Tag Archives: Fall 2024

CYBER.ORG: Networking Fundamentals – 1.1.1 OSI Model + 1.1.1 Activity – My OSI Mnemonic


Compare and contrast the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model layers and encapsulation concepts.


  • See PowerPoint presentation: 1.1.1 – OSI Model.pptx


  1. Begin reading the 1.1.1 – OSI Model.pptx presentation. This lesson will introduce you to the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, a tool to help you visualize how data moves in a network.
  2. Next, complete the 1.1.1 Activity – My IOS Mnemonic Assignment form posted in the Google Classroom.
  3. Please do your best to complete this activity by the end of the day on Friday, September 13th.

Assigned: September 12th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 13th, 2024

CYBER.ORG – 4.1.1 – Network Reconnaissance and Discovery Tools + Lab – ifconfig + Lab – Traceroute

Objective: Given a scenario, the student will use the appropriate
tool to assess organizational security.


  • See PowerPoint presentation: 4.1.1 – Network Reconnaissance and Discovery Tools.pptx


  1. Download and read the 4.1.1 – Network Reconnaissance and Discovery Tools presentation to get details about the many network discovery tools available within Kali Linux. This lesson includes a sampling of the most basic command line tools used in cybersecurity. This is not an exhaustive list, only a starting point.
  2. Next, read and follow the instructions in both of the Lab presentations. We will have plenty time to work on these labs in today’s class meeting.
  3. When you have completed both the labs, answer the questions in the Assignment form posted in the Google Classroom.
  4. These labs are self paced, but do your best to complete them by the end of the day on Thursday, September 12th.

Assigned: September 10th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 12th, 2024

CYBER.ORG – 4.1.3 – Shell and Script Environments

Objective: Given a scenario, the student will use the appropriate
tool to assess organizational security.


  • See PowerPoint presentation: 4.1.3 – Shell and Script Environments


  1. Download and read the 4.1.3. – Shell and Script Environments presentation to learn about what a shell is and what it does in Windows and Linux.
  2. We will be using the information in these presentations in a series of labs that will be issued later this week.

Assigned: September 9th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 9th, 2024

CYBER.ORG – Lab – Fun With Linux

Objective: Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security with an overview of computer networking fundamentals.

Topics Discussed:

APT Repository
redirection (with “|” pipe)
CTRL + C (break)
tar archive


  • PowerPoint presentation: Lab – Fun With Linux
  • PDF document: Linux Commands Cheat Sheet.pdf


  1. Begin reading the Lab – Fun With Linux presentation to have a little fun while practicing with commands in the Linux operating system.
  2. This lab will introduce you to the APT Repository, an open source collection of apps, games and utilities that can be downloaded and used in Linux for free.
  3. Notice that the games and utilities that you will encounter in today’s lab use many of the commands and techniques that we have been studying over the past week!
  4. To complete today’s Lab activity, upload a screenshot of your ASCII aquarium to today’s Google Classroom assignment post!
  5. Bonus: On today’s assignment post, you will find the promised Linux Commands Cheat Sheet! Download it, and use it in good health.

Assigned: September 4th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 5th, 2024



Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security with an overview of Linux fundamentals and advanced commands.

Topics Discussed:



  • See PowerPoint presentations: Lab – Linux 102


  1. Read the Lab – Linux 102 to review advanced Linux commands within the Linux operating system.
  2. Use the Terminal app in your Kali Linux virtual environment in the CYBER.ORG Cyber Range to follow along with the presentation, and practice or test the commands as you read about them.
  3. The Lab – Linux 102 presentation will introduce advanced options and flags, searching for text strings using find and grep, changing file ownership and permissions, and gaining “super user” privileges with the sudo command, among other topics.
  4. We will work on this Lab today and tomorrow, and will conclude with a final Linux activity on Wednesday that will be due on Friday.
  5. As proof of completion of the Linux 102 Lab, upload a screenshot of the custom log commands you created on the syslog (On Your Own) slide, as verified by displaying the last 10 lines of the syslog (demonstrated in the presentation).

Assigned: August 29th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 30th, 2024



Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security with an overview of Linux fundamentals and advanced commands.


  • See PowerPoint presentations: Lab – Linux 101


  1. Read the Lab – Linux 101 to review fundamental Linux commands within the Linux operating system.
  2. Use the Terminal app in your Kali Linux virtual environment in the CYBER.ORG Cyber Range to follow along with the presentations, and practice or test the commands as you read about them.
  3. Begin reading the Lab – Linux 101 presentation to study the fundamentals of the Linux operating system. I will show you how to do some of the steps (Watch) and we will do some of the steps together (Together). Then, you will need to follow the steps listed on each “On Your Own” slide, being careful not to skip any steps.
  4. To demonstrate completion of this assignment, upload two screenshots: The first of the Terminal window from slide 24 that shows the results of the rm -rf command, and the second of the Terminal window displaying the results of the -v option when used with both of the directory commands introduced on slide 36 of the Lab presentation.

