Tag Archives: Cyber Security

Cyber Security Boot Camp – Day 2: The Linux CLI – Spring 2021

Objective:  Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security and information security techniques, technologies and methodologies.


Topics Discussed:

  • Linux
  • GUI
  • CLI
  • Shell
  • bash
  • Prompt
  • Input/Output


  1. Load  the Linux Journey website, and navigate to the Command Line instruction module.
  2. Today we will walk through the Command Line online instruction module together, investigating a number of important commands used to navigate and perform actions within the Linux shell.
  3. Visit JSLinux to see a fully-featured Linux shell running a JavaScript-based emulator. This also provides us a very useful platform for practicing CLI commands.
  4. Input the commands described in the module, and observe their output:
    1. echo
    2. pwd
    3. cd
    4. ls
    5. touch
    6. file
    7. cat
    8. less
    9. history
    10. cp
    11. mv
    12. mkdir
    13. rm
    14. find
    15. help
    16. man
    17. whatis
    18. alias
    19. exit
  5. Once you’ve got the hang of these basics, we’ll explore more complex commands in tomorrow’s module. Be prepared to use these commands in a brief Check for Understanding quiz on Friday.

Assigned: January 14th, 2021
Teacher Pacing Due Date: January 15th, 2021

National Cyber League Resources: Hacksplaining


Students will begin preparing for competition in the National Cyber League by familiarizing themselves with known vulnerabilities faced by software developers.


Topics Discussed:

  • Cyber Security
  • NIST
  • National Vulnerability Database
  • CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) Database


  1. Visit the Hacksplaining website and create a login using your haydenmagnet.org email account.
  2. Hacksplaining offers hands-on interactive simulations of hacks that exploit known vulnerabilities in many widely used applications and programming languages.
  3. Each module contains three parts: Exercise, Prevention and Quiz. Complete the exercise to see how the hack is performed. Review the prevention information to learn more about the exploited vulnerability and effective methods of protection. Complete the quiz to confirm your understanding and complete the module.
  4. Take a screenshot of your passing quiz grade for each module to provide verification that you have completed the module. Save all these screenshots in a folder, as you will need to submit them in a Google Doc to receive credit for this project.
  5. There are twenty-five modules in total. You have this week and next week to complete all the modules.
  6. Submit a Google Doc containing screenshots of your passing grades for all 25 module quizzes to today’s Google Classroom assignment post by end of day on Friday, March 29th.

Assigned: March 19th, 2019
Teacher Pacing Due Date: March 29th, 2019

Cyber Security Boot Camp – Week 2: Webminal Continued


Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security and information security techniques, technologies and methodologies.


Topics Discussed:

  • Linux
  • GUI
  • CLI
  • Shell
  • bash
  • Prompt
  • Input/Output
  1. Visit Webminal.org, and use the account you created last week to log in.
  2. Continue with the tutorials available in the right column. By now you should have completed Lessons 1 through 3, and be ready to proceed with Lesson 4 today. Stay on pace to have Lesson 5 completed by Wednesday. We will proceed to the VIMTutor text editor practice on Thursday of this week.
Assigned: January 14th, 2019
Teacher Pacing Due Date: January 16th, 2019

Cyber Security Boot Camp – Day 3: Webminal


Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security and information security techniques, technologies and methodologies.


Topics Discussed:

  • Linux
  • GUI
  • CLI
  • Shell
  • bash
  • Prompt
  • Input/Output
  1. Visit Webminal.org, and create an account using your haydenmagnet.org email address.
  2. Continue exploring the Linux command line, using the command descriptions and tutorials available on the Webminal site.
Assigned: January 9th, 2019
Teacher Pacing Due Date: January 10th, 2019

Cyber Security Boot Camp – Day 2: The Linux CLI

Objective:  Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security and information security techniques, technologies and methodologies.
Topics Discussed:

  • Linux
  • GUI
  • CLI
  • Shell
  • bash
  • Prompt
  • Input/Output
  1. Load  the Linux Journey website, and navigate to the Command Line instruction module.
  2. Today we will walk through the Command Line online instruction module together, investigating a number of important commands used to navigate and perform actions within the Linux shell.
  3. Visit JSLinux to see a fully-featured Linux shell running a JavaScript-based emulator. This also provides us a very useful platform for practicing CLI commands.
  4. Input the commands described in the module, and observe their output:
    1. echo
    2. pwd
    3. cd
    4. ls
    5. touch
    6. file
    7. cat
    8. less
    9. history
    10. cp
    11. mv
    12. mkdir
    13. rm
    14. find
    15. help
    16. man
    17. whatis
    18. alias
    19. exit
  5. Once you’ve got the hang of these basics, we’ll explore more complex commands in tomorrow’s module.
Assigned: January 8th, 2019
Teacher Pacing Due Date: January 9th, 2019

Cyber Security Boot Camp – Day 1: Beginning the Linux Journey


Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security and information security techniques, technologies and methodologies.


