Network+, Lesson 4.5: IP Version 6  – TestOut

Exam Objectives Covered: 

  • 1.8 Summarize evolving use cases for modern network environments.  



The previous topics focused on IP version 4 (IPv4), which is still the mainstream version of the protocol. In this topic, you will explain IP version 6 (IPv6) addressing. As a network professional, you should be aware of the limitations of IPv4 and the increasing adoption of IPv6. You need to understand the characteristics of IPv6, as well as how it can interoperate with existing IPv4 implementations. 

Text Lessons:

  • 4.5.2 IPv6 Address Format 
  • 4.5.3 IPv6 Network Prefixes 
  • 4.5.4 IPv6 Unicast Addressing 
  • 4.5.6 IPv6 Multicast and Anycast Addressing 
  • 4.5.7 IPv4 and IPv6 Transition Mechanisms 
  • 4.5.8 Common IPv6 Address Prefixes 

Text and Video Lessons:

  • 4.5.1 IPv4 vs IPv6 (2:51 minutes) 
  • 4.5.5 IPv6 Link Local Addressing (9:31 minutes)  


  • 4.5.9 Lab: Configure an IPv6 Address   


  • 4.5.10 Lesson Review (15 questions)   

Topics Discussed:

  • Why is IPv6 needed? 
  • What is the format of an IPv6 address? 
  • How can an IPv6 address be simplified? 
  • What are the two parts of an IPv6 address? 
  • What allows IPv6 hosts to communicate over an IPv4 network 


  1. Access the TestOut Courseware through the provided link.
  2. Study Lesson 4.5: IP Version 6, and complete the 4.5.9 Lab: Configure an IPv6 Address , and the 15 question 4.5.10 Lesson Review Exam to complete the Section.

Assigned: March 5th, 2025
Teacher Pacing Due Date: March 7th, 2025