Cyber Warfare Boot Camp – Week 3: Webminal and VIM Tutor


Students will continue preparing for proficiency in cyber security by completing a tutorial on the VIM Text Editor application within the Linux Command Line Interface.


Topics Discussed:

  • Linux
  • GUI
  • CLI
  • Shell
  • bash
  • Prompt
  • Input/Output
  • VIM text editor


  1. Visit, and log in using the account that you created last week.
  2. By now you should have completed lessons 1 through 5, and should have a basic understanding of how to navigate, create and manipulate files and directories, and manipulate system processes within the Linux CLI.
  3. This week, we are going to further investigate the manipulation of text files within the Linux CLI by using the first of two very popular text editors built into Linux: VIM
  4. Log into and type “vimtutor” at the command prompt.
  5. Complete the VIM Tutorial. There are seven lessons in the tutorial, and upon completion, you should have a basic understanding of how to create, edit and save files, as well as get additional help in VIM.
  6. You should be able to complete the seven lessons by the end of this week. Pace yourself accordingly.

Assigned: January 22nd, 2019
Teacher Pacing Due Date: January 25th, 2019