Wireless Networking – DIY Directional Antennas Project: Revision Phase and Final Testing


I can demonstrate my understanding of computer networks, network operating systems and wireless networking by assembling a directional antenna with the intent of establishing and sustaining a 2.4 GHz wireless signal at a distance of greater than 100 yards.


Do It Yourself Wireless Antenna (Pringles Can Yagi): https://www.binarywolf.com/249/pringles_cantenna.htm

How to Build a Tin Can Waveguide WiFi Antenna: https://www.turnpoint.net/wireless/cantennahowto.html

802.11b Homebrew Wi-Fi Antenna Shootout: https://www.turnpoint.net/wireless/has.html

DIY Bi-Quad Directional Wi-Fi Antenna: https://lifehacker.com/5964111/diy-wi-fi-antenna-cheaply-extends-your-wireless-network

Build a Directional Wi-Fi Antenna from Kitchen Gear and a Baby Bottle: https://lifehacker.com/build-a-directional-wi-fi-antenna-from-kitchen-gear-and-1686173362

$10 Wi-Fi 16dBi Super Antenna: https://www.instructables.com/id/10–WIFI-16dBi-Super-Antenna-Pictorial/

Topics Discussed:

Wireless Networking
802.11 Wi-Fi spec
Directional Antennas
Waveguide Antenna
Yagi Antenna
Flickenger design Antenna


Today, we will begin the final revision phase of our directional antenna project. Last week, two teams tied with equivalent dB gain readings on our test receiver router, but only one can win! Remember that the goal is to sustain a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi signal over a minimum distance of 100 yards (300 ft or ~92m) and the winner will be the one who sustains the highest (negative) dB reading and signal quality over the longest distance.

We will conduct final tests the week of February 21st (Monday the 20th is a holiday!). To be considered a success (and receive credit for the project), your antenna design must be able to sustain at least a one-bar wireless signal over a 100 yard distance (the length of the football field). If your team is not present for the final test or you do not have a working antenna to test on Tuesday, February 21st, you will receive a zero on the second half of this project without the opportunity for make-up. (We’re only going out to the field once.)

Reminder: The team (or individual) that produces the antenna that can reliably sustain the highest gain signal over the longest distance will receive a personal pizza and wings party, to be held while everyone else writes a four paragraph personal reflection describing their participation in this project.

Good luck, and remember: Your antenna doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be better than everyone else’s.

Posted: February 13th, 2017
Due Date: February 17th, 2017