CYBER.ORG – 1.2.11 – Password Attacks & 4.17 – Password Cracking Tools; Brute Force – Offline Lab


Given a scenario, analyze potential indicators to
determine the type of attack.

Given a scenario, use the appropriate tool to assess
organizational security


  • See PowerPoint presentations: 1.2.11 Password Attacks.pptx, 4.1.7 Password Cracking Tools, Lab – Brute Force – Offline


  1. Begin reading the 1.2.11 Password Attacks.pptx presentation. This lesson will introduce you to different types of password attacks.
  2. Next, read the 4.1.7 Password Cracking Tools presentation. This lesson will introduce you to readily accessible tools used to crack passwords.
  3. Next, begin the Lab – Brute Force – Offline.pptx lab.
  4. Use what you learned in today’s lab to crack the hashes downloaded from github, and post a screenshot of the cracked hashes to today’s Assignment Post in our Google Classroom.
  5. Please do your best to complete this Case Study by the end of the day on Tuesday, October 26th. We will start a new lab featuring additional password cracking techniques on Thursday.

Assigned: October 26th, 2021
Teacher Pacing Due Date: October 28th, 2021