Students will begin preparing for CyberSecurity careers by familiarizing themselves with known vulnerabilities faced by software developers.
Topics Discussed:
- Cyber Security
- National Vulnerability Database
- CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) Database
- Visit the Hacksplaining website and create a login using your haydenmagnet.org email account.
- Hacksplaining offers hands-on interactive simulations of hacks that exploit known vulnerabilities in many widely used applications and programming languages.
- Each module contains three parts: Exercise, Prevention and Quiz. Complete the exercise to see how the hack is performed. Review the prevention information to learn more about the exploited vulnerability and effective methods of protection. Complete the quiz to confirm your understanding and complete the module.
- Take a screenshot of your passing quiz grade for each module to provide verification that you have completed the module. Save all these screenshots in a folder, as you will need to submit them in a Google Doc to receive credit for this project.
- There are twenty-five modules in total. You have this week and next week to complete all the modules.
- Submit a Google Doc containing screenshots of your passing grades for all 25 module quizzes to today’s Google Classroom assignment post by end of day on Friday, February 10th.
Assigned: January 31st, 2023
Teacher Pacing Due Date: February 10th, 2023