CYBER.ORG: Networking Fundamentals – 1.2.1 – Network Topologies & 1.2.1 – Activity – Network Topologies with String


Compare and contrast the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model layers and encapsulation concepts.


  • See PowerPoint presentation: 1.2.1 – Network Topologies.pptx


  1. Begin reading the 1.2.1 – Network Topologies.pptx presentation. This lesson will introduce you to the characteristics of network topologies and network types..
  2. Next, complete the 1.2.1 – Activity – Network Topologies with String activity in class today. Mister will provide the materials and explanation.
  3. Finally, complete the CYBER.ORG – Network Topologies Discussion Questions form posted in the Google Classroom. You may turn this in as a group, just make sure all your group members’ names are listed in the Names: line of the form.

Assigned: September 18th, 2024
Teacher Pacing Due Date: September 19th, 2024