Topics Discussed:

  • Curriculum Overview
  • Cyber Security
  • Linux
  • Linux History
  • GNU
  • GPL
  • Linux Distributions
  • Linux Kernel
  • Package Management
  • Rolling Release
  • Branches
  • Advantages/Disadvantages of Linux
  1. Visit the Arizona Cyber Warfare Range website. The AZCWR is a live fire cyber warfare range created to further the development of cyber security and information security skills for those who wish to develop such skills. Our goal this semester is to become proficient enough to tackle the challenges presented by the Cyber Warfare Range.
  2. Take a look at the Learning Resources page on the AZCWR website. These are the resources recommended by the AZCWR to gain the skills needed to take on the range, and these will form the backbone of our training this semester.
  3. The first step is to gain proficiency in Linux, as by its own admission, close to 100% of everything the AZCWR (and by extension, a large portion of systems that run the Internet) is done in Linux.
  4. We will begin by visiting the Linux Journey website, and we will walk through the online instruction modules together, learning about the history of Linux, and working our way through a few of the various distributions of Linux, noting the unique features of each and exploring the advantages and disadvantages presented by each flavor of Linux.
  5. Tomorrow, we will begin working with the Command Line Interface in Linux, and investigate a few important commands.
Assigned: January 7th, 2019
Teacher Pacing Due Date: January 8th, 2019

National Cyber League Resources: Cryptography Links


Decode Ingress – A list of tools that can help you with decoding  passcodes, originally provided for use with the AR game Ingress. Tools for text manipulating, basic conversions like text to ASCII, HEX to Base64. Tools to decipher Morse code.  Good Image exif info grabbers, and image editing tools for Steganography puzzles (messages hidden in digital images). A range of great info and tools about various ciphers, and their implementations.

Tools for Noobs: Online Decryption Tool – Decrypts a string using various algorithms (e.g. Blowfish, DES, TripleDES, Enigma).

Rumkin Deciphering Tools – This is a page dedicated to simple text manipulation tools, which all can be replicated with just paper and pencil. An amazing resource for deciphering methods, including many that we will definitely encounter in NCL puzzles (Atbash, Railfence and Vigenere).

MD5hashing.net Encryption and Decryption – At md5hashing.net you can hash (encrypt) any string into 66 different hash types. As you probably know – decryption of any hash is impossible, but they offer reverse decryption via our database (~1000M records, and counting).

Splitbrain.org Encoding/Decoding Tools This tool helps you to quickly run some text through various different encoding/decoding functions available in PHP. Great for a lot of different decoding possibilities rapidly

CodeBeautify.org Encryption/Decryption Tool – A nice, clean tool for decrypting codes that you know the key for, or encrypting codes with your own original key.

SQLite Viewer for Chrome – Chrome plugin for viewing SQLite databases in your browser. Allows opening and editing of SQLite databases without requiring admin access to install.

National Cyber League Week 1: Gym Training


Students will begin preparing for competition in the National Cyber League by familiarizing themselves with the competition rules and procedures through training in the NCL Gym.


Topics Discussed:

  • Cyber Security
  • National Cyber League
  • NCL Spring Season
  • Preseason
  • Regular Season
  • Postseason
  1. The NCL Gym is open now. The NCL Gym provides practice challenges to help prepare players for Preseason, Regular Season and Postseason. While practicing in the NCL Gym, access the solutions guide to receive step-by-step instructions to help you understand the more difficult challenges.
  2. Log into the Gym
  3. Read the FAQ – you need to know the NCL lingo
  4. Mark your calendars with the following important NCL Preseason and Regular season dates:
    1. 3/30 – 5/25: Gym Training
    2. 4/4 – 4/10: Preseason Game
    3. 4/13 – 4/15: Regular season Game
    4. 4/27 – 4/29: Postseason Game

The First Game: Preseason Play
The Preseason is a week-long mandatory game. You must participate in the Preseason in order to receive an NCL Scouting Report. The Preseason gameplay starts at 1:00 p.m. ET on April 4th and ends at 9:00 p.m. ET on April 10th.

There are lots of preparatory materials available. Also, be sure to read about the Bracketing system, which the Preseason game determines, as well as the Ethical Behavior/Rules of Conduct.

Assigned: April 2nd, 2018
Teacher Pacing Due Date: April 4th, 2018

Cyber Warfare Boot Camp – Week 7: Wireshark Packet Analysis


Students will continue preparing for proficiency in cyber security with an introduction to the basics of packet analysis in the Wireshark application.


Topics Discussed:

  • Kali Linux
  • Wireshark
  • Packet Analysis
  • Wireshark Configuration
  1. Today we are going to start working with Wireshark – a powerful packet collection and analysis tool that is free to download and pre-installed in the Kali Linux distribution.
  2. Watch Hansang Bee’s Intro and About the Wireshark Environment video to get a basic idea of how the Wireshark interface works, and a few tips on how you can configure the Wireshark GUI to meet your specific needs and preferences.
  3. We will be using this and other videos to gain a familiarity with the Wireshark environment, and look at the methods and construction of network packets, so we can begin to develop “the eye” for packet formation and transmission anomalies.
Assigned: February 28th, 2018
Teacher Pacing Due Date: March 2nd, 2018