CYBER.ORG – 2.8.1 – Hashing and Digital Signatures & 2.8.2 – Elliptic Curves and Perfect Forward Secrecy


Summarize the basics of cryptographic concepts.


  • See PowerPoint presentations: 2.8.1 – Hashing and Digital Signatures.pptx, 2.8.2 – Elliptic Curves and Perfect Forward Secrecy.pptx


  1. Read the 2.8.1 – Hashing and Digital Signatures.pptx presentation. This lesson will introduce you to Cryptography, Hashing and Digital Signatures and their importance in data encryption and validation.
  2. Next, read the 2.8.2 – Elliptic Curves and Perfect Forward Secrecy.pptx presentation. This lesson will introduce you to advanced encryption methodologies.
  3. Please read through both of these by the end of the day on Monday, October 18th to prepare for the Passwords lab on Tuesday, October 19th.

Assigned: October 18th, 2021
Teacher Pacing Due Date: October 19th, 2021