Cyber Warfare Boot Camp – Week 5: Network Config in the Linux CLI


Students will continue preparing for proficiency in cyber security by reviewing networking fundamentals.


Topics Discussed:

  • Network Basics
  • OSI Model
  • TCP/IP Model
  • Network Addressing
  • Network Configuration
  • Network Interfaces
  • Network Manager
  • route Command
  • dhclient Command
  • ARP
  1. Visit the Linux Journey website and scroll down to the “Networking Nomad” section. Click on the “Network Config” item.
  2. Network Configuration is how you set up your network. In Windows, much of this is done for you by the OS. Linux will do this for you if you want it to, but if you want to get hands-on with the interfaces and routing options, then there are many tools within the CLI that will let you do so.
  3. Read through the module to discover how to view and manipulate network interfaces, routing tables, DHCP leases, ARP caches and view network settings using the Network Manager tool.
  4. Don’t forget to get signed out for Advisory tomorrow to participate in the AZ Cyber Warfare Range hacking activity with David Hernandez! It’s going to be a 90 minute activity, so you’ll want to get started during Advisory to participate in the whole thing!
Assigned: February 14th, 2018
Teacher Pacing Due Date: February 15th, 2018