Cyber Warfare Boot Camp – Day 2: The Linux CLI


Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security and information security techniques, technologies and methodologies.


Topics Discussed:

  • Linux
  • GUI
  • CLI
  • Shell
  • bash
  • Prompt
  • Input/Output
  1. Load  the Linux Journey website, and navigate to the Command Line instruction module.
  2. Today we will walk through the Command Line online instruction module together, investigating a number of important commands used to navigate and perform actions within the Linux shell.
  3. Visit JSLinux to see a fully-featured Linux shell running a JavaScript-based emulator. This also provides us a very useful platform for practicing CLI commands.
  4. Input the commands described in the module, and observe their output:
    1. echo
    2. pwd
    3. cd
    4. ls
    5. touch
    6. file
    7. cat
    8. less
    9. history
    10. cp
    11. mv
    12. mkdir
    13. rm
    14. find
    15. help
    16. man
    17. whatis
    18. alias
    19. exit
  5. Once you’ve got the hang of these basics, we’ll explore more complex commands in tomorrow’s module.
Assigned: January 9th, 2018
Teacher Pacing Due Date: January 10th, 2018