Students will participate in the Hour of Code Day coding activity and complete an hour of basic computer programming.
Student-Friendly Learning Target:
I can complete an hour of computer code.
Topics Discussed:
- Computer Science
- Computer Programming
- Hour of Code Day
The Center for Computer Studies at Carl Hayden High School is proud to participate in the annual Hour of Code activity. The Hour of Code is a global movement that promotes participation in Computer Science by showing that anybody can learn the basics of computer programming.
To begin your Hour of Code, check out the Hayden’s Hour of Code post on the Hayden Hub website:
The “All Ages” activities might be a little too easy for your skill level, but if you absolutely must do the Minecraft tutorial, or Code with Anna and Elsa, then by all means, do so.
Those seeking a little more challenge should scroll down to the “Partner tutorials in other programming languages” option. The “CodeCombat” and “Build an iPhone game in your browser” tutorials are particularly recommended.
When you’re finished, you’ll be able to print a certificate showing you did an Hour of Code. Turn in the certificate to me by the end of the class period, and make sure to click the “I did an hour of code activity form” link at the bottom of the Hayden Hub page to let us know that you participated in the Hour of Code activities.
Thanks for participating in the Hour of Code Day!
Assigned: December 11th, 2015
Due: December 11th, 2015