objective: Compare and contrast basic cryptography concepts.
See PowerPoint presentation: Lab – Steganography
Begin reading and complete the lab in the Lab – Steganography.pptx presentation.
Turn in the resulting “image4.jpg” file with a message of your choice hidden in the image using the steghide app. Upload this image to today’s Google Classroom assignment post.
Please include the message/password along with your image so Mister can test it! We will use these images in Thursday’s class session. (So keep your messages classy!)
On Thursday, we will read the Case Study – Steganography document and be prepared to answer the questions at the end.
A Google Form will be provided to answer the Case Study questions Thursday afternoon. This will be the last assignment of this three-week grading period.
Assigned: November 16th, 2021 Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 18th, 2021
Given a scenario, analyze potential indicators to determine the type of attack.
Given a scenario, use the appropriate tool to assess organizational security.
See PowerPoint presentation: Lab – Brute Force Online.pptx
Read the Lab – Brute Force Online.pptx presentation.
Use your Kali Linux console at to follow along with the presentation and learn how to use a combination of Brute Force and a Dictionary-style attack to crack an online service’s password.
Continue through to the “Log into DVWA” slide. Take a screenshot of the DVWA login landing screen demonstrating that you have successfully logged in using the stolen credentials.
Upload this screenshot to today’s assignment post on our Google Classroom page to confirm completion of the lab.
Assigned: November 2nd, 2021 Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 4th, 2021
Given a scenario, analyze potential indicators to determine the type of attack.
Given a scenario, use the appropriate tool to assess organizational security.
See PowerPoint presentation: Lab – Dictionary Attack.pptx
Read the Lab – Dictionary Attack.pptx presentation.
Use your Kali Linux console at to follow along with the presentation and learn how to use Dictionary Attacks to crack passwords.
Continue through to the “Launch the Attack” slide. Take a screenshot of the cracked passwords as a result of the Dictionary attack.
Upload this screenshot to today’s assignment post on our Google Classroom page to confirm completion of the lab.
Assigned: November 1st, 2021 Teacher Pacing Due Date: November 3rd, 2021
Objective: Given a scenario, students will use appropriate software tools to assess the security posture of an organization.
See PowerPoint presentations: Lab – ifconfig.pptx & Lab – Traceroute.pptx
Begin reading the Lab – ifconfig.pptx & Lab – Traceroute.pptx. These lessons will provide practice with two very useful Linux networking command line tools.
Follow the instructions in each of the Lab presentations.
The Traceroute lab will ask questions that you will be required to answer in a form posted in the Google Classroom.
These labs are self paced, but do your best to complete them by the end of the day on Friday, September 17th.
Assigned: September 16th, 2021 Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 16th, 2021
Objective: Given a scenario, analyze indicators of compromise and determine the type of malware.
See PowerPoint presentation: Lab – Ransomware Attack
Complete the lab in the Lab – Ransomware Attack.pptx presentation.
This is an advanced lab that involves advanced Linux commands, software download/installation and working with a live Trojan Horse crypto-malware, so it is being presented as an extra credit opportunity.
To submit proof of completion for this lab, upload a screenshot of the activated Ransomware attack (with today’s date) to today’s Google Classroom post.
Assigned: May 6th, 2021 Teacher Pacing Due Date: May 7th, 2021
See PowerPoint presentation: Lab – Denial of Service
Read through the Lab – Denial of Service.pptx presentation.
You will need to activate both the Kali Linux virtual environment and the Windows 7 virtual environment simultaneously to successfully complete the lab activity.
DoS attack the Windows 7 machine! Confirm that it is shut down by the attack.
Submit a screenshot that shows your target “seems down” to today’s Google Classroom Assignment Post to demonstrate and receive credit for successful completion of this lab.
Assigned: May 4th, 2021 Teacher Pacing Due Date: May 5th, 2021
Read through the Lab – Phishing.pptx presentation.
I will walk you through the steps of this lab during today and tomorrow’s class sessions.
You will need to activate both the Kali Linux virtual environment and the Windows 7 virtual environment simultaneously to successfully complete the lab activity.
Submit a screenshot that shows you “GOT A HIT!” to today’s Google Classroom Assignment Post to demonstrate and receive credit for successful completion of this lab.
Assigned: April 21st, 2021 Teacher Pacing Due Date: April 22nd, 2021