Students will continue to train in the NCL Gym to enhance their understanding of Cybersecurity principles and to assist in preparing for next year’s competition.
Topics Discussed:
- Cyber Security
- National Cyber League
- NCL Spring Season
- Regular Season
- NCL Gym Training
- The Regular Season Game is complete, and while not everyone put as much effort into the game as I hoped, we do have some solid performances to celebrate. As expected, this was a learning experience for everyone, especially myself. This week we’ll discuss the competition, how each player performed, and what lessons we can take from our experience in the NCL competition.
- This week, we will continue our training in the Gym to learn more about Cybersecurity principles, and to prepare returning Net/Op students for competition in the NCL 2018 Fall Season.
- Many of the exercises required tools that we did not have immediate access to. We will use the continued Gym training to determine what tools we need access to, acquire, install and implement them for use in future NCL competitions.
- It is expected that everyone will complete all the Gym exercises by May 11th. This will allow for us to prepare for the end-of-course final exam over the week of May 14th. You will receive credit for completion of the exercises, as well as points earned, so continue working in the Gym, regardless of how much (or how little) you have already completed.
- The final exam will be held on May 18th. It is a 100 question multiple choice quiz covering all of the chapters studied during the first half of the course. We will review this material the week of the 14th.
Teacher Pacing Due Date: April 20th, 2018