Students will begin preparing for proficiency in cyber security by connecting to the CYBER.ORG Cyber Range.
- Today, you will receive your login information for the CYBER.ORG Cyber Range at https://apps.cyber.org.
- A cyber range is a virtual lab environment where students are able to simulate cybersecurity scenarios in a safe, protected online environment as they explore the back end of IT systems used by today’s industries.
- Check your Teams for your username/password, and use it to log into the Cyber Range. You will use the Cyber Range to complete the Lab Activities and Case Study assignments throughout this course.
- Please see Mister Marmolejo if you encounter any difficulties connecting to or logging into the Cyber Range.
- We will begin using the Cyber Range with our first Lab Activity exploring the Linux Command Line Interface this Tuesday, following the I-Day scheduled on Monday.
Assigned: August 18th, 2023
Teacher Pacing Due Date: August 18th, 2023