Assigned: August 20th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 21st, 2024


Objective: Demonstrate prior knowledge in Cybersecurity Principles through completion of a pre-test assessment.


  • None


Assigned: August 19th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 19th, 2024



Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security by connecting to the CYBER.ORG Cyber Range.



  1. Today, you will receive your login information for the CYBER.ORG Cyber Range at https://apps.cyber.org.
  2. A cyber range is a virtual lab environment where students are able to simulate cybersecurity scenarios in a safe, protected online environment as they explore the back end of IT systems used by today’s industries.
  3. Check your Teams for your username/password, and use it to log into the Cyber Range. You will use the Cyber Range to complete the Lab Activities and Case Study assignments throughout this course.
  4. Please see Mister Marmolejo if you encounter any difficulties connecting to or logging into the Cyber Range.
  5. We will begin using the Cyber Range with our first Lab Activity exploring the Linux Command Line Interface on Monday.

Assigned: August 16th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 16th, 2024



I can log into my Haydenmagnet.org Google Account with the login information provided to me and turn in an assignment using Google Classroom, so that I can successfully hand in assignments throughout the school year.

Google Apps for Carl Hayden: https://www.haydenmagnet.org

Topics Discussed:

  • Haydenmagnet.org
  • Google Drive
  • Google Classroom


  • Open a Chrome browser and visit the Google website.
  • Click the blue Sign In button in the upper right corner.
  • Sign in with the Haydenmagnet.org account provided to you in your Computer Fundamentals or other Computer Science class. If you do not remember your username or password from this account, or if you never took Computer Fundamentals or Computer Science, please see Mister Marmolejo to get your account information.
  • Once you are logged in, click on the “waffle” icon in the upper right corner and choose “Drive” from the list of Google Apps to access Google Drive. Here you will have access to the most useful Google Apps: Document, Presentation, Spreadsheet, Form and Drawing.
  • Click on the blue New button on the left hand side, and create a new Google Doc.
  • In this document, write a couple of sentences to tell me about the most interesting thing you’ve learned during our past week and a half together. It can be anything you learned in this class: something about the room, about the class itself, about me or another member of the class, etc. Add a couple more sentences about what you’re interested in learning about CyberSecurity (techniques, cyberthreats and how to handle them, cryptography, all of the above). If you don’t know specifically what you want to learn, just type a few sentences that let me know that you’ve got an open mind.
  • When you are finished, click the words “Untitled Document” in the upper left corner, and give this document a proper name.
  • Open a new Window or Tab in Chrome and navigate to https://classroom.google.com.
  • You should be able to join the Classroom using the code provided in class. If you did not receive the code, please see Mr. Marmolejo.
  • Look over the introduction post and the current assignment. This is where you will turn in the Google Doc you just created.
  • Attach the Google Doc to today’s assignment and submit it using Google Classroom by tomorrow.
  • If you have any questions, my email address is mi.marmolejo@haydenmagnet.org.

Assigned: August 15th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 16th, 2024



  • I can effectively navigate the Macintosh OS, and change my desktop wallpaper, mouse settings and desktop settings using the System Preferences so I can customize and configure my Mac workspace to suit my preferences.


MacOS Ventura Basics: https://www.apple.com/business/enterprise/docs/resources/Employee_Starter_Guide-Mac_Basics-macOS_Ventura.pdf

Topics Discussed:

  • MacOS Ventura
  • Desktop
  • Menu Bar
  • System Preferences
  • Mouse
  • Dock
  • Icons
  • Finder
  • Trash
  • Launchpad
  • Documents
  • Finder Window
  • Finder Window Views
  • Safari
  • Google Image Search
  • Resolution


  1. Today we’ll begin our introduction to the Macintosh operating system.
  2. Follow along with the in-class demonstrations to learn how to:
    • Log in using your newly created network account.
    • Navigate through the MacOS Ventura operating system.
    • Identify and use items on the desktop, including the Finder, application icons, the menu bar, the dock, the trash and the Launchpad.
    • Use the System Preferences panel to adjust your Desktop wallpaper and your Mouse settings (enable right click).
    • Open a new Finder window and navigate to your Documents folder to store files and folders.
    • Use the Finder window to view files and folders in different ways.
    • Adjust the Finder Preferences to see all items on the desktop.
    • Use Chrome to browse the web
    • Locate and bookmark the class website (https://cgd.mistermarmolejo.com).
  3. Use Google Image Search to find an appropriate image to personalize your desktop. (Keep it classy!)
    • Use the Search Tools underneath the search bar to search for Large images with higher resolutions for the best results.
    • Remember: for the image to look good on your desktop, it has to have a minimum horizontal resolution of 1920 pixels!

Posted: August 14th, 2024