Objective: Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security with an overview of relevant domestic and international laws so they can conduct cybersecurity operations within the boundaries of domestic and international law.
- Read the PowerPoint presentation: Appendix C – Federal Laws.pptx
- Cyber Law Quiz
- Visit the Google Classroom page to download and read the Cyber Laws.pptx presentation to learn about the domestic and international laws related to cybersecurity that we will discuss in class today.
- Download and read the Case Study – Cyber Law.pdf document. We will be completing a Case Study activity to collect our thoughts on the issues raised by the incident discussed in the article.
- The class will conclude with a brief Check for Understanding quiz to confirm your understanding of the laws and regulations that pertain to the cyber security profession.
Assigned: August 31st, 2021
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 2nd, 